
Chapter 557

"What big secret?" Luo Tian asked, frowning slightly.

"Let's go, let's talk in the room!" The old village head and Luo Xiu looked at each other, and then said.

The three of them quickly filed into the old village chief's residence. Afterwards, the old village chief arranged hundreds of restraining circles with great vigilance, among which Luo Xiu also arranged dozens of restraining circles.

Luo Tian looked at it secretly, seeing the cautious posture of these two people, the big secret of Maple Leaf Star that the old village head said must be really surprising.

After the arrangement was complete, the old village chief and Luo Xiu sat down respectively, and then they stared at Luo Tian in unison.

"What do you two mean?"

Luo Tian picked up the tea on the coffee table next to him without changing his expression, took a sip, and asked calmly.

"I wonder if you have heard of Lingyun Ling?" After a while, the old village head asked.

"Lingyun Order? I haven't heard of it." Luo Tian shook his head directly.

"Let me say it." Luo Xiu took the bait directly, "Lingyunling, that is the most powerful first-order planet in Lingyun Starfield, and it is also a token issued by Lingyunzong, the current ruler of Lingyun Starfield. This token has no other special functions, only one function, that is, monks who hold the Lingyun Token can participate in the genius battle held only once in [-] million years in the Southern Immortal Realm!"

"Genius battle?" Luo Tian wondered.

"That's right! It's the Genius Battle, which is held once every [-] million years, and the strong Golden Immortals are not allowed to participate. Of course, monks who can't cultivate Golden Immortals in [-] million years will lose their lifespan." Luo Xiu smiled lightly.

It turns out that the highest lifespan of a strong Xuanxian is [-] million years!Luo Tian secretly wrote it down in his heart.

"Genius War, as the name suggests, is to find geniuses in the battle. There are nine big states in the entire Southern Immortal Realm. It is said that the Jinzhou Lingyun Starfield where our Maple Leaf Star is located has not entered [-] genius immortals several times. Not to mention, among the thousands of star fields in Jinzhou, our Lingyun Starfield has never entered the top [-] in Jinzhou." Luo Xiu continued, "The lower the ranking, the better the Jinzhou Governor's Mansion." The rewards will be less. Generally, only the genius monks who enter the top [-] in Jinzhou can have good treatment, and they can even improve the rank of the planet they are on. For example, if you participate in the genius battle and enter the top [-] in Jinzhou , it is very likely that Maple Leaf Star will be promoted to a second-tier planet with countless benefits."

"So cool?" Luo Tian was a little moved. Participating in the genius battle has many benefits. Not only can you see all kinds of strong people, but you can also hone your will and enrich your experience. Most importantly, the higher the ranking High, the higher the reward, the reward is simply the best booster for Luo Tian now.

Don't look at Luo Tian plundering so many immortal pills and spirit veins, but it is only 27 times the combat power that can support him more than a hundred times.At most, it is barely enough for him to cultivate for more than ten years now, which is really too poor.

A normal immortal, with Luo Tian's current resources, is enough to practice for hundreds of years.But Luo Tian came because of his fast cultivation speed, and because of his great background, he needed too much immortal power to be promoted.

"This doesn't seem like a big secret, does it?" Luo Tian asked weakly after Luo Xiu finished speaking.

"Lingyunling is just an entry token to participate in the genius battle, so it's nothing to make a fuss about." After Luo Xiu finished speaking, she paused, "But you must know that Lingyunling is on a third-order planet, but at most one token can be distributed. Thirty planets can be distributed for second-order planets, and a hundred for first-order planets. Think about it, boy Luo, let alone third-order planets and second-order planets, there are hundreds of thousands of first-order planets in the Lingyun Starfield alone Well, how many do you think there will be strong people who have Lingyun Token? There will be at least tens of millions of monks participating in the genius battle in the entire Lingyun Starfield, and among the thousands of starfields in Jinzhou, the Lingyun Starfield is divided according to strength At most, it is at the middle level. How many monks do you think a big state needs to participate in the genius battle? There are at least tens of trillions of monks. There are nine big states in the Southern Immortal Realm. How many monks do you count?"

Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, and then thought, this is the fairyland, the vastness of the fairyland is unimaginable, just a genius battle, you can see how vast the fairyland is, not to mention, this is only the southern fairyland, counting the northern fairyland And Demon God Island, how big should this be?What's more, there are countless demons in the outer space...

Since Luo Tian entered the Immortal Realm, it was the first time that he felt such a big head. The Immortal Realm is really too big, so big, naturally there are countless geniuses and strong men, and geniuses in the Immortal Realm are countless.

"Hehe, are you scared?" Luo Xiu smiled, "So, the purpose of destroying Xiyang Village this time is also to win you the Lingyun Token."

"Let me participate in the genius battle?" Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "I don't know when the genius battle will start?"

"There are still more than a thousand years at most." Luo Xiu replied seriously.

"The Lingyun order..."

"Lingyunling is not in our hands for the time being." Luo Xiuqian laughed, "Presumably Lai Er Er of Xiyang Village also noticed the location of Lingyunling, that's why he has interacted with the Cao family of Qingyuan Star so frequently recently. You know, even if you participate in the talent competition and get eliminated in the first round, there are still many benefits. No wonder Lai Laoer has been jumping up and down like a fire recently!"

"Where is Lingyun Order?" Luo Tian asked.

"This, Xiyang Village must be settled first, otherwise they will definitely dare to sabotage."

"It's simple." Luo Tian stood up and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Too strong! Too strong!"

The old village head and Luo Xiu glanced at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes. You must know that the two of them have set up a restraining magic circle here. Unexpectedly, Luo Tian rushed out carelessly, and did not touch the slightest thing. The prohibition circle, this is too frightening indeed!

"What kind of heaven-defying way is he practicing?" The old village chief sighed deeply.

After a while, Luo Tian came back peacefully, and sat down with a smile, "You two, from today onwards, Dongyang Village will be the leading power in Maple Leaf Star."

"Let's go."

The old village chief and Luo Xiu smiled helplessly, immediately withdrew the restraining circle, and took Luo Tian directly towards the extreme north of Maple Leaf Star.

After a while, the three of them arrived at the extreme north of the Maple Leaf Star. This place seemed to be a bit different. The maple trees and maple grass were more lush than other places. The smallest tree was thousands of feet high, and the maple grass was even more luxuriant. They are all more than ten feet high.

The old village head stretched out his finger and pointed to the depths of this area, "Lingyun Ling is there, but it has only appeared on its own since more than a hundred years ago. But this area is really strange, and ordinary people can't get close to it and will be ejected." Fly out, don't be afraid to say shamelessly, the old man has been bounced no less than a hundred times."

"let me try."

There was a flash of light in Luo Tian's eyes, and he flew towards the depths in an instant. He was shocked to find that just approaching the depths of this area, he was bounced away by a huge and inexplicable force, and fell back to the ground again. In situ.

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