
Chapter 552

"Kill him, kill him!"

"Be sure to kill this human being and devour it!"

"Damn it, don't run fast, ah!"


Soon, this great force on Karna planet ushered in an unprecedented catastrophe. Wherever Luo Tian passed, all the demons he saw were beaten into meatloaf, and then sucked into the world in his body to devour and refine them.Those demons who were cultivated by celestial immortals and real immortals didn't even have the slightest resistance in front of Luo Tian, ​​and they were killed as soon as they met each other, just like chickens and dogs.

"Human, you are courting death!"

Soon, Karna Star, the strongest of the demon clan's power, appeared. If he didn't appear again, all the people under his command would be killed by Luo Tian. At that time, what use would he be as a bare-handed commander?

This demon speaks the common language of the fairy world, Qingliwen.But what Qing Liwen of the Demon Race said was so bad that with Luo Tian's wisdom, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment before he figured out what the other party was talking about.


At this time, the demon changed into its main body, which was the main body of the Black Underworld Demon. It looked like a dog as a whole, but there was a strange long curved horn on his forehead, which looked nondescript.This strong man of the Black Demon Clan spewed out countless black light balls the size of a skull, and the air exploded wherever the light balls passed.


Luo Tian was neither sad nor happy, he just opened his hand to grab it, and all the attacks of this black demon powerhouse were caught in Luo Tian's palm, just glanced twice, and there seemed to be a change in the center of Luo Tian's palm. Small World fused all these black light balls together, compressed them into a fist-sized black light ball, and then gently flung it back.

"Back to you."

As soon as Luo Tian finished speaking, the strong man of the Black Demon Clan was seriously injured by his own attack, half of his body was blown to pieces, and then he turned his head and ran away.


Lightning flashed from Luo Tian's tongue, and it swept out all of a sudden, blasting the fleeing Hei Mozu into blood mist.Demons are most afraid of thunder-type Taoism, and Luo Tian has also practiced some lightning-type Taoism. Although the power is not great, it can still be used to deal with inferior demons such as the Black Demons.

With Luo Tian's current strength, only immortals of the same level can fight him a few times. The rest, as long as Luo Tian is willing, can be easily killed in a breath.Soon, Luo Tian wiped out the great power of the Karna planet in front of him, and not a single blade of grass grew.

"It's really depressing. No matter how you say it is a big force on the third-order planet, the whole faction adds up to only hundreds of thousands of immortal pills and two third-order spiritual veins. No wonder the demons have become robbers. Such a poor If the demons don't burn, kill and loot, they have no hope of being promoted at all."

Luo Tian secretly sighed in his heart, and immediately, Zhitian's wings behind him shook slightly, and moved towards the remaining two major forces on Kana Star.

Just now, one of the three major powers on Karna planet was wiped out, and Luo Tian has not yet recovered to the mid-stage Feixian cultivation base, which shows how difficult it must be for the post-celestial realm to be promoted.

"It is estimated that the demons of the remaining two major forces have been devoured and refined, and they can almost recover to the middle stage of Feixian." Luo Tian thought in this way, and eliminated all the demons encountered on the road.

The next big faction, the one with the highest cultivation level was only Feixian's initial cultivation level, which really shocked Luo Tian.But after thinking about it, Luo Tian guessed that the demon clan he killed on Maple Leaf Star might be the leader of this great force.

Soon, Luo Tian rushed to the territory of the last major force on Karna planet. This major force seemed to be the most powerful force on Karna planet. There were more than ten Feixians alone, and half of them were The demon clan with the middle stage of Feixian and above.

"It's so cool! So happy!"

Ever since stepping into the world of cultivating immortals on the Tianxuan plane until now, Luo Tian has never had such a hearty addiction. Most of the masters on a planet have been killed by him alone. This feeling is really exhilarating. .

Anyway, it is the demons who are killing, so there is no need to have any psychological burden.

"Invading human beings, you are so courageous! How dare you openly slaughter my Karna star!"

Next, the leader of this great power also appeared, he was the peak of Feixian, but he only lasted for a cup of tea in Luo Tian's hands, and was easily beheaded by Luo Tian, ​​and he was devoured and refined in the world inside his body .

"It is indeed the largest force on Karna Star, and the largest territory!"

After Luo Tian killed all the demons in this great force, he began to search for resources in it. Under the induction of his way of swallowing the sky, all hidden treasures could not be hidden.

"Millions of immortal pills!"

Luo Tian couldn't help being shocked by the resources in his hands, "Twenty third-level spiritual veins, and one second-level spiritual vein! This trip really came at the right time."

While sighing, Luo Tian quickly controlled the Sky Wings to search for this great force.

"Huh? There is also a secret room here. If I hadn't probed into the ground, it would have been really hard to find!"

Then, on a sudden whim, when Luo Tian probed the underground of the towering strange buildings with his consciousness, he found something amiss, he quickly landed from the air, and then waved his big hand, and soon the man in front of him A bottomless pit appeared.


Luo Tian jumped into the pit without hesitation, pointed straight at the bottom of the pit, and found that there was a sealed passage at the bottom of the pit, and most of the prohibition circle in the passage had been cracked, leaving only a small half unbroken. , still shining brightly.

"It's a prohibition circle set up by human masters!"

Luo Tian's pupils narrowed slightly, and with his eyesight, he directly recognized that the forbidden magic circle in front of him was not owned by the demons at all. With the wisdom of the demons, I am afraid that only the upper class demons can be proficient in the forbidden circle, like Hei Ming Inferior demons like the demons can't even guarantee the resources for cultivation, let alone master the complicated prohibition circle.

Luo Tian was not proficient in the restraint circle, but after staying with Sha Sheng for a long time, he naturally became proficient in the restraint circle.In addition, the prohibition circle set up by the human race in front of them seems to have a faint restraint effect on the demon race, but the restraint effect on the human race is not so serious.

"A master of Confucianism and Taoism." Luo Tian only needs to sense it, and he can tell the origin of the restraining circle in front of him, directly going back to the past, "The righteousness emanating from this restraining circle happens to be the nemesis of the demons. Otherwise, the Demon Race would have completely broken through the prohibition circle here! But it is useless to me!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian's inner world directly swayed a green curtain of light, which was the divine light of Taiyi Cave Mystery.Back when Luo Tian created the Heaven Swallowing Seal, he also thought about incorporating the mysterious light of Taiyi Cave into it, but he tried countless times to no avail, so Luo Tian didn't force it, and now it's just used to break the restriction in front of him circle.

Chi Chi Chi!

The prohibition circle in front of him was forcibly broken bit by bit under the continuous erosion of the divine light of Taiyi Dongxuan displayed by Luo Tian.

Half a day later, Luo Tian completely broke the prohibition circle in this strange place, and went directly into it.

Luo Tian didn't expect that the remaining half of the forbidden circle seemed to cover such a large area, but the things stored in it were extremely rare, only two second-order spirit veins and a platform.

After receiving the two second-order spiritual veins into the inner world, Luo Tian started to circle the platform.

The platform is not big, and there is a jade round table on it. There is only one thing placed on the jade round table. The rune remained suspended in the air, motionless, with a line written in Qingli script on it.

Those who are destined can get it, the ever-changing fairy pocket.

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