
Chapter 533 49

What is the will of the sky?Luo Tian didn't know at all, and he didn't have time to know, because he had already been sucked into the flame, and the space inside the flame seemed to be very special, able to shield any fluctuation of the law of heaven and earth.

Therefore, Luo Tian couldn't detect anything happening outside of the flames.

Beyond the blaze, there are layers of glow wrapped inward like flower buds. In the glow, a distant and deep jade bridge keeps extending and changing in time and space.

Of course, Luo Tian didn't know what the will to reach the sky was. Even the natives of the place where all living beings were miniatures were just a title he created.The so-called Tongtian will is the special will of the primordial spirit buried in the forest of steles. These wills of the primordial spirit are left behind by those great figures who really controlled the sky in the ancient times.Being able to meet the will of the sky represents a great opportunity and good fortune.

Not to mention chance and good fortune, even if it is great luck, Luo Tian never lacks in it, but he always feels that it is a little bit worse, as if he is destined to move forward along the trajectory of the law of fate, no one can Change.


Countless winds are whistling, and endless rays of light are dancing.

Luo Tian seemed to see a familiar scene.

In front of him was a bridge shining with the light of jade. The beautiful jade on this bridge was extremely pure, as if the most unacceptable filth in the world could not pollute it.With an extremely holy breath.

"This feeling is so familiar!"

Luo Tian's right eyelid suddenly jumped up, as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head.

"Galaxy Jade Bridge! Tongtian Bridge!"

Speaking of this aura, Luo Tian had already experienced it more than 100 years ago. When he fought with monks from the Nine Heaven Realm in the Yinyang Tianchi, the forbidden place of Xuanhuo, the Xinghe Yuqiao seemed to be in the form of a low price, and then Luo Tian entered Chenzhou for the first time. , When you encounter the [-]th-step Tongtian Bridge, as long as you step through the [-]th step, you can immediately ascend to the sky in one step.But now the bridge in front of Luo Tian, ​​which has exactly the same aura as the jade bridge he met twice before, seems to spread endlessly, with no end in sight at a glance.

"Could it be that this jade bridge is the original body of Xinghe Jade Bridge and Tongtian Bridge?"

Luo Tian was startled suddenly by a bold idea that popped up in his heart.

Luo Tian naturally didn't pay attention to the Xinghe Yuqiao and Tongtian Bridge. With his current cultivation base, he should be able to pass them easily.But facing the strange jade bridge in front of him, he really didn't have half confidence in his heart.

After a long time, Luo Tian arrived at a strange place in a daze, which was somewhat similar to the place where all living beings are miniature.At first glance, it seems to be a vast and boundless sea area. The only difference is that the sea area here seems to be extraordinarily quiet, without any waves. There is not even a single fish in the sea, and the sky is as clear as water. , like a piece of transparent blue crystal.

"where is this place?"

Luo Tian couldn't help but speculate in his heart, stepping on the jade bridge, in front of him was an ordinary island, and in the distance, there were many islands all over the winding road, with no end in sight.


Luo Tian exercised extremely strong physical strength, and directly volleyed to absorb a ball of seawater from the sea surface, but found that the sea surface only trembled very inconspicuously, and then immediately returned to its original shape.

"Weak water! This entire sea area is weak water!"

Luo Tian was really shocked at this moment. He had read some unverifiable information in some ancient classics, among which was the saying of three thousand weak waters.In fact, there are not only so few weak waters mentioned in the classics, but a lot of them. However, neither mortals nor immortals can thoroughly study weak waters. The weight is huge, and the weak water the size of a fist is as heavy as several mountains. It is rumored by ordinary mortals that three thousand weak waters can only be taken from a scoop to drink.Just take a scoop, that is not something that can be done by the naked eye, but something that can only be done by an immortal whose cultivation level has reached at least the level of a fairy. In the beginning, when a new era begins, there will always be weak water, but no one knows where the weak water comes from and what function it has. This has gradually become an unsolvable mystery.

"After so many eras, there is no peerless strong man who can break through the true origin of Weak Water."

Luo Tian muttered silently in his heart, and finally started to walk towards the first island in front of him.

Anyway, there is no way to go except for one road in front of him.Luo Tian had no other choice.


Moments later, just as Luo Tian stepped into the land of the first island in front of him, countless jade glows with a radius of several acres appeared in front of him. These jade glows were accompanied by bursts of disturbing strange sounds, flying in the air. Wander around.

"Sound waves generated by the will of the primordial spirit! But it's not too strong, it's very easy for me." Luo Tian said to himself, and immediately continued on the island.

Soon, Luo Tian had already passed the jade bridge between the islands and reached the second island. This time, Luo Tian felt that the sound waves of the will of the primordial spirit on the island had obviously become stronger.

third seat.

fourth seat.

fifth seat.

Block Six


Luo Tian passed through 45 islands in one breath. As he continued to move forward, the sound waves of the soul's will on the islands in front became more and more tyrannical. In the end, even Luo Tian had to spend 12 points to deal with it.


Luo Tian finally passed the No.18 islands, but he was so dizzy that he couldn't stand upright, and even the soul's will was more chaotic than paste. Vomited out and had to sit down on the ground.

"Too tyrannical!"

Luo Tian gasped heavily, at this moment, he didn't even want to move a single finger.

"How could this be?"

Just as Luo Tian was about to lie down on the jade bridge facing the sky and was about to take a good rest, layers of jade-colored balls of light suddenly emerged from the jade bridge, covering Luo Tian at once. A stream of icy water is swimming, including the world inside the body, it seems that there have been some changes.

"The will of the primordial spirit can be improved!"

Luo Tian jumped up from the ground almost excitedly. He found that the field that he had never deliberately set foot in—the will of the primordial spirit suddenly began to grow rapidly, as if a certain shackle in his body suddenly broke through.

The will of the primordial spirit, to put it bluntly, if the realm is high, it can exert the coercion of heaven and earth!Back then when Luo Tian was in the Profound Fire Forbidden Land, he was suppressed by the undead demon king's thought of coercion from heaven and earth, and almost lost his life. The feeling that his soul was going to be wiped out was really impossible to avoid.

After a long time, Luo Tian finally jumped up from the ground in high spirits. At this moment, his primordial spirit was unmatched, and almost no law of bewitchment could shake the thoughts in his heart. It was just a single thought, and Luo Tian even felt the murmurs around him. The rays of light, big and small, trembled like fear, and were shaken away by Luo Tian's primordial will.

"I don't know if the will of the primordial spirit will be improved after passing through the nine islands of No. 40?"

Luo Tian walked unswervingly towards the No.40 nine islands.

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