
Chapter 554 Fighting Xuanxian

"Look at my memory!"

The old village chief patted his forehead heavily, laughed dryly as if suddenly realizing it, and finally said seriously, "Hey, that's what happens when you get older, you tend to forget things easily, Xiao Xiuxiu and Luo boy forgive me."


Luo Tian felt his eyes go dark, and immediately looked at Luo Xiu, a middle-aged man with inexplicable charm, very funny.

Luo Xiu didn't seem to have heard what the old village chief said, her expression remained unchanged, she stood quietly where she was, and there was always a sense of calmness.This middle-aged man, who seemed to have always been clean and clear, had a faint smile on his slightly delicate face, as if nothing in the world could affect his calmness.

"Okay, let's get down to business." The old village chief finally surrendered. After careful calculation, Luo Xiu's time in Dongyang Village was much earlier than him.But Luo Xiu is a person who is indifferent to fame and wealth, and never fights for or grabs anything.

It seems that the old village chief suddenly thought in horror that he had only seen Luo Xiu attack twice, one was beheading the demons outside the territory, and the other was beheading a Xiyang village who had slaughtered many immortals from Dongyang village. Early Feixian.

The two shots were like flowing water, killing the enemy with one move.

In terms of mystery, Luo Xiu seems to be even more mysterious than Luo Tian. After all, the old village chief has been with him day and night for tens of thousands of years, but he still doesn't know anything about him.

"Mr. Lin, please tell me."

With his backhand, Luo Tian took out several bottles of spirits brewed on the Tianxuan Plane from the inner world, and gently threw them to the old village chief and Luo Xiu.

"Good wine."

Luo Xiu's eyes seemed to light up when he saw the strong wine, and he took a sip of it lightly, and was intoxicated for a while, before he praised him with great aftertaste.

"This guy." The old village chief smiled wryly, and seemed to be disturbed by this guy again. Luo Xiu is not good at women, not good at spiritual medicine, and only likes to drink. Luo Tian really won it by mistake. Luo Xiu's favor.

"Come back to the topic." The old village head coughed lightly, and said seriously, "In the past few days, according to the news heard by the people we ambushed near Xiyang Village, it seems that Xiyang Village has already had a relationship with the young master Qingyuanxing. If some kind of agreement is reached, some Xuanxian masters from Qingyuan Star will come to help Xiyang Village in the near future, and our Dongyang Village is really at a critical moment this time!"

"A master of Xuanxian?" Luo Tian frowned slightly, and soon relaxed. Not only has he recovered the cultivation base of the middle stage of Feixian, but his cultivation has improved again, and he is almost breaking through to the late stage of Feixian. As long as there is a small opportunity, he can break through immediately, and relying on the first two forms of the swallowing seal method, Qiankun seal and Wan Dao seal, as well as the hardness of the flesh body in the early stage of the middle-grade fairy weapon, even Xuanxian, Luo Tian thinks that he is [-]% sure that he can kill the opponent, of course, the premise is that the opponent's cultivation level does not exceed the peak of Xuanxian.

Starting from Xuanxian, after the late Xuanxian period, it is the peak Xuanxian, and then the invincible half-step golden immortal.That is to say, starting from Xuanxian, there has already been a very obvious change. This change is very subtle, but this kind of change is very common, because starting from Xuanxian, the promotion of the realm of cultivation has reached an extremely high level. Difficult point.There are countless immortals in the fairy world who are trapped in the realm of Xuanxian until they sit down. If they want to break through to the Golden Immortal, from the perspective of the entire fairyland, there is only a one-in-a-billion chance, that is to say, one billion Xuanxian Among them, only one will stand out and be promoted to Jinxian.

Feixian is an important watershed for immortals, and Jinxian is the most critical pass.If you step over and reach the sky in one step, you will immediately become a big shot in the fairy world. If you fail to pass, it will hinder you from breaking through the Golden Immortal again, and you may be devastated.

Therefore, many powerful Xuanxian invincibles dare not rashly try to break through the Golden Immortal, because if they fail, they may not even be able to maintain their original realm.If it is found by the enemy after hearing the news, it is likely to fall.

"Xuanxian, has Star Qingyuan finally decided to make a move? They are only for Maple Leaf Star?" Luo Xiu smiled softly and said to himself, still sipping the strong wine Luo Tian gave him , independent from the world.

"I said, what do you two mean?" The old village chief scratched his head, looking like he was about to collapse. When is this? The two guys in front of him don't seem to be worried at all. This is what the lower realm said In other words, the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry?

bah bah bah!

Soon, the old village chief threw this idea out of his mind, but his gaze towards Luo Xiu became a little uncertain.

"Don't look at me, old man Lin." Luo Xiu curled her lips, "I know it, the same as you know it. You old fellow don't doubt me, you know, I'm not interested in those things."

The old village head trembled, and then smiled wryly: "You are not interested, but others are. Please Xiao Xiuxiu, don't you have such a heartless expression, okay? Aren't you a member of Dongyang Village?" ?”

"I've always been a member of Dongyang Village, so I agree with Boy Luo's thoughts. You can ask him." After Luo Xiu finished speaking, he raised his head and drank a bottle of spirits. The wine is really strong, and it tastes much better than those so-called immortal wines."

"It's like how many high-grade immortal wines you have drunk." The old village chief rolled his eyes.

Luo Tian didn't say much, and directly took out dozens of bottles of spirits and threw them into the void. Luo Xiu quickly waved his hands, and these dozens of bottles of spirits disappeared out of thin air. I don't know how Luo Xiu took them away.

Luo Tian's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he turned his head and smiled brightly at the old village chief, "Old Lin, Zhan!"

Many years later, the old village head Lin Ziqing still remembered the boy in Tsing Yi with a bright smile on his face. At that time, his smile was enough to melt the whole world. Have fun.

"Snooping for so long, die to me!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian yelled violently, shaking the entire sky to faintly resound, and finally reverberated.

At the same time, Luo Tian swayed, and directly jumped into the sky, and shot at a certain void one after another, wide open and closed, and the shots were extremely fierce and domineering. The Feixian who came from the void seemed to have just arrived, and was killed by Luo Tian, ​​who was so precise in his shots, that he died in obscurity.

The old village chief and Luo Xiu glanced at each other, both a little surprised. Luo Tian had just made a move, and his experience was extremely rich, as if he had experienced thousands of battles.

Of course, Xuanxian is the least one who can shatter the void in the fairy world, and Luo Tian's ability to shatter the void even more faintly shows that his current cultivation level is comparable to Xuanxian's!

"Dare to kill my apprentice, little thing, you won't survive today!"

Suddenly, there was a thunderous roar in the void. After the roar, the law of heaven and earth in the space in front of Luo Tian couldn't help twisting and trembling, as if it was about to be assimilated into a mysterious and strange law.

"This is not the law of heaven and earth! This is the law of Xuanxian!"

Luo Tian immediately realized that he seemed to have met a Xuanxian, and this Xuanxian was still far away at the moment, and it would take a while to arrive.

The opponent is Xuanxian? !

Luo Tian licked his lips, without the slightest fear, the excitement in his heart almost washed away his intelligence, looking forward to Shang Xuanxian.

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