
Chapter 550 Do you want to die?

"My God!"

The old village chief slapped his forehead weakly, feeling very depressed, "Before you ascended, you were one of the strongest in the lower realm after all, and you didn't even know about the three major ethnic groups? Even if you heard about it, you should have heard of it, right?"

"I don't know." Luo Tian shrugged and said, "When I was in the lower realm, I was always practicing killing people, so I didn't have time to pay attention to these mundane things."

The old village head was speechless.

"Tell me about the three major ethnic groups." Luo Tian said lightly.

The old village head gave Luo Tian a blank look, and said, "The fairyland is so big, you should have a somewhat specific concept. If you want to say that the three most powerful races in the fairyland are the human race, the demon race, and the demon race. The gathering place, outside the Demon God Island, the northern and southern fairylands are almost dominated by humans and demons. Of course, the demons mainly live in the outer starry sky, and the number of demons in the northern and southern fairylands is only [-]%. Although the number of demons is smaller than that of humans There are many, but there are still many tyrannical characters, the most troublesome thing is that the body of the demons is too strong, and it is not so easy to hunt and kill the demons."

"Can you still hunt demons?" Luo Tian was stunned.

"The monster race has always remained neutral, while the human race and the demon race are deadly enemies. It is only on the surface that they are harmonious. There are countless cases of killing each other secretly, so if you encounter the demon race in the future, be careful. If you are not on the planet, if you are alone outside the planet, the demons will definitely attack you. Originally, the old man wanted to tell you this later, but now that you have been promoted to the immortal stage, it is time to tell you this."

Luo Tian thought for a while, that's right, in the fairy world, the most basic condition for wandering in the starry sky is to reach the cultivation base of Feixian. Fly off the planet.

Therefore, even in the fairy world, most of the immortals did not fly out of their planets to see the wider world until they sat down, because they were not qualified enough to be promoted to flying immortals.


Luo Tian took out a gold-painted folding fan from the inner world. It was a very ordinary folding fan. It was given to him by Zhou Wenya when he was in Tianxuan Plane. Luo Tian kept it until now and never discarded it.

"Mr. Lin, just now you talked about the changes in Xiyang Village, but you just said half of what you said. Could it be that the daughter of the second child in Xiyang Village who climbed a high branch has returned?"

"You know too much!" The old village chief almost burst into tears, and he came up and grabbed Luo Tian's arm, "No wonder others like to deal with smart people. It turns out that this feeling is so refreshing!"

"Old man Lin, what do you mean, we are all idiots?"

Suddenly, a figure flashed at the door, and a middle-aged man in white appeared and said with a smile.

"Luo Xiu! Come on, you came just in time, the old man told you, our Dongyang Village is well developed now!" The old village chief ignored the other party's teasing when he saw the visitor, "Come on, boy Luo, give me Let me introduce you, this is the number one expert in Dongyang Village, Uncle Luo Xiuluo!"

"Hello, Uncle Luo!"

Luo Tian saluted respectfully. As for etiquette, Luo Tian naturally wouldn't put on airs. Moreover, Luo Xiu was also a monk at the peak of Feixian, whose cultivation base was almost the same as that of the old village chief.

"Old man Lin, just laugh at me, the number one master of bullshit, with you here, I will always be the second child of ten thousand years!"

Luo Xiu said with a faint smile, he is not extremely good-looking, but the more you look at him, the more you feel that there seems to be a different kind of charm on him, which makes people feel close to each other. Of course, this kind of charm is harmful to women The power is probably more obvious.

"Luo Tian, ​​right? The little guy is very good. I've seen the two of you killing wantonly in Xiyang Village that day." Luo Xiu turned her head and smiled at Luo Tian.

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged at the moment, but he was secretly surprised. When Uncle Luo spoke, he gave people a light and gentle feeling, as if possessing a kind of evil temptation, and when he looked at himself, that The eyes are quite meaningful, could it be that this master is so masculine?

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." The old village chief took over immediately, "Except for Yan Qing who went to Qingyuan Star to rescue soldiers, the three of us are now the highest commander of Dongyang Village, so let's talk about Xiyang Village first. , it is said that Lai Er Er has brought the young master of Qingyuan Star back home yesterday, and that young master has also brought four guards who have cultivated in the late stage of Feixian this time. It seems that he is going to attack me Dongyang Village is under attack. Luo Xiu, what do you think?"

Luo Xiu sat quietly on the jade chair, and said calmly: "Things have developed to this point, what else can we do? We can only fight."

"Hit!" Luo Tian smiled slightly and gave his thoughts.

"You two fighting lunatics are really heartless. I don't know how to start a fight, old man? But the current situation is that the enemy is outnumbered, do you understand?" The cold triangular eyes of the old village chief suddenly dilated When it opened, it was obvious that the seven orifices that had been pissed off by Luo Xiu and Luo Tian were fuming.

"So what's the matter with outnumbered enemies? It's not impossible to defeat the strong with the weak!" Luo Tian said rather amusedly, "As long as you can hold back that dandy from Qingyuan Star, I'm sure I'll defeat Xiyang this time." The village is wiped out!"

"You are a newborn calf and are not afraid of tigers! You are going to die!" The old village chief pointed at Luo Tian, ​​spitting, "Do you know that the young master of Qingyuan Xing has already reached the realm of half-step Xuanxian? The young master on Qingyuan Star, who commands hundreds of third-order planets under his command, can he not have a powerful fairy treasure in his hand? Let’s not talk about whether the old man and Luo Xiu can stop the young master of Qingyuan Star together, but It's Luo boy, are you confident enough to win the battle against the six flying immortals?"

"Should be fine." Luo Tian gently flapped the extremely vulgar gold-painted folding fan in his hand, "If you can delay that Qingyuan star's dandy for a while, those six flying immortals are nothing more than chickens and dogs."

"The key is..." The old village chief said with a bitter face, "We have really offended that great Xuanxian star from Qingyuan this time, and if we were able to capture the young master of Qingyuan star alive, we'd better be merciful, otherwise I, Maple Leaf star, will have nothing to do." It could be catastrophic.”

"So what if we kill them all?" Luo Xiu sat firmly next to him, with a calm expression on his face, "He Qingyuan Star dared to attack Maple Leaf Star with great fanfare, but he violated the rules of the heavens in the Southern Immortal Realm. I dare not."

"Hey, after that, it will be very difficult for me, Maple Leaf Star, to go to Qingyuan Star to purchase, and the price will at least double. Moreover, that big shot will probably secretly buy the killer of Seven Star Building to deal with Maple Leaf Star."

"Soldiers will block the water and cover it with earth!" Luo Tian and Luo Xiu looked at each other and said in unison.


At this time, the old village chief, Luo Xiu and Luo Tian suddenly felt an astonishing sense of consciousness swept over Maple Leaf Star, and immediately, a purple-black vortex formed in the sky above Maple Leaf Star, and a demon walked out of the vortex.

"It's the Black Demon Clan of Karna!" The old village chief said with a slightly changed expression.

"Kana Star, a powerful planet among the third-order planets." Luo Xiu remained indifferent, "That's right, it's getting more and more interesting now."

"Demon Race, get out of Maple Leaf Star!"

Luo Tian had already judged from the other party's spiritual sense that the place where the other party landed was Dongyang Village, so he let out a low growl.

"Quack, the people of Maple Leaf Star, don't you need our help?" That demon was surrounded by black starlight, and he couldn't help breathing inexplicably.

"Do you want to die?"

Next, what made the old village chief's complexion change greatly was that Luo Tian stood up and said such a sentence with a sneer.

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