
Chapter 543 Maple Leaf Star, Dongyang Village

The fairy world has always been the highest existence that monks in the second- and third-order planes yearn for and yearn for.

The fairyland is vast and boundless. No one has ever known how big the fairyland is, and few immortals have traveled the entire fairyland.Because the fairyland itself has countless places with unknown dangers, full of mystery everywhere, with countless enigmatic places, even extremely powerful immortals dare not enter them rashly, for fear of falling.

On a remote planet in the Southern Immortal Realm, if you look from the starry sky, you will see a fiery red color on this planet, which is in the shape of a maple leaf, so this planet is called Maple Leaf Star.

Maple Leaf Star is a very marginal planet in the Southern Immortal Realm, with relatively poor resources and lack of spiritual veins, so few strong people are willing to take over this third-order planet.The entire fairyland divides planets into four categories as a whole, third-tier planets, second-tier planets, first-tier planets, and top-tier planets.From bottom to top, the spiritual veins on the planet are directly proportional to the strength of the monks. Therefore, Maple Leaf Star is just the most inconspicuous bottom planet in the vast and boundless Southern Immortal Realm. Such a planet is almost uninhabited. Ask about.Those strong among the immortals will not take a look at them.

The planets in the fairy world are also divided according to their proportions. That is to say, the lower the level, the smaller the planet, and the smaller the planet, the fewer spiritual veins on the planet. It is even more difficult to get up, and it is difficult for the monks on the planet to have one or two real strong men.

For a small 'isolated' planet like Maple Leaf Star, where grandma doesn't love her and uncle doesn't love her, the real strongman is the Xuanxian strongman.

At this moment, on Maple Leaf Star, outside a village named Dongyang Village, there is a mountain peak that stands out from the crowd, and there is a grizzled old man in gray clothes on the peak of Xia Tian mountain. With a bright cinnabar imprint, it looks a bit daft and immortal, with grass shoes on its feet, a cloth belt around its waist, and a dry pipe pinned to its waist.

However, when the gray-clothed old man was talking to himself at this moment, he showed his pair of unparalleled golden yellow teeth, which looked golden and disgusting.

"God bless, God bless, after tens of thousands of years, let me, Maple Leaf Star Dongyang Village, extradite a cultivator who ascended from the lower realm!"

The gray-clothed old man was circling around the dilapidated and ancient teleportation array in front of him. Just a few days ago, the gray-clothed old man who was the head of Dongyang Village found the Ascending Ascension that seemed to have been silent for tens of thousands of years. There seemed to be some movement in the teleportation array, and the movement even alarmed everyone in the village, but everyone found out in despair that there was only some movement in the teleportation array, and it soon returned to its obscurity. They all left disheartened, and only the old village head was left stubbornly insisting. He believed that this time Dongyang Village would definitely welcome Ascension Cultivator.

Ascending monks have a relatively high status in the fairy world, because those who ascended from the lower plane are all people with strong cultivation bases, and they are the guests of every force, big or small.

But there is one thing, the higher the cultivation level of the monk who ascended from the lower realm, the higher the level of the planet he ascended to. Ordinary planets in the three realms such as Maple Leaf Star have almost no chance to welcome the ascended monks, even those who are Mahayana monks, Unless one is seriously injured in the space passage during ascension, it is possible to ascend to a third-order planet, otherwise, at least one must ascend to a second-order planet.

Maple Leaf Star, so there is no chance at all?

Even the old village chief himself felt hopeless, sighing secretly in his heart, could it be that Maple Leaf Star has been staying in the position of the third-order planet like this?You know, unless there is a great powerhouse on a third-tier planet, it is possible for a third-tier planet like Maple Leaf Star to advance to a second-tier planet.But Maple Leaf Star has been multiplied for countless years, and it seems that it is difficult for the aborigines to achieve great things. Everyone's hopes are placed on the ascended monks.

Soon, the day passed like this.

The old village chief shook his head helplessly. Since there were some signs of ascension in the teleportation array a few days ago, there has been no movement in the teleportation array in the past few days. It seems that Maple Leaf Star is destined to miss the ascension monk.

Just when the old village chief was about to turn around and leave, a sudden change occurred!


Suddenly, a layer of bright brilliance emerged from those somewhat ancient ascension teleportation arrays, and there were even piercing and strange sounds in that brilliance. It became a golden light, which was a sign that the Ascension Cultivator was about to come!

The old village head opened his mouth so wide that he could almost swallow a grapefruit, with an expression of disbelief on his face.


After the golden light lasted for a while, a light blue figure in ragged clothes fell out of the teleportation array, rolled a few times, and rolled directly to the feet of the old village chief.

The old village head felt that in front of him was a human monk who was obviously seriously injured and passed out. His mouth was even bigger, and he could almost swallow a watermelon.

A monk in the alchemy period? !

The old village chief felt as if his cognition had been overturned countless times, he even wanted to stretch out his palm and slap his cheek hard, how could it be the alchemy stage?

The old village head naturally knew that the minimum for ascending to the fairy world was the Mahayana stage, but the handsome-looking little guy in front of him seemed to have suffered too much injury, and his cultivation had fallen back to the alchemy stage. It was in chaos, and it was impossible to judge what state he was in before his ascension!

"God, this is still playing with me, Maple Leaf Star!"

The old village chief sighed dumbfoundingly. After tens of thousands of years, a soaring monk came to Maple Leaf Star, and his cultivation level fell back to the alchemy stage. You must know that all newborn babies in the fairy world have at least the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul stage!

At the moment, the old village head didn't bother to pay any more attention to it. He reached out and grabbed the handsome young man in Tsing Yi directly in front of him. He quickly transformed into a man the size of a palm, and then left quickly.


In the haze, Luo Tian seemed to have had a long, long dream. In the dream, he remembered the scene before his ascension in the Profound Sky Plane. At that time, he bid farewell to all the monks who came to see him off. The eight ladies parted reluctantly, kissed the eight ladies respectively, and after that, he unhesitatingly triggered the Heavenly Ascension Tribulation. For Luo Tian, ​​who was about to break through to the late Feixian stage, the Heavenly Ascension Tribulation was simply ridiculous It's not worth mentioning, but in an instant, he easily passed through the Ascension Tribulation and ascended.Because Mr. Fang and others have worked hard to warn that after passing through the Ascension Tribulation, you can stay in the original plane for at most two or three months. The specific situation depends on your personal cultivation. It is more difficult and more dangerous at times.

Therefore, after passing through the Ascension Tribulation, Luo Tian immediately entered the space channel and ascended to the Immortal Realm.

But Luo Tian didn't expect that in the space channel, he would encounter a space storm that he didn't know how many years. Because of Luo Tian's ascension, he couldn't carry any magic weapon on him, and could only rely on his body and comprehend the laws of magic to fight against it. At this moment, Luo Tian was seriously injured to the point of extreme danger. Later, he even burned his life energy to escape embarrassingly from the space storm.

After an unknown amount of time, Luo Tian finally regained his original consciousness. He just woke up and felt the pain all over his body was unbearable.

"It seems that the bones of the whole body have been broken, and the cultivation has regressed to the stage of alchemy!" Luo Tian hurriedly used the faint consciousness in his body to check his body, "Fortunately, the realm has not regressed, otherwise he would definitely die in the fairy world Very ugly!"

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