
Chapter 537 Mother?


Mr. Fang murdered while talking and laughing, as if he just trampled an ant to death, still looking at the entrance of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm expressionlessly, his eyes were calm like autumn water, and he could not see any waves or clues.

The background is not something that can be created by possessing countless magical treasures and elixir on the body of Gao Jue. In many cases, a person's background depends on the calm attitude shown in the years of experience.


Naturally, these four words would not come from Mr. Fang's mouth, and it was not Mrs. Tianhu Baoxiang who said them, but the middle-aged man in Xuanyi, Hei Chang. Mrs. Lun stood behind her, exuding a domineering aura and arrogance all over her body.Of course, what he admires the most is Luo Tian. Luo Tian is a good doll. He is quite suitable for his appetite. When he meets an opponent, he will not talk nonsense with you, argue with you, and destroy him if he refuses to accept. This is the true nature of a strong man!

Hei Chang sneered and uttered the words 'unbelievable stupidity', which represented the madness in his heart. Of course he had the strength to say these words, but he was killing a real fairy. The old hand, but the Nangong Ao who was injured by the Taiyuan needle was killed by Hei Chang.You must know that Nangong Ao is a domineering figure who can walk sideways in the Tiandao League. Who said that the Nangong family is also a giant family in the fairy world?

At the beginning, Nangong Ao broke through the sky and was injured by Mrs. Tianhu Baolun's Taiyuan Needle. Hei Chang distorted the space and flew thousands of miles away in an instant, killing Nangong Ao.

Only Mr. Fang and Mrs. Tianhu Baolun knew about this shocking news.

If Luo Tian knew about this, he would definitely be extremely surprised.Didn't Nangong Ao enter the Xuanhuang Secret Realm and was killed by himself?Why was Hei Chang beheaded before?

This will start with Heichang’s origin. Speaking of it, Heichang was born on an unknown human planet in the fairy world, but he is a monster, and the blood of the monster is flowing in his body, so, from Since the day he was picked up, no one had looked at him except the old widower who adopted him. In the territory of human monks, no matter how tyrannical the monster race is, they dare not go too far. After all the white-eyed and bullying, in the end, even the old widower who protected him and raised him was killed by a few human monks of some background.From that moment on, the innate supernatural powers of the monster race in Heichang's body finally awakened after being stimulated. In a fit of rage, he directly slaughtered the entire human planet, leaving no one behind, killing hundreds of millions of people on that human planet. Aboriginal people.

Since then, Heichang has become the common enemy of all the immortals in the fairy world, wandering around like a dog in the water. Even though his monster talent is strong, he can't withstand the pursuit of thousands of immortal army, not to mention, there are so many immortals in the army. There are many strong men who are enough to kill him.Finally, Heichang was surrounded by countless immortals on a remote and desolate planet. He had no choice but to choose to fight and fight, so that he would have a chance to survive.

After an extremely tragic battle, Hei Chang, who was seriously injured and frequently died, was caught in the turbulent space by a heaven-defying magical power that suddenly appeared, and when he woke up, he arrived at the Profound Sky Plane, or the Profound Sky Plane In the most mysterious Falling Immortal Palace, all monks from the upper realm who descended into the hands of the Falling Immortal Palace usually died ten times but never lived.

But Hei Chang was very lucky to survive, and he also became a life-and-death friend with a big boss in the Meteor Immortal Palace. Later, when Mr. Fang appeared, Hei Chang became the three major supervisors of the Profound Sky Plane.

Therefore, Heichang is very unimpressed with the aborigines in the Immortal Realm. If he hadn't been suppressed by Mr. Fang, he would have killed the Heavenly Dao League General League long ago. Others may not know where the Heavenly Dao League's General League is, but he Yes know.

Therefore, the avatar miniaturization technique that only direct descendants of the Nangong family can practice can't hide from existences like Heichang at all. What he killed was just a real avatar formed by Nangong Aoxin's hard work for countless years.Of course, Nangong Ao has only reached the level where he can only cultivate one real avatar, otherwise Heichang will be powerless if there is another one.You must know that the two great skills of the Nangong family's Megatron Immortal World are the clone miniature technique and the nebula eight techniques, plus other secret techniques, which are equivalent to three real bodies attacking the opponent at the same time, and the power is multiplied.

"Hmph, it's just a bunch of self-righteous dandies." Hei Chang's mouth curled slightly, and a look of joy appeared on his face immediately. He was really looking forward to it. I don't know what Luo Tian will do to harm the fairy world when he arrives in the fairy world...


Mr. Fang just said two words, and an absolutely invincible and powerful existence in the Tianxuan plane, such as the third-order plane, was instantly wiped out, and the eye sockets of those monks who came out of the Xuanhuang secret realm safely were cracked. .

This motherfucker is so violent and messy!

All the monks had such thoughts in their hearts.

Soon, one day passed, and there were only two days left before Xuanhuang Secret Realm would be closed again.

In the afternoon of the next day, a lot of brilliance burst out from the Xuanhuang Secret Realm, it was really unparalleled, just like the eight immortals crossing the sea to show their magical powers, each using their magical powers to walk out of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm.Among them, none of the monks from the Tiandao League came out.

Even Hei Chang, who has always been stern, couldn't help being stunned, and murmured: "These guys are too ruthless, it seems that they have smashed the Tiandao League?"

Mr. Fang and Mrs. Tianhu Baolun glanced at each other, but neither said anything, and immediately looked at the entrance of the Xuanhuang Secret Realm again. The person they were waiting for had not come out yet.


Suddenly, a mournful voice came from afar, and the words were extremely sad.

"Go ahead." Mr. Fang sighed softly, "Your Excellency is making a fuss, why bother involving the child, the child is innocent."

Mrs. Tianhu Baolun couldn't help but smiled wryly, "Mr. Fang, this concubine understands this truth, but if she recognizes the child, the heartless one will definitely remain indifferent."

"Love is a word that hurts people a lot." Mr. Fang shook his head lightly, then paused, "I heard that girl Mu Qing has been with that little fellow Luo Tian..."

"Ah!" Mrs. Tianhu Baolun couldn't help being startled, "What's wrong with Qing'er?"

"Ask your son yourself." Mr. Fang shrugged, and nodded his chin in a certain direction, "This child has been following you for ten years, and you are so determined not to see him, just let it go."

Mrs. Tianhu Baolun raised her eyebrows, snorted coldly, and said angrily: "That person who has no conscience, it's nothing more than not caring about my life for so many years, even the child has been wronged so much, I definitely can't spare him! "

In the distant void, a handsome young man with tears on his face crushed the communication jade slip in his hand, and immediately shouted at the ball of light made by the jade slip: "Father, Qing'er and I have made a decision this time. If you don't invite mother back home, we two will sever the father-son relationship with you! If you are upset, kill us!"

This young man turned out to be——

Su Butian!

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