
Chapter 553

Variety Fairy Pocket?Destined person?

Luo Tian immediately felt at a loss. This fairy treasure seems to be barely qualified to be rated as a middle-grade fairy weapon. Even if it is obtained, it is not a big chance, right?

Then, Luo Tian cautiously leaned up and approached the jade round table, and then a layer of Taiyi Dongxuan divine light appeared in his body to open the way, and decided to wipe away the radiance of the outer layer of the jade round table first.

Bo bo bo bo!

The rays of light outside the jade round table surged one after another. Under the stimulation of the mysterious divine light of Taiyi Cave, countless small water balls glowing with radiance were formed. These small water balls were completely condensed by the lights , there was a faint flowing halo outside, and they exploded in unison, turning into a silk net-like light curtain that temporarily blocked the mysterious divine light of Taiyi Cave, and a soul-stirring wave burst out of it. Vibrant awe-inspiring breath.

"It turns out that Taiyi Dongxuan Shenguang can't do anything about this great righteousness. What is the cultivation level of the Confucian and Taoist master who opened up this place? Could it be a master of the Golden Immortal level?"

Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and his face became cloudy and uncertain.

With a flick of the probe, a fierce sword energy flew out, and directly hit the colorful water polo, but it was as soft as hitting cotton, and there was no place to rely on it.

"Leverage your strength!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and he immediately understood the key point, and then faint black swirls appeared in his eyes, and he immediately looked at the essence of the jade round table through countless rays of light.

"What a brilliant way to gather energy!"

Soon, Luo Tian understood everything. It turned out that the reason why these colorful small water polos are so difficult to break through is the jade round table. Condensed and drilled a brilliant magic circle. In addition to having extremely powerful defensive capabilities, this magic circle is also because the magic circle itself is squeezing the source of all the spiritual veins of Karna Star. The jade round table in front of you is equivalent to a key , this key can control the heaven and earth energy of the entire Karna star!

"This master of Confucianism and Taoism is really ruthless." Luo Tian thought to himself that he had practiced such a vicious magic circle. If Luo Tian didn't come, maybe tens of thousands of years later, this magic circle would kill Kanna. All the heaven and earth energy on the planet was absorbed and transformed successfully, but by then, Karna Star might become an abandoned planet and be removed from the third-order planet.

Luo Tian changed his mind and thought again, most of the people living on this Kana planet are demons, which may be the main reason why the Confucian and Taoist master arranged such vicious methods.

Good and evil have been opposed since ancient times, not to mention the existence of the demons, which are more hateful than evil monks. I am afraid that in the eyes of that Confucian and Taoist master who has not met him, they are simply poisonous insects and beasts in the eyes of human monks. Everyone has to punish him!

"Poor demons."

Luo Tian found the source, and naturally found the symptoms. The next moment, the world in his body opened up, and the Sky Swallowing Pagoda flew out quickly, directly breaking into the ground like a towering tree with roots. , and flew towards the center of the underground of Karna Star.

Boom boom boom!

The sky-swallowing tower flew all the way, and under the devastation, it stirred up the chaos in the depths of the entire Kana star. Countless magma and boulders were shaken into powder by the sky-swallowing tower, and even the hot molten lava would volatilize into air .

Soon, the Sky Swallowing Tower was almost at the bottom of the core of Karna Star.

As soon as Luo Tian's divine sense was attracted, the Tuntian Pagoda trembled slightly, and then countless black light bands burst out. These light bands spread out in all directions very quickly, and during the flying process, they turned into a bird. A big hand quickly grabbed the spiritual veins deep in the ground of Kana Star, and cut them off one after another. Even if it is difficult to cut off the spiritual veins, these big black hands can temporarily stop the spiritual veins from entering the world. The speed at which the force gathers towards the jade round table.

"Break it for me!"

At this time, Luo Tian's face changed, and he came up and directly hit 27 times the combat power, and shot tens of thousands of attacks in the void one after another. With the blessing of 27 times the combat power, and the jade round table lost the power supply of heaven and earth, it was very powerful all of a sudden. Minus, Luo Tian's blow broke the radiance of the sun on the jade round table, shaking it into nothingness, and captured the ever-changing fairy in his hand.

After grabbing it in his hands, Luo Tian drove the Tuntian Tower to start absorbing the spiritual veins of Karna Star halfway. However, the central spiritual veins of each planet are generally unable to be extracted, even if the superpowers among the golden immortals want to It would be extremely difficult to do so.However, Luo Tian did not intend to absorb and refine all the central soul veins of Star Karna, but he could absorb the central soul veins of Star Karna to the maximum extent, so he would naturally not let go of such a great opportunity.

In fact, in the Immortal World, even Xuan Xian cannot extract the central heart vein of a third-order planet, because even a third-order planet is protected by the most essential laws of heaven and earth, and ordinary people can slowly extract it. It is extremely against the sky, only Luo Tian, ​​a pervert who lives out of thin air, dares to do this.


It didn't take long for Luo Tian to soar into the sky, leaving Kana Star and entering the starry sky.Just now he absorbed almost [-]% of the central heart veins of Karna Star, and he could no longer continue. In addition, he killed almost all the flying immortals on Karna Star, and the Sky Swallowing Tower couldn't keep running. The previous cultivation base of Feixian was in the middle stage, and he was about to break through to the appearance of Feixian in the late stage.

At this moment, Luo Tian just had the opportunity to take the Variety Immortal Pouch into his hand to observe carefully, but after just one glance, Luo Tian couldn't laugh or cry. From the appearance, this Variety Immortal Pouch turned out to be a woman's bellyband, with extremely strong tentacles. Soft, not silk, not hemp, not silk, I don't know what material it is made of, it feels cool in the hand, very comfortable.

"Try if you can recognize the Lord with a drop of blood."

Afterwards, Luo Tian took out a drop of blood essence and dripped it directly on the Variety Immortal Pocket.

What is very strange is that nothing happened to the Variety Immortal Dou. Luo Tian struggled and dripped two more drops of blood essence on it. It turned out that the Variety Immortal Dou still swallowed up the essence and blood without any change. .


Luo Tian was almost on the point of cursing, the Variety Immortal Pocket, which he obtained so hard, turned out to be a waste product?

"I can only study it when I have a chance in the future." Luo Tian thought like this, and the Zhitian wings behind him flickered violently, and the speed increased sharply.

This time, it only took half a day for Luo Tian to go back.


As soon as Luo Tian landed in the old village head's house, the old village head rushed out dumbfounded, "You you you... why did you go to Karna Star, your cultivation has broken through again?"

The old village chief was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked. Damn, even if they are geniuses, there are countless in the fairy world, but they have never heard of people who can improve their cultivation base in just two or three days. It's a ghost.

"Old man Lin, let's talk about how to deal with Xiyang Village. This little guy Luo Tian can always surprise us."

Luo Xiu's voice came from behind the old village head.

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