
Chapter 541 The Big Wedding

Even from a certain point of view, although the reputation of Mrs. Wen and the sloppy old Taoist priest as messengers of rewarding good and punishing evil is not well-known, their power is extremely amazing.It's like the sloppy old Taoist priest who directly deprived him of the qualification to descend to the Nine Heavens Plane.

If you ask, what is goodness?What is evil?I believe that few people can really comment, but all creatures in the world believe that justice is at home.Human heart, how is human heart evaluated?

I believe that even Xianjun has no way to make a clear distinction. It can only be judged by the likes and dislikes of most people, which comes from the highest moral principles deep in the heart.It's like human beings are always in awe when they look at the distant starry sky.

Luo Tian's background is not very big, but the background shown at this moment is enough to shock everyone.I believe that from now on, no one will dare to underestimate Luo Tian, ​​the Luo family, or the forces that follow Luo Tian.

"Teacher, you can figure it out, tell the old man to wait!"

"My lord, you are safe and sound, very fortunate, very fortunate!"

Before Luo Tian opened his mouth, countless clouds billowed in the distance, smoke bursts, and countless colorful brilliance burst through the air.

Without even looking back, Luo Tian could guess that it was Tantai Yun and the people from the South China Sea Islands who had arrived.

"Okay, this matter will come to an end. See you on Luo's big wedding day in seven days!" Mr. Fang flicked his sleeves lightly, and the wooden boat under him was about to break through the void and leave.

"Mr. Fang, wait, let the kid bother you again!" Luo Tian hurriedly moved to the side of Mr. Fang, smiled, and began to communicate with his mind, and rolled his eyes wildly at Hei Chang next to him, this kid I don't know what the hell is going on.

After a long time, Mr. Fang nodded helplessly, stretched out his sleeves, threw something to Luo Tian, ​​then kicked Luo Tian down mercilessly, and left through the air.

This kid is brutal enough!How dare you force the treasure in the hands of Mr. Fang!

Others may not have seen it clearly, but Hei Chang, who had been paying attention to the two of them, could see it clearly. Just now, I don't know what this guy Luo Tian said, but Mr. Fang cruelly took the emerald boat with the supreme defense and the extremely fast flight on his body. Gave it to Luo Tian.

Next, under the stunned expressions of everyone, Luo Tian flew back like a normal person, with a triumphant expression on his face.

"I said boy Luo, are you stupid? Are you so happy to be kicked by Mr. Fang?" Zhou Dongfei, a curious baby, came over directly and asked in a low voice.

"Stupid? You are stupid, your whole family is stupid!" Luo Tian glared at Zhou Dongfei depressedly, "Would you do such a good thing as exchanging one foot for a treasure?"

"Don't do it!" Zhou Dongfei immediately shook his head from side to side, it's only a fool, it's true that Mr. Fang is not willing to have a heavy foot towards Luo Tianxia, ​​but if it were someone else, he might lose his life, only a fool.

"Stupid!" Luo Tian snorted.


Two days later, Luo Tian, ​​who safely returned to Dawu Luo's house, just passed two days of peace, and from the third day on, he was annoyed to death by countless descendant monks who came to his door.

After leaving the Xuanhuang secret realm, the monks who descended from the various planes just took the time to go back to the forces of the Tianxuan plane and stayed for a short while, as if they had made an appointment, they rushed to Da Wuluo's house together.

From the third day onwards, the gate of Luo's house was about to be crushed, and the threshold was about to be trampled to pieces.Many bigwigs who stomped their feet on the Tianxuan plane and the ground trembled a little came to congratulate them one after another.

This kind of unprecedented grand occasion, not to mention the Great Wu Kingdom, even if you look at the Profound Sky Plane, few forces have ever been so prosperous.Even the position of guarding the gate of the Luo family has countless children rushing to do it. You must know that the monks who are visiting now are at least the holy monks who have cultivated in the integration stage, and there are even immortals who have surpassed the Mahayana stage monks. Existence, in the past, these bigwigs never even heard of it, let alone seeing each other, but now these bigwigs are standing outside the gate of the Luo family with kind faces, politely saying this to the gate guards, if they come across rich and powerful For a monk, a spirit treasure is thrown out casually as a reward. This kind of good thing may not happen in 1000 years. The probability of it happening at the gate of the Luo family at this time is quite high.

In addition, some super-class forces from the Tianxuan Plane also came to visit, but seeing these big bosses scrambling for the qualification to enter the gate of the Luo family first, they couldn't help being dumbfounded. Many old foxes Directly with a wry smile on his face, he took the disciples and left first. It seemed that today was a dead end, and he had to wait for the early tomorrow morning to queue up.Didn't you see the people queuing up, are the ones with the worst cultivation levels all the saint monks at the stage of integration?It seems that if it is not for the Luo family's face, this group of holy monks will probably fight.

Inside the Luo family mansion.

"Fang Yun, Xiao Hao, the two of you will welcome me first." Luo Tian rubbed his stiff face with a smile, and then slipped away after speaking.

"This guy!" Fang Yun couldn't help laughing, "Give him Master Luo the main wedding, and probably go to the backyard to settle those aunts."

"Exactly... ah! I don't know, I don't know..." Huang Hao seemed to realize that he had slipped his lips, so he couldn't help but scratched his head and said with a foolish smile.

"Fang Yun, Xiao Haohao, come here, brother, come and welcome you!"

Soon, the red-faced Sha Sheng and the sad-faced Zhang Cha rushed over one after the other. Sha Sheng muttered as he walked, "Second brother, can you please save face? Don't give it to the boss." My face, you have to give the third brother face, right? The third brother is married, you are so hard-working, obviously to make people feel uncomfortable!"

"Amitabha, Boss, I am a monk, how can I..."

"Damn it, what kind of nonsense monks, I will take you to open buds with the third child tomorrow, let you become a monk, what a fart!" Sha Sheng yelled domineeringly, "Being a monk has some benefits, it is better to be a monk." Eating a piece of meat, a big bowl of wine, and drinking a lot of women makes me happy!"

"... "

From the fourth day onwards, all the people coming and going to and from the Luo family were some super-class forces from the Profound Sky Plane, and even those hidden forces sent people to congratulate Lord Xuanyin on his wedding. Shake the entire Profound Sky Plane.Of course, on the fourth day, those first-class forces and the royal families of the three empires are not eligible to line up, because they also rely on these super-first-class forces. Didn’t you see that these lawless masters in the past are all carefully and orderly in line? ?They are qualified there.

Knowing the fifth day, only the first-class forces and the royal families of the three empires are eligible to line up, and all of them are scrambling to be the first.

On the sixth day, the second-rate forces of the Profound Sky Plane and representatives of the royal families of other great powers began to line up...

The past few days have really been an unprecedented time for the Luo family. Everyone in the Luo family is full of joy and smiles. Now those strong men who have come are very careful when talking to them, and they dare not express any dissatisfaction, let alone mention other people.Just imagine, in the past, a monk who was so high and unattainable would put down his body and greet you politely, no matter who you are, you will feel the great brilliance on your face.

In the backyard of the Luo family, the only person in the Luo family who is very depressed is Luo Tian.

"Father, aren't you? These are all going to be married?" Luo Tian looked at the shy women standing in the hall with a bitter face, and was about to go crazy.

Luo Qinghe, Bai Yaner, Su Muqing, Chen Yu, Huangfuxiang, Yi Xiaoyue, Yang Yue... Not to mention, Bai Yaner's eldest sister, according to Bai Yaner's secret disclosure, her eldest sister Bai Yan is right Luo Tian also has a good impression, and has long since fallen in love with Luo Tian at first sight...

Luo Tian was really going crazy, this number simply exceeded his expectation.

"Hahaha, what's the big deal if you're all married? But there are only a dozen of them!"

At this time, a thunderous laughter came from outside.

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