
Chapter 531 The Elite and the Forest of Steles

When a group of combat lunatics meets a combat pervert, the consequences are very obvious.

In just a few breaths, seven Mahayana cultivators who were placed on the Profound Sky Plane, who were strong enough to compete with ordinary celestial beings, were beaten to the ground by Luo Tian, ​​a peerless murderer, and all of them were seriously injured.

"how can that be!"

"How could his physical body be stronger than ours, almost on par with those perverts!"

"Impossible! Only with the blood of the ancient inheritance flowing in the body can we reach our level!"

"Shut up for me."

Luo Tian imitated the expression and posture of the robber fairy, and said lazily, "Now, I will start to ask questions. If your answer dissatisfies me, I will kill you. Do you understand?" ?”


Unexpectedly, as soon as Luo Tian opened his mouth, the seven monks whose noses and faces were bruised and swollen by Luo Tian laughed, some even burst into tears.

"Is it funny? Huh?"

With a flash, Luo Tian flew directly in front of a cultivator, grabbed his neck with one hand, exerted a little force, and the cultivator's neck made a soft cracking sound, "Could it be that you think I dare not ?”

"Hoo... woo... oh, foreign...outsider, you can do whatever you want, you can't kill me on the seventh floor of Xuanhuang Mystic Realm! Ha...ha..." The monk let out a muffled intermittent voice.

The seventh floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm!

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, and he was so shocked that he had reached the seventh floor of Xuanhuang Mystery Realm.Didn't Fang Lao say that all monks who enter the seventh floor of Xuanhuang Mystic Realm will be obliterated?

With a slight tremor of the wrist, Luo Tian sent several gravity waves from his hand, continuously impacting his whole body along the monk's neck, his whole body trembled like a shrimp, and all the bones and meridians in his body were swayed by Luo Tian. The strength of the sky is really broken inch by inch.

This method of transporting power, which is like waves attacking one after another, was also comprehended by Luo Tian after these days of fierce battles, and it is extremely powerful.

The six people next to him watched Luo Tian attack his companions, all of them were indifferent, with a look of indifference.

Soon, a shocking scene happened!

The original monk who was almost crippled by Luo Tian suddenly had a layer of lavender light on his body, repairing his damaged body at a speed discernible to the naked eye, and after a while, most of his body recovered.

"How could this be?"

Luo Tian couldn't help but feel dizzy. Could it be that these guys are immortal, or it's because... this is the seventh floor of Xuanhuang Mystery Realm!That lavender light also looks very familiar!

and many more!

Luo Tian finally thought of the key point, the aura of this lavender light and the light in the four, five or six mysterious gaps is almost exactly the same.

Thinking of this, Luo Tian immediately drove the Zhitian Wings. Sure enough, as soon as the Zhitian Wings were opened, an inexplicable suction force was generated on them, and began to absorb the lavender light from the monk's body in front of him for refining.

"Ah! You can devour my divine light of regeneration, who are you!" The monk couldn't help howling, the lavender light on his body was absorbed by Luo Tian, ​​and the recovery speed of the injury was all of a sudden become extremely slow.

"This outsider is so terrifying!"


Luo Tian sneered again and again, just moved a few times, and threw back the remaining six monks who had fled in several directions, and at the same time rotated to the sky feathers, absorbing most of the lavender light on their bodies.

The seven monks looked at Luo Tian as if they saw a devil, no, a demon god who was several times more terrifying than a devil.They never imagined that even the supreme adults would take a long time to get rid of the divine light of regeneration, and this outsider in front of them could devour and refine it without any scruples!Never before have they felt so close to death.

"It's just a few questions I need to answer. You don't want to die, do you?" Luo Tian snapped his fingers leisurely and said lazily.


"Outsider, you treacherous fellow, you said you would let us go!"

"Outsider, you bastard, you will be punished!"


Moments later, the old god Luo Tian was on the ground driving Zhitian Wings and flew forward. He had already obtained some information he wanted to know, so he drove Zhitian Wings to use the regeneration divine light on the seven monks. Ninety-ninety percent of them were swallowed up, and these seven guys would not die with the last bit of regeneration divine light, but they needed at least a armor to recover from their injuries.

"The seventh floor of Xuanhuang Mystic Realm!" Luo Tian was secretly excited while flying, "I didn't expect that I would enter the seventh floor of Xuanhuang Mystic Realm without any injuries. Fang Lao wouldn't just shoot the target indiscriminately. Could it be because of the sky's wings?"

However, what made Luo Tian even more excited was that he originally thought that the Zhitian Wing had broken through to a middle-grade fairy weapon, which was already very good. If he wanted to improve its essence, it would depend on the future fortune and luck. It occurred to me that the divine light of regeneration on the monk on the seventh floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm could also be used by the wings of the sky.

"Haha, my luck has finally come!"

Luo Tian laughed a few times, and accelerated towards the distance. He hoped that it would be best to meet hundreds of monks at once.

"According to those seven people, they are just the lowest level of cultivators in the land of miniatures of all living beings, and there are even some elite-level peerless geniuses in front of them!" Luo Tian thought silently, this elite level means , When you arrive in the Immortal Realm, you can immediately enjoy the treatment of elite-level disciples if you enter any major sect.

I don't know how terrifying this elite disciple's cultivation is?

I am looking forward to it!

Luo Tian's fighting spirit exploded infinitely, and the raging fire stirred in his heart.

Under the full power of the sky's wings, Luo Tian flew out for millions of miles in one breath, and already spanned three floating continents. Among them, he only met a few ordinary monks, and the highest cultivation level was only the early stage of Tianxian. They were all beaten by Luo Tian without temper, and then most of the divine light of regeneration was taken away from them.

After crossing a suspended continent again, Luo Tian couldn't help but shrink his pupils after seeing the scene in front of him clearly.


Huge stone monuments of different colors one by one.

This is a forest of steles that looks extremely vast.

At this moment, in the forest of steles, dozens of figures in the distance could be vaguely seen fighting. Every time they hit each other, there was a deafening sound, which caused the air to explode.

"The aura of these people is so strong, could it be that these are the so-called elite monks?"

Luo Tian made some calculations, and then quietly landed in front of a stone tablet. There were countless weird characters engraved on the stone tablet, many of which were written in ancient times, even several epochs ago. Luo Tian couldn't recognize any of them.

The next stone tablet was changed, and this time most of the characters engraved on the stone tablet were Qingliwen.

When Luo Tian looked at it this way, his complexion finally became ugly.

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