
Chapter 536 Real strength!

Judging from the surface of the incomplete jade crown, Luo Tian couldn't see any clues. He just knew that this incomplete jade crown was carved with an extremely rare jade. Luo Tian had never seen this kind of jade before, even if he read it There is no record of this kind of jade in many ancient books that have been published.

The incomplete jade crown didn't fluctuate with any rules and regulations, as if it was a secular mortal's emperor's jade crown, but Luo Tian suddenly felt the vicissitudes of life on the incomplete jade crown on a whim.

"Is it a hallucination?"

Soon, the strange feeling in Luo Tian's heart disappeared. No matter how Luo Tian searched and observed the incomplete jade crown, he couldn't find any breath on it. It seemed to be an ordinary and incomplete jade crown. jade crown.

"At an unusual time and an unusual place, an ordinary incomplete jade crown appeared, which is extraordinary!" Luo Tian thought in his heart.

Luo Tian rested for a while, then threw the incomplete jade crown into the inner world, and tried it out without admitting defeat. This island, with his current willpower of the primordial spirit, was simply impossible to break through.

In fact, let alone breaking through, even if Luo Tian barely got close to the island of the Fifth Division, he would be forced back by the extremely strong coercion from above.

As Luo Tian retreated back, the gravity on his body suddenly increased a lot, causing the bones in his body to make noises. However, he had to face the extremely terrifying coercion when he moved forward. Luo Tian tried several times, and finally chose It stopped at a relatively moderate place, and sat cross-legged on the jade bridge between the two islands.


Luo Tian was just about to strengthen the will of the primordial spirit that passed through the 49 islands and ascended, but he heard the sound of boiling from the sea water formed by weak water outside the jade bridge. big difference.

"Can it move weak water to fly?!"

Luo Tian looked outside in shock, only to find that Ruo Shui seemed to be restless at this moment, and countless invisible invisible forces were stirring Ruo Shui, causing Ruo Shui to rise into the sky like ordinary waves.

The height of weak water waves is not high, only three feet, but it is amazing enough!

We all know that a fist-sized weak water has the weight of several mountains. Each of the three-foot waves rising into the sky is composed of at least hundreds of fist-sized weak waters. How much strength is required?

Every wave of weak water has at least the power of thousands of mountains!

Thousands of mountain ranges, with Luotian's current real strength, can barely support it for a while, but only for a while.After a while, his physical strength and mana in his body will be completely emptied, and then he will be crushed alive into a meatloaf, and even the primordial spirit will not be able to escape, and will be melted into the weak water.

Weak water can corrode the primordial spirit.

"What a fucking hit!"

Luo Tian couldn't help cursing, "I have worked so hard to reach the current level, even the robber fairy said that I am at least a peerless genius, but I can't bear a three-foot wave in front of me. Could it be that my hundred Is it true that the remaining years of cultivation have been cultivated on pigs?"

Of course, what shocked Luo Tian even more was that this place is just an outer space in the Hunyuan Domain, a forbidden area in the Immortal Realm. It is just a world refined from an outer space. How strong is it!

Regarding this, Luo Tian didn't think about it. He didn't want to feel uncomfortable. Once his Dao heart was frustrated, it would have a very serious impact on his cultivation. Maybe it would be difficult to promote his cultivation to a higher level in the future.

"Perhaps, all the immortals in the fairy world can easily open up a world?" Luo Tian thought with a slight frown. The world he was referring to was the existence of the second-order plane.


Luo Tian looked around while thinking, but found that there seemed to be some light mixed in the waves of weak water.

"Tianyi Shenshui!"

Luo Tian couldn't help exclaiming, every wave of weak water was covered with several transparent hollow water droplets, it was Luo Tian who harvested a lot of Tianyi Divine Water!

"Huh? This Tianyishenshui has not been corroded and melted by the weak water!"

Immediately, Luo Tian was stunned again, weak water, that is a god between heaven and earth, even a strong Jinxian would find it difficult to escape if he fell into weak water, Luo Tian reckoned that even if a sacred artifact such as the soul-shaking stone If thrown into weak water, it will also be melted, but the melting speed will definitely be faster.

But Yishenshui was in the weak water that day, but it was not damaged at all!

"What kind of magical power does this Tianyi Shenshui have?" Luo Tian slowly flew to the edge of the jade bridge, and began to try to collect those Tianyishenshui not far away from him.


Soon, Luo Tian ingested dozens of drops of Tianyishenshui by relying on his strong physical cultivation base. It was very strange that the Yishenshui came out of the weak water that day, and it was not contaminated with weak water at all, which made Luo Tian tsk tsk Amazing.

"For the next time, let's collect as much Tianyi Shenshui here as possible."

Soon, Luo Tian made a decision and began to tirelessly collect Tianyi Shenshui day and night. Presumably when the ten-year period came, the Tianyi Shenshui in his hands could scare countless people to death.


For a strong man like Luo Tian who has gone beyond the scope of Tianxuan Plane, ten years is nothing but the effort of one breath.Even the monks who entered the Xuanhuang Pagoda with the lowest cultivation base have the cultivation base of the fusion period. If the fusion period does not fall in the Tianxuan plane, it is enough to live for 3 to [-] years without worry. Of course, this is still a stagnation of cultivation base On the premise of not moving forward, if the cultivation base keeps increasing, the longevity is likely to be even more frightening.

Time flies, the ten-year period will pass in a blink of an eye, and only the last three days are left.

On this day, the entire sky of Xuanhuang Secret Realm was covered with countless colorful clouds, and golden flowers and rays of light could not stop spraying out, shining incomparably.After a while, the dense colorful clouds in the sky quickly condensed into human faces, and human words began to speak from the faces.

"Everyone, the ten-year period is approaching. If you want to get out of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, you only need to communicate with me with the Yuanshen and it will be sent out automatically!"

In an instant, the same voice echoed across the entire seventh floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm.

Of course, Luo Tian didn't see this scene, so naturally he didn't hear this voice.Even if he heard it, he might be helpless. Now he is in the Hunyuan Domain, where all the consciousness has been shielded and cannot be transmitted.

"A lot, a lot! Wahaha..."

At this moment, Luo Tian stared at the weak water waves that continued to come in with red eyes, and couldn't help giggling. Now there are at least millions of drops of Tianyi Shenshui on his body, and it would really scare people to pee Pants.

When Luo Tian was insane, dozens of rays of brilliance shot out from the entrance of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. When the brilliance disappeared, it was those strong monks who had entered the Xuanhuang Secret Realm. They had different expressions, some were happy, some were regretful, and , Resentment and resentment!

"Fang Qingyun! What do you mean?"

Among the dozens of brilliance, only one is a strong monk under the command of the Tiandao League, a young man in pink. At this moment, he shouted at Fang Lao, who was with the old god, with a pale face.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Fang smiled faintly without even raising his eyelids.

"Don't be hypocritical, old man!" A trace of resentment flashed in the eyes of the pink-clothed youth, "My Heavenly Dao League has entered countless strong men, why is only me coming out safely?"

"In the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, there is a fear of life, so what's the matter with this old man!" Fang Lao's eyes suddenly turned cold, "You know this, I know it, everyone knows it, why do you need to ask more?"

"Hmph! Fang Qingyun, don't think that I don't know about your flamboyant ways. When I return to the fairy world, I will definitely participate in your book!"

"Yu Haoyang! Don't think that your name as Keqing of the Heavenly Dao League can scare the old man!" A sneer appeared on Mr. Fang's face. Disrespectful to the old man?"

"I'm being rude to you..."



Before Yu Haoyang said the word "he", the two words in the old man's mouth were directly held back in his stomach. At the same time, Yu Haoyang, a young man in pink, suddenly melted his body and soul together without warning. For soot.

Is this the true strength of Mr. Fang?

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