
Chapter 532 Heavenly Will!

According to the record on the stele in front of you, once you enter the forest of steles, you are only allowed to move forward, not to retreat!

Moreover, this forest of steles is also a different kind of cemetery, in which are buried the will and cultivation experience of some great people, if one can comprehend something from the steles, then the cultivation base will naturally improve by leaps and bounds.Of course, Luo Tian couldn't bear the will of many great people, even a little bit, and would be counterattacked by the coming will in an instant.

"So it is!"

After reading it, Luo Tian couldn't help feeling mixed feelings. According to the steles, many of the steles in the forest of steles cannot be comprehended. With his current cultivation level, he can only comprehend the most common steles.Of course, those who can come in will not have a high level of cultivation. Therefore, those stone tablets that can be comprehended are naturally in high demand. Everyone wants to comprehend, but a stone tablet can only be comprehended by three people at most. Therefore, Luo Tian finally understood why he had seen a group of monks fighting in the distance.

"Being besieged by so many monks, I definitely can't bear it." Luo Tian thought to himself, he was an outsider in the first place, and he didn't have the divine light of regeneration on him. Luo Tian was not sure that he would leave safely under the siege of many monks.

Moreover, almost all the monks who are fighting in a group battle in the distance can qualify for the title of elite level, and none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

"We can only go around the edge!"

Luo Tian secretly cursed the big man who made the rule of only moving forward, scolded all eighteen generations of his ancestors, and then walked around the forest of steles very carefully. Fortunately, the forest of steles It was already chaotic, and all kinds of big figures produced countless wills and cultivation patterns out of thin air. Luo Tian was not afraid of being discovered by others. Unless the distance was too close, Luo Tian was still safe for the time being.

Clap clap!woo woo woo woo!Whirring whirring!

The big man's will and cultivation dao patterns spreading out in the air trembled unceasingly, collided with each other, and exploded one after another in the oscillating void.


Accidentally, Luo Tian was swept up a little by the will of the big man, and was blown away directly, his whole body was numb like an electric shock.

"so horrible!"

Luo Tian's complexion was extremely serious. While walking carefully, he looked at the words on the stone tablets along the way. At least half of them were as majestic as the sky, and Luo Tian couldn't read the ancient words on them. Practice Dao pattern.

Luo Tian didn't want to die in vain.

Turned around a few more times, this time, Luo Tian saw from a distance above a stone tablet, three monks sitting cross-legged with closed eyes were struggling to comprehend, their bodies were enveloped by the light spots that emerged from the stone tablet, and they were fully focused They stepped into it without distraction, and they didn't even notice Luo Tian's approach.

Luo Tian couldn't help but took a deep breath, his face was full of bitterness, he was only allowed to move forward and not back, this was too much!Naturally, Luo Tian is not a master who follows the rules. He tried it quietly just now, but he found helplessly that as long as he backed up, every step back, the gravity on his body would increase hundreds of times. Luo Tian had already walked so far. If you want to go out, you must bear at least millions or even tens of millions of times the gravity!

When Luo Tian thought about it, he wanted to cry, this mother is a scam!You think this is a pawn in chess, you can only move forward!

Luo Tian can be sure of this terrifying gravity, even if Jin Xian came in, it would be foolish to want to go back!

Moving on, soon, Luo Tian noticed a figure shaking near the stele in front of him, two black whirlpools immediately appeared in his eyes, taking in the scene in front of him, but the few monks in front seemed to be distracted. He didn't put it on the stone tablet exuding a faint breath in front of him, and kept spinning around in place, as if he was looking for something.

However, Luo Tian couldn't see the next scene. With his current ability, he couldn't see the big man's will and cultivation dao pattern floating in the air.

At the same time, Luo Tian thought about it, and immediately calculated silently, and then his face turned pale.

"Sure enough, here, any law of heaven and earth and the rules of heaven and earth are blinded!"

Luo Tian found helplessly that even if it was driven by the law of fate, he couldn't calculate how far in the long river of time and space, he could only calculate the scene within the time of a cup of tea.Ever since he possessed this trace of the law of destiny, he has always been invincible. This time, even the law of destiny has lost its magical effect. It can be seen how terrifying the will of the big man here and the practice of dao patterns are!

Luo Tian, ​​who was about to make a detour quietly, found in pain at the two stone monuments at the corner that the group of people blocked the road in front of him!

"Let's go!"

Luo Tian couldn't help praying in his heart, even in order not to expose the target, he even resisted the incomparable gravity and took three or four steps backwards, hiding in a blind spot behind a stone tablet.

"What are these guys doing around an ordinary stone tablet?"

Luo Tian couldn't help but frowned tightly. An ordinary stone tablet, even if he went to comprehend it, would not be able to greatly improve his cultivation level, and if he came in to comprehend, he could only comprehend one stone tablet. This is also an ordinary stone tablet. The reason for asking.

It's like, when you enter a treasure trove full of beautiful things, you only need to choose one thing, whether you want to choose a copper coin or a priceless treasure.The result is naturally obvious.

The scene in front of him made Luo Tian think that this group of guys seemed to be guarding a pile of scrap metal and still thought they were treasures.


Finally, when one of the monks glanced around, he felt an unusual aura, so he immediately shouted.

"This little trick also wants to deceive me?"

Luo Tian smiled coldly. He had played this kind of bluffing trick many times.

"come out!"

The monk frowned again and shouted, "I saw you!"

Naturally, Luo Tian didn't respond, if he could fall for this kind of trick, he might as well find a piece of tofu and kill him.


Next, what made Luo Tian very speechless was that the cultivator shot out a burst of energy from a distance, which was completely emitted from the physical body, and it easily blasted a distance of several feet with only the strength of the physical body.

"See you, uncle!"

Luo Tian couldn't care less about hiding anymore, and if he kept hiding, he would be beaten alive. He thought he could take this blow with his cultivation, but he would definitely be noticed by the other party.


Luo Tian stood up, leaped out all at once, fist to fist, ruthlessly dissipating the strength of the opponent's fists, and then took big strides in the air one after another.

"If you see it, prepare to die!"

Luo Tian actually wanted to keep all the other party's people behind.

"This breath, you are an outsider!"

"Outsiders, die!"

After that, the group of monks charged forward frantically and desperately, as if they had all committed a shofar wind.


Luo Tian rushed into the crowd like a tiger into a herd of sheep, and quickly discerned the true cultivation of these monks. The highest cultivation was only in the middle stage of true immortality, so Luo Tian naturally wanted to rely on the strong to bully the weak.

Soon, the group of monks were beaten to the ground by Luo Tian, ​​and they were about to use the divine light of regeneration to recover, but it was a pity that they were all absorbed by Luo Tian's celestial wings, and immediately threw away all the ordinary stone tablets. Inside.

Five people!

They were divided into two groups by Luo Tian and thrown into the two stone tablets. No matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't get out and could only yell at each other. There was an angry roar in their faces.

"Hey, so what if you find out? Haven't they been cleaned up one by one by this seat, let's go!"

Luo Tian turned around and was about to leave, when a ray of light in mid-air directly fell down, completely enveloping Luo Tian.

If Luo Tian could clearly see the mouth shapes of the five monks at this time, he would definitely find that what they said was——

All-powerful will!

ps: There are a lot of things in school today, and the next chapter will be delayed.

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