
Chapter 542 Will go

"It turned out that the six ancestors arrived!"

The six ancestors who had stayed in the sword mound for countless years also broke through a few days ago, and finally they no longer need to guard the sword mound, and can freely take charge of the Luo family.Of course, the status of these six old guys in the Luo family is second only to Luo Tian.

"This...isn't that very good?" Luo Tian was very confused.

"Ignorant boy, I'm still hesitating!" The first generation of the sword god of the Luo family is the youngest son of Luo Huachen, the ancestor of the Luo family. He is older than Luo Tian by an unknown number of generations. , has long since risen and become the giant power of the entire Tianxuan plane, no one can match it.The only ones who dare to scold Luo Tian like this are the six old ancestors. Even Luo Yuntu and the elders of the Luo family have to follow the rules in front of Luo Tian. After all, Luo Tian is now the head of the Luo family. God doesn't need them to salute, but the head of the family is always the head of the family, the highest ruler of the Luo family, and his status is extremely honorable.

"Tian'er, just listen to the old ancestors and marry them all. These daughter-in-laws are all gentle and courteous towards you. Anyway, I'm going to decide!" Luo Yuntu, who never cared much about Luo Tian, ​​is also Domineering said abnormally.

"Father..." Luo Tian was at a loss as he looked at the several affectionate women standing in the hall.

"It's good to marry them all!"

"They're all married!"

Next, before Luo Tian could speak, the Great Elder and the six ancestors spoke one by one, one roaring louder than the other, and the roaring louder than the other, directly setting Luo Tian's lifelong events.

"Marry, just marry, anyway, one is driving away, and two are coaxing..." Luo Tian muttered, just in time to be heard by several women in the hall, and immediately, a sneer of unknown meaning appeared on all the women's faces.

Eight daughters-in-law!

Luo Tian's head was about to grow big, so he found an excuse to get out of the way and run away, so as not to suffer an unreasonable disaster later.

The big wedding was held as scheduled, and the grand occasion was unprecedented!

But those who were in charge of the ceremonies were the sloppy old Taoist priest and Mrs. Wen, the envoys who rewarded good and punished evil. Sitting at the top was Mr. Fang, and Mr. Fang sat at the bottom of the four ancient orthodoxy, Sanxiu Alliance and Taikoo orthodoxy, and many others. Representatives of many hidden forces, this kind of formation is enough to sweep hundreds of second-order planes.Just go out with one, and you can easily destroy countless third-order planes.

What made Luo Tian feel a little unbelievable was that Hai Lao Hai Qingtian, who guarded Luo's family, and Hai Lao Hai Qingdi, Hai Lao Hai Qingdi who lived in the Meteor Immortal Palace, turned out to be brothers of the same mother, which made Luo Tian sigh again.

Of course, what made Luo Tian the happiest was that the gift money given by these big forces was all kinds of strange things. The eighth-order monster came.

The Xuanyin Sect and the South China Sea Islands were reduced to running errands. They kept putting exotic fruits and all kinds of delicious food on the table. Luo Tian even put tens of thousands of altars of spirits he had refined When it was placed on the table, the faint scent of wine made the guests who had mixed with it almost salivate.

After a lot of difficulty, Luo Tian, ​​who was wearing a bright red groom's robe, walked in from the door, holding eight red ropes in his hand, his forehead covered with fine sweat. The wedding rules in the Profound Sky Plane are extremely complicated, and only the groom needs to prepare There must be at least a hundred rules of etiquette, making Luo Tian one head and two big, and he will collapse.

"Pray to heaven and earth!" Mrs. Wen shouted with a smile all over her face.

"Second obeisance to the high hall!" The sloppy old Taoist hurriedly shouted seriously.

These two visits to the high hall really tormented Luo Tian. He paid homage to these elders for half an hour. Of course, the red envelopes given by these elders to the newcomers were indispensable.

"Bye husband and wife!"

At this time, Luo Tian finally quick-witted and bowed eight times to the eight brides-to-be, smiling at the faces of a group of elders and guests next to him, even those elders who were serious on weekdays, the corners of their mouths were slightly raised When I got up, the intestines of laughing in my heart were about to twitch.

"Send to the bridal chamber!"

Finally, after two and a half hours of wedding, it was officially over.

"Elders, guests, brothers and sisters, I announce that you can drink to your heart's content, don't give me face, do whatever you want!" Luo Tian immediately cheered, threw the Sina cap away, and rushed into the square. Yun went to the wine tasting sequence at their table.

"Hahaha..." Everyone couldn't help laughing at Luo Tian's bold behavior, and then everyone started drinking.

"Third brother, today is your big day, at least you have to drink three bowls with each of us!" Sha Sheng also wore a red robe, stood up and put his arms around Luo Tian's shoulders, looking like good brothers.

"it is good!"

Luo Tian immediately agreed happily.

Three hours later, Luo Tian, ​​who had already vomited five or six times, felt his eyes spinning. Everyone was happy at this beautiful moment of the big wedding. As a newcomer, Tian was even more miserable, almost being force-fed to death.

"Come on, Tian'er, the elders have prepared a way for you to sober up!" At this time, an old ancestor of the Luo family and Master Qiankun walked over shoulder to shoulder, and pulled Luo Tian directly over.

"What way?" Luo Tian finally felt relieved, it's still the elders who know how to be considerate.

"Sober up with alcohol!"

"Isn't it? It's okay if I'm wrong..."


All the seniors, including Mr. Fang, refused with one voice.


"It's killing me!"

At night, the sky was full of stars, Luo Tian staggered, smelled of alcohol and walked towards the female family's residence in the backyard. The group of guys who wanted to have a bridal chamber also promised themselves good things, expressing that they would not disturb Luo Tian any more.

"Eight daughters-in-law, I really can't stand it!" Luo Tian pushed open the first door without hesitation, turned back to lock the door, poured a few cups of tea casually, and directly lifted the bride's red hijab.

The first place is Luo Qinghe.

"Hey, Mrs. Qinghe, I'm here for my husband!" Luo Tian rushed over with a lewd smile on his face.

"Slow down!" Luo Qinghe blocked her hand and said with a shy smile, "Sir, you haven't had a cup of wine yet!"

"Yeah, drink it now, drink it now!"

Soon, the lights in Luo Qinghe's room went out, Hong Luan's tent was warm, and a moment in the spring night was worth a thousand dollars.

Five days, it took Luo Tian a full five days to perform Zhou Gong's ceremony with all eight ladies. Of course, Bai Yan'er and Su Muqing had already had a physical relationship with Luo Tian, ​​and the two of them even asked for help. Asking too much, almost squeezed Luo Tian out.

What Luo Tian didn't expect was that Bai Yan'er's eldest sister, Bai Yan, looked dignified and pleasant, and she was a charming woman. Speaking of which, Luo Tian had the most difficulty dealing with her. It took all her strength to conquer her completely.

Luo Tian rolled down from Bai Yan's body, gasping for breath, his chest heaving sharply, looking haggardly at the beam, muttering, "Lady, you are too..."

With a radiant face and flushed face, Bai Yan nestled in Luo Tian's arms, giggling and said, "Just now, the sister who returned Yan called her, but now she is called a lady, Mr. Gong, you are too sad."


Luo Tian slapped Bai Yan's well-shaped buttocks directly, "You little goblin, didn't you call out to Brother Tian just now?"

Bai Yan's face was full of obsequiousness, and her autumn eyes were watery, biting Luo Tian's ear, and said in a low voice: "Master, do you want to try the taste of one dragon and two phoenixes?"

"I don't want to!" Luo Tian faced the temptation, showing a gentleman's attitude, "You, little elf, can exhaust my husband and I to death, and if you come again, you will be finished."

"Hehe, it turns out that my husband is only half-dead, and hasn't reached the limit yet. My husband, I want it again..."

"Don't do it, don't do it!"

Luo Tian immediately felt Bai Yan's small hand holding his lower body, and couldn't help reacting again, and finally threw himself directly on Bai Yan's body.


Luo Tian's beautiful life like an emperor only lasted for a month, so he announced that he would retreat for a few days. In these few days, he will carefully refine the ten Yin-Yang Xuanhuang Fruits, and strive to reach the point where a trace of Da Luo's law can be condensed .

A few days later, Luo Tian broke through the barrier and went directly through the void.

Half a day later, when Luo Tian returned to Luo's house, there was a hint of bloody aura emanating from his body.He just went to the main altar of the Heavenly Dao League, and with his own power, he killed and refined all the remaining monks of the Heavenly Dao League.

So far, the prestigious Tiandao League can almost be said to have been destroyed in the hands of Luo Tian alone.Of course, Luo Tian's actions will definitely attract the attention of the fairy world. If he goes to the fairy world in the future, the powerful forces behind the Tiandao League will definitely get rid of Luo Tian and then quickly.

Next, Luo Tian gave each of the three waves of Qingyun collected from the sixth floor of Xuanhuang Secret Realm to the Luo Family, Xuanyin Sect, and the three major forces of the South China Sea Islands. The law he left behind on the waves and blue clouds will definitely kill him by itself.

Of course, there are still many treasures on Luo Tian's body now, leaving the Great Wilderness Immortal Sword to the Luo family, the Tianxin Lantern to the Xuanyin Sect, and the Purple Lotus Sword Formation to the South Sea Islands.The waves and blue clouds on his body were also returned to Mrs. Wen, and many other treasures were left to the three major forces under his command. , The strength of the three major forces has increased a lot at once.

Afterwards, besides accompanying the eight ladies, Luo Tian pointed out the cultivation of these eight ladies. Luo Tian naturally gave the eight ladies countless resources, and even left the seven sections of the Naihe Golden Bridge and the soul-invigorating stone on his body to you all. lady.

After that, Luo Tian left a death order, within 2 years, monks from the Luo Family, Xuan Yin Sect and South Sea Islands were not allowed to ascend to the Immortal Realm.

ps: The end of this volume!I'm really sorry, I can't stop writing this chapter, it exceeds [-].It is estimated that the editor will say it again, Khan.However, what follows will be the most exciting content of this book, because I have conceived the pictures and scenes of the fairy world for too long, and I am sure I will not disappoint you.

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