
Chapter 556

With Feixian's mid-term cultivation base, he directly killed a Xuanxian without any suspense!

What kind of terrifying evildoer background is needed for this?

"Damn it, boy Luo, if he is placed in the top-ranking sect of the first-order planet, I'm afraid he can stabilize the core disciples!" The old village chief murmured, "This kind of talent and aptitude is definitely at the level of evildoers, wow ha ha ha !"

"Boy Luo is fierce or not, it's none of your business." Luo Xiu rolled her eyes and said.

"Why don't you care about my business!" The old village head said angrily with a cockfighting attitude, "Boy Luo is also a member of our Maple Leaf Star, and when his strength improves, Maple Leaf Star will also rise. Promoted to a second-order planet."

"Isn't it you? Old man Lin. You still have such a lofty ideal blueprint?" Luo Xiu cried out speechlessly, "Our Maple Leaf star is the bottom of the third-order planet, even if it is promoted to the second-order planet, which one do you think?" The planet is willing to accept our asylum? At that time, he will not be a bare-handed commander!"

"It's really impossible to have in-depth communication with your wisdom!" The old village head raised his eyebrows, and said proudly, "Do you think that boy Luo can also be promoted to Xuanxian? I don't think so."

"Even if Boy Luo can break through to the Golden Immortal, that is his own business. The overall strength of our Maple Leaf Star will not be improved because of him alone. Although a Golden Immortal is required to be promoted to a first-order planet, our Maple Leaf Star does not Do you meet other conditions?"

"I'm too lazy to tell you, you just like to get into the wrong corner." The old village head said angrily, "Boy Luo is so cruel and ruthless, you haven't seen it before? When he is promoted to Jinxian, Naturally, a lot of resources will be plundered, and it will be impossible for Maple Leaf Star not to be powerful, hahaha!"

"... "

The two are communicating here through sound transmission, and Luo Tian in the sky has already digested everything about Xuanxian Jiangdong of the Giant Stone Clan.

"Old village chief, Uncle Luo, there is still something to be done, boy, please wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian flew directly through the air and directly entered the outer starry sky.

Arriving in the outer starry sky, Luotian's situation suddenly changed, and he broke through directly to the late stage of Feixian.In front of the old village head and Luo Xiu just now, he was naturally embarrassed to show an astonishing speed of cultivation, so he had no choice but to break through directly in the starry sky.

Devouring a Profound Immortal is really beneficial!

Luo Tian thought very excitedly, I heard that Young Master Cao Cheng of Qingyuan Star is also a master of Xuanxian, and a middle-stage master of Xuanxian, if he devoured that guy, he might be promoted to the peak of Feixian immediately Half a step to the level of Xuanxian.


Behind Luo Tian appeared purple Zhitian wings. The Zhitian wings spread out lightly, and they were three to four feet long. With a slight flap, Luo Tian flew forward like a meteorite.

Soon, Luo Tian arrived at the only way between Qingyuan Star and Maple Leaf Star. Beyond a dark blue distant starry sky, he just killed the Giant Stone Clan Xuanxian Jiangdong, and he earned a full five second-order two veins and Millions of immortal pills should be enough to use 27 times the combat power several times. This feeling of having resources is really good.

Later, Luo Tian calculated carefully for a while, and finally his figure slowly disappeared in place, and it turned out to be the Burning Immortal Pill that disappeared into the void.

Moments later, a sedan chair flew up from the distant starry sky. This sedan chair was golden yellow in color and looked extremely luxurious. There were eight monks in the late Feixian period carrying the sedan chair, and there were four maids and six guards around. A group of people are all Feixian or above.


Luo Tian, ​​who was hidden in the void, burned with an incomparable fighting spirit. He did not expect that Cao Cheng, the young master of the Cao family, would be so cautious. Not to mention that he is a master of Xuanxian himself, and there are two masters of Xuanxian to protect him. Enough to sweep all Tier [-] planets.


"Get me out!"

At this time, Cao Cheng and his party were already a thousand feet away from Luo Tian, ​​so Luo Tian instantly broke the invisible state and appeared directly.

"The one who will kill you!"

While speaking, Luo Tian took a step, and the colorful light flashed on his body, breaking through the distance of thousands of feet in an instant, directly opening the world in his body, directly suppressing the sky-swallowing tower in the void with a radius of a hundred miles, and then continuously burning the immortal essence pill and spirit Pulse, instantly hit 27 times the fighting power.

Boom boom boom!Bang bang bang!

I saw that the void with a radius of hundreds of miles exploded uncontrollably under the shock of Luo Tian's attack, and countless space cracks spread out tens of thousands of feet.

"No, there are enemies attacking!"

"Damn it, someone has cultivated the inner world!"

"It's over, we are not opponents!"

The inner world can only be cultivated by immortals of the Feixian level, but only a very small number of immortals can cultivate it. Many strong people, even those who have reached the invincible realm of Xuanxian, cannot cultivate the inner world.

As for Cao Cheng and his group, none of them cultivated out of the inner world.

So, they are tragic!

Luo Tian, ​​who possesses the world inside his body, can already leapfrog to kill people, but now he has 27 times his combat power. None of the people in front of him can escape his killing.

"Come again!"

I have to admit that Qingyuan Star is worthy of being the strongest planet among the second-order planets. This Cao Cheng actually has a high-grade material defense fairy weapon on him, which can withstand Luo Tian's first round of attacks, but it is still difficult to support.

For the second time, Luo Tian's combat power was 27 times, and he directly pulverized the high-grade material defense fairy weapon in Cao Cheng's hands, and finally killed Cao Cheng and his party, and swallowed them into the inner world.

"Did you make a mistake?"

After a while, Luo Tian counted all the loot, and found that the total income this time has reached tens of millions of immortal pills, including ten second-order spiritual veins.In the battle just now, he consumed more than 200 million Xianyuan pills and all the third-order spiritual veins.

But Luo Tian still hasn't been promoted to the half-step Xuanxian realm!

I have to say that Luo Tian's background is too amazing. If others swallowed up such a strong person's refinement at once, I'm afraid he would have been promoted a long time ago. Unfortunately, Luo Tian felt that his cultivation base was only a step further, and he had not reached the level of qualitative change.

After erasing all the aura fluctuations from the battle here, Luo Tian checked carefully again, and finally returned to Maple Leaf Star with peace of mind.

The old village chief and Luo Xiu seemed to have grown numb to Luo Tian's continuous jumping. Seeing that Luo Tian had gone out for half a day and his cultivation had been promoted again, the two of them didn't show any shock, but couldn't help but sigh, what the hell is this? Still human?

Of course, when Luo Tian told the truth that he had wiped out Cao Cheng and his party in Qingyuan Star, the old village chief and Luo Xiu couldn't help but roll their eyes. Including the three Xuanxians, there are nineteen strong men who have been cultivated above Feixian.

"I think we can tell this kid about that." The old village chief looked at Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu drank the spirits one after another, "I think so too."

"What's the matter?" Luo Tian frowned, as if he had a bad feeling, the two guys in front of him were too deep in the city.

"A big secret about Maple Leaf Star." The old village head said righteously.

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