
Chapter 535 Incomplete Jade Crown

Hunyuan domain!

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged, and he said softly: "What is Hunyuan Domain?"

"Sure enough, the ignorant are fearless!" Immortal Robber stood up in the fourth heaven of the black lotus magic weapon, all the illusory light and shadows and misty rays of light around him disappeared, and his real body appeared directly.

I saw that the Robber Immortal was more than Zhang tall, and he was casually wearing a white robe completely embroidered with clouds and mist. Countless exquisite runes flew out of the white robe. Changes are going to happen all the time, that resolute face is like a knife and axe, and there is no match for resoluteness. It seems that with every gesture, the laws of space around Luo Tian have disappeared into nothingness, and they no longer exist.

"Not even time and space can bind him!"

Luo Tian boldly poked out a trace of his consciousness to enter the fourth heaven of the black lotus magic weapon, and found that there was no time and space around the bandit fairy. Time and space seemed to be like a thin layer of paper in front of him. Destroyed and broken at will.

Xianjun is so powerful!

Luo Tian twitched fiercely in his heart. Fortunately, the Robber Xianjun didn't seem to have any malice towards him. Otherwise, with just one thought, Luo Tian and the world in his body would collapse directly, completely wiped out from the world, and even a trace of soul escaped. Reincarnation is impossible.

At the realm of Xianjun, it seems that all kinds of laws and rules of heaven and earth can be perfectly used in an instant, unless the kind of peak figures in the fairy world who have transcended and entered the fairy king, ignoring all laws except the law of fate, can forcibly suppress Xianjun.

"Ignorant boy, the Hunyuan Realm is an absolutely forbidden place in the fairy world. Except for those who are above the rank of Jinxian among the golden immortals, they have never even heard of the existence of this place. It is possible to fall, but it is a forbidden place that has existed since the first era. It is possible to get a glimpse of some, but now, the difference is too far!"

"It's like how many times I've been in." Luo Tian curled his lips.

"Little bastard, you don't have any courtesy to this deity, are you tired of living?" It was very weird, the robber fairy didn't have any expression on his face, but his tone was extremely angry, "The number of times this deity has entered can scare people alive." I'll kill you, but it's useless to tell you these things. You kid's luck is so obscure that even the deity can't figure it out, so strange! You are indeed a pervert who can refine the law of destiny."

"Okay, old man, don't talk too far!" Luo Tian hurriedly stopped, "Tell me what happened to the incomplete space in Hunyuan Domain?"

"Well, this." The robber Xianjun paused, "This place is related to the Hunyuan Domain. What the deity said just now is like this. The space here is a part separated from the Hunyuan Domain. The fringe space was sacrificed by a number of superpowers from the ancient times to become what it is today. Hmph, it’s just the fringe space, the real Hunyuan domain, the supreme powerhouse born in countless epochs, can’t do anything about it.”

"Supreme Power?"

"Sure enough, he is a brat who doesn't understand anything, the supreme power, who was called the Immortal King in the last few eras." The Robber Immortal explained very speechlessly.

"Master Xianjun, I just want to know, how many more islands can I cross?" Luo Tian was almost crying. Did this robber Xianjun not speak for hundreds of millions of years? No more playing.

"How many islands have you crossed now?" the old god of the bandit fairy asked on the ground.

"48, I am currently in the nine islands of No.40."


The Robber Immortal was almost choked to death by his own saliva, "What did you say? You, a little flying fairy, have crossed 48 islands?"


"There are problems, there are problems, there are quite problems."

Luo Tian slapped his forehead feebly, this guy simply wanted to take this opportunity to talk more, it was really annoying.

"There are ninety-nine and 81 islands in this space. If you want to pass them all, you must at least have the strength of the peak of the fairy. You, a flying fairy, can pass through thirty islands at most. You are now the soul The level of willpower is comparable to that of ordinary golden immortals!"

"Isn't it?" Luo Tian went into a daze immediately.

"Yes, absolutely, must be."

"... "

While Luo Tian was talking with the bandit Xianjun, three phantoms sat quietly in the clouds in the depths of the space, their expressions extremely calm.

Suddenly, the three phantoms all gave a cry of surprise.

"It seems that something happened to the law of heaven and earth on the No. 40 nine islands just now."

"That's right! Just now, the laws of heaven and earth on the nine islands of No. 40 have all been distorted, filled with countless auras of misery and danger."

"It's amazing! Even the rules of heaven are blocked, what is the background of this young man?"

The three powerful divine senses are constantly talking and communicating.

"Although the young man is an outsider, if he is able to enter here, he must also ascend to the Southern Immortal Realm. This person has unlimited potential. We'd better wait and see what happens, and don't interfere."

"That's right, that young man must be backed by a big shot."

"It's not just as simple as backing up, maybe it's the descendant of a certain big man. Seeing that he is only in the realm of flying immortals, he can break through 48 islands in a row. This is something that ordinary golden immortals can do!"

Soon, the three ways of spiritual thoughts gradually stopped communicating, and they withdrew their spiritual consciousness one after another.

These three people are three powerful existences, and they are able to use the primordial spirit consciousness among them!


"Hey, come out!"

No.40 The nine islands are at the last hundred feet, and Luo Tian bites the bullet and moves forward. This short distance of one hundred feet almost makes Luo Tian vomit blood sadly.Relying on the coercion of the Immortal Robber just now, he almost successfully passed through the nine islands of No.40. It is a pity that the Immortal Robber belongs to the kind of powerful existence who does not speak for half a year, but he is aware of it. Luo Tian's ghost trick directly closed the fourth sky domain, without giving Luo Tian any chance.

When the will of the primordial spirit was almost about to die, Luo Tian finally passed the No. 40 nine islands dangerously, and reappeared on the mysterious jade bridge. He also knew in his heart that it was almost impossible to pass through the islands.


Luo Tian immediately sat down panting heavily, but found that there seemed to be something under his buttocks.

"what is this?"

Luo Tian looked down, only to find that there was a jade stone full of weathering cracks under his buttocks. The jade stone was not pure, and the dark and light colors were distributed randomly on it. With a little force on Luo Tian's buttocks, the jade stone shattered like tofu.

"There is something in the jade!"

Soon, Luo Tian discovered that there was a jade crown hidden in the powdered jade. This jade crown was seven inches in size. The upper half was already damaged, while the lower half was still intact, but there were countless disordered marks on it.

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