
Chapter 534 Hunyuan Domain


Luo Tian had just stepped into the No.40 nine islands, and the countless dense jade clouds and rays of light above the islands gave out bursts of roars. Amidst the roars, the invisible sound waves of the primordial spirit involuntarily spread and spread, transforming Using various means, they attacked Luo Tian.

"Give me back!"

Luo Tian let out a low growl, and the will of the primordial spirit immediately turned into countless mountain peaks suspended above his head, and they kept falling down in all directions.

Soon, Luo Tian's will of the primordial spirit collided with the endless invisible sound waves of the primordial spirit in the air. Luo Tian felt that the primordial spirit seemed to be knocked hundreds of feet away by an incomprehensible force. The mass clouds and glow also collapsed one after another, dissipated into smoke, and slowly drifted away in the wind.

"The No. 40 nine islands are really against the sky!"

Luo Tian's body was extremely sore, followed by the sudden increase of gravity on his body as he stepped back, Zhi Tian's wings appeared directly behind him, and the extremely oppressive feeling in his heart finally eased a lot.

"Boy, hurry up and talk to this deity!"

At this time, in Luo Tian's internal body world, the fourth heaven domain of the black lotus magic weapon suddenly opened, and the robber fairy shouted anxiously.

"You asked me to talk, so I'll talk?" Luo Tian sneered secretly in his heart, domineering Lao Tzu's territory, he is more uncle than the uncle, and now he wants to talk, is there a mistake?Is it that simple?

Go dream!

It was as if Luo Tian hadn't heard the voice transmission from the Bandit Immortal Monarch, he still gritted his teeth and insisted on walking forward.After experiencing several setbacks, Luo Tian also learned to be good. He no longer confronted those jade clouds and rays of light head-on. , anyway, as long as you move forward, gravity still needs to be superimposed when you move backward.

"Could it be that the voice of the deity is too low, so that this kid can't hear clearly?" In the fourth heaven of the black lotus magic weapon, the robber fairy said to himself. Immediately, he shook his head lightly, with a louder and more terrifying voice cried out.

"Boy, hurry up and talk to this deity!"

"Little bastard, have you heard the voice of this deity? If you pretend not to hear it, this deity guarantees that you will have bad luck here!"


The bandit Xianjun howled wildly at the top of his voice, with a tireless appearance, it seemed that if Luo Tian continued to pretend, he would probably kill him too.

"Please, didn't your old man say that? I'm not allowed to bother you if I have nothing to do?" Luo Tian deliberately put on a bitter face, with a helpless expression.

"Fart! Fart your mother!" Immortal Robber yelled, "You kid obviously heard the voice of this deity, this deity wants to kill you!"

"Unreasonable." Luo Tian shrugged.

"You bastard, the deity just said that you are not allowed to disturb me, and didn't say that you ignore me, are you a stupid pig? You can't even understand the meaning of the deity? Is my cultivation all living on dogs?" The Bandit Immortal started to howl again, but what remained unchanged was that his theory was still so bandit, still so outrageous and unreasonable.

"Sorry." Luo Tian said lazily, "It only took me more than a hundred years to cultivate from an ordinary person to the present state, not as long as the thousands of years you said, thank you."

"What?!" The Robber Immortal fell silent immediately.

"What's there to be proud of, what's there to be proud of?" The bandit fairy's voice almost spread to the extreme this time, almost deafening Luo Tian's ears, "That's right, among these countless planes, your talent It can already be regarded as a peerless genius, but this deity has lived for so long, and there are countless peerless geniuses like you like crucian carp crossing the river. I have never seen hundreds of billions, but I have seen tens of billions! It is those monster-like geniuses I have seen at least tens of millions. The frog in the well is really ridiculous! Do you know that there are some real geniuses who cultivated to the point where they can ascend to the fairy world in their teens? Have you ever seen a peerless person who cultivated to the level of a saint in only a few hundred years? Are you a monster? Have you ever seen an unworldly monster who only took tens of thousands of years to cultivate to the level of a fairy?"


Luo Tian's originally lazy expression suddenly changed, his complexion was extremely livid, "Is there really such a magnificent person in this world?"

"Not only are there, but there are many." The Robber Xianjun's tone finally returned to his calm this time, "the so-called peerless genius like you, the fairy world doesn't know how many people fall every day. To become a master, you need to rely on talent alone. Not enough, it is not enough to rely on great luck and good luck, you must also be able to see the trajectory of the supreme law of destiny, in order to be able to become a true peerless evildoer, to be invincible, and to be able to kill him in the fairy world!"

Luo Tian's complexion suddenly became cloudy, and after a long time, he said calmly: "Could it be that you, a big man, just fell in love with a trace of the law of fate in me, a small man?"

"Pig brains! Stupid, really stupid!" The Robber Immortal started roaring again, "Unlike any other laws, the top three laws of the Three Thousand Ways between Heaven and Earth cannot be forcibly refined. You can cultivate to the realm of flying immortals even if you don’t understand? This deity finds it inconceivable!”

"No wonder." Luo Tian sighed secretly in his heart, and couldn't help but feel a little ashamed. His Wan Dao Seal claims to be omnipotent, omnipotent, omnipotent, and omnipotent, but he had tried to refine the law of cause and effect in the land of miniature of all living beings before, But it turned out to be the reason for returning in vain.

"Of course, the innate laws of this deity are almost impossible to refine!" The Robber Immortal Monarch said with a sense of arrogance.

"Innate law?" Luo Tian couldn't help being stunned.

"Yes, everyone has to go through birth, and the laws that can be controlled by innate are innate laws when they are born. Innate laws are much stronger than acquired laws of refinement. You don't understand? I really can't figure out you How did you get the innate law of destiny in your body? It really is fate!"

Luo Tian scratched his head and said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, this trace of the law of fate in my body was refined by accident, not innate..."

"Ah? Ah!"

The bandit Xianjun almost peed his pants in shock, "What did you say! You said that the law of fate in your body is not accompanied by innate, but refined by you?"

"It's true."

"I..." The Robber Immortal went half-crazy, and said to himself, "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! The law of destiny can be possessed in addition to innate, and cannot be refined at all. Even those...they can't do it It’s just wandering around in various planes, seeking a trace of the law of fate. What is the origin of this kid? How can he refine the law of fate? I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out!”

"Excuse me, senior." Luo Tian really didn't know how to address the Bandit Immortal, so he had to call him senior, "Your tone just now seemed to know where this place is?"

"Of course the deity knows!" The Robber Immortal replied angrily, "This is an incomplete space in the Hunyuan Domain."

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