
Chapter 551

The Black Underworld Demon Clan is just the most common and largest demon clan among the countless demon clans in the fairyland.But this ethnic group has a large number and a large base. Although the ethnic group has never had such a super big figure as a fairy, it is said that a half-step fairy also appeared in the ancient times.

A half-step fairy, in the fairy world, can be regarded as a top figure.The power of the half-step fairy is simply unmatched. Even the ninth-rank golden fairy among the golden immortals, that is, the holy fairy, I am afraid that the half-step fairy can be blown to death in one breath across a big state, and turned into flying ash .

In the fairy world, the number of demons is second only to the human race, and the number is also large.

Of course Luo Tian doesn't like the demons, because I heard that the demons often burn, kill and loot outside the starry sky, plundering the human race's material resources and even living people. The demons usually plunder the human race's women, especially beautiful women, and then pay tribute to them. The superior demons among the demons can be exchanged for more rewards.

High-class demons can change into human form, almost exactly the same as human beings, and can only be distinguished from the breath on their bodies.

Therefore, Luo Tian decided to make a move.

"Boy Luo, don't be impulsive!" The old village head shouted quickly through voice transmission.

"It's okay, these bastards of the Demon Race should be killed." Luo Xiu agreed with Luo Tian's approach.

"Quack, what do you say, a human being who doesn't know what to do? I think you are looking for death!" The black demon from Karna star sneered, "It's just a little thing that just broke through the flying fairy. Both Lin Ziqing and Lai Lao Er dare not say anything!"


Luo Tian's complexion remained unchanged, a layer of colorful brilliance flickered across his body, and the next moment his whole body appeared directly above the sky, and the probe lightly grabbed the black devil, and the entire void seemed to be caught in a net Keep shrinking.

Qiankun Seal!

The Qiankun Seal that was almost tempered to perfection by Luo Tian!

"Small bug..."

Soon, the Hei Mozu couldn't speak the words behind him, and the leisurely expression on his face disappeared, replaced by a face full of horror.

"how can that be?"

"Kana Star, this seat is going to be destroyed!"

Luo Tian's face turned cold, and his eyes were icy cold. With a light pinch, the Hei Ming demon who had the late stage cultivation of Feixian was wiped out in ashes.At the same time, Luo Tian quickly cast the Wan Dao Seal secretly, shielding all the breath fluctuations above Dongyang Village, directly breaking through the void, and flying out of the starry sky.

"Boy Luo, wait!" The old village chief wanted to follow up and give a few words of advice, but his arm was held by a palm.

It was Luo Xiu who held the old village chief back, and he smiled lightly and shook his head, saying, "Old man Lin, didn't you see it just now? Luo Tian's way seems to be a bit different, as if he had opened up a A new way!"

"What! It's impossible!" The old village head shook his head like a rattle, "It's been born out of thin air. Even in the fairy world, such a big event has not happened for hundreds of millions of years. Even if it can happen, it will happen." Perceived by those big shots, they scrambled to accept them as their own disciples!"

"Old man Lin, you forgot to mention another possibility." Luo Xiu smiled lightly, "That is, when Luo Tian was in the lower realm, he had already cultivated the inner world and derived his own Tao."

"... "

"Also, old man Lin, haven't you noticed that Luo Tian's original cultivation seems to be more than that, I suspect that he has already reached Feixian cultivation in the lower realm, otherwise it would be impossible to break through to Feixian in such a short time! "

"... "


Outside the starry sky, Luo Tian couldn't stop digesting the black demon who was devouring, and finally found the coordinates of Karna Star in his numerous memories, and soon flew in the starry sky, heading towards Karna Star.

The human race is different from the demon race. Each star field of the human race has countless planets, ranging from the top level to the third level. Of course, the third-level planets are the most, but even the bottom third-level planets are independent on the surface. Under the command of a Tier [-] planet, Tier [-] planets that are generally rich in resources are the most sought-after. Tier [-] planets like Maple Leaf Star, which are severely lacking in resources such as spirit veins and spirit stones, are only listed under the name of Tier [-] planets. For example, Maple Leaf Star belongs to Qingyuan Star is a second-order planet, but Qingyuan Star is too lazy to take over Maple Leaf Star. If it takes over, not only will it not be able to obtain resources from Maple Leaf Star, but it will have to pay some of it back. The leader of a super planet will not do it.Only when Maple Leaf Star suffers an unprecedented disaster will the commander of Qingyuan Star take action, and they will not sit idly by and watch the destruction of their planet.

The demons are much more miserable.

The third-order planet of the Demon Race has no ruler, and has countless forces. It is chaotic and chaotic all the year round.All the third-order planets of the Demon Race are under no one's jurisdiction. Only the second-order planets of the Demon Race can be included under the command of the more powerful first-order planets and be protected by the commanders of the first-order planets.

From the comparison between the human race and the demon race, it can be seen that the demon race is cold-blooded and ruthless and the strong respect their style.Among the demons, only strength is recognized, without strength, no one cares about your life or death.

Therefore, Luo Tian dared to go to Karna Star boldly. Karna Star is a third-order planet of the Demon Race and belongs to an unowned planet. Even if the entire planet is destroyed, no one will pay attention to it.Of course, Karna Star, a third-order planet, is also lacking in resources, otherwise the human race would have united with several three-world planets to destroy Karna Star and divide it up.

"It seems that the third-order planets are all the same thing, grandma doesn't love uncle or uncle!"

Luo Tian thought to himself while flying in the starry sky.

Kana Star is not far away from Maple Leaf Star. With Luo Tian's foot strength and the blessing of the sky's wings, it only took half a day for Luo Tian to see the overall outline of Kana Star from a distance. Looking from the starry sky, Karna Star is like a black briquette, with boundless magic energy rippling on it.

Luo Tian clicked away from the starry sky, and the boundless magic energy on Kana Star swung away by itself, making way for a passage.


The next moment, Luo Tian directly entered the upper sky of Karna Star from the starry sky, and the world inside his body emerged, and his spiritual consciousness quickly swept across the Karna Star. body shape, and then confidently and boldly flew towards the place where the aura of Kana star fluctuated most strongly.

Tier [-] planets will not have masters beyond the realm of Feixian. This is an iron law. If there were, Karna Star would have been unified long ago, and Karna Star would also be promoted to a Tier [-] planet by then, and Luo Tian would also Don't dare to do whatever you want.

Demons, here I come!

Luo Tian's face turned cold, and he flew towards the first target he locked with boundless evil spirit. The current Luo Tian is poor and white, and he dare not slaughter wantonly on the human planet, so he can only attack the poor demons .

"No, there are enemies coming!"


"Someone invaded!"

Soon, a certain big force on Karna star jumped up and down, and even as Luo Tian flew past, the strange buildings on this big force suddenly fell apart and exploded one after another.

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