
Chapter 558

Something is wrong!

Absolutely not right!

Luo Tian's pupils contracted sharply. When he flew into the depths of the mysterious area just now, the inexplicable force made him unable to even react at all, as if, as if that inexplicable force had surpassed The category of countless laws and infinite rules in the fairy world makes it impossible to start.


This time, Luo Tian turned into a silk thread and displayed his ability to cross the void. At the same time, he secretly created the Wan Dao Seal in his heart. Devouring and absorbing cannot stop Luo Tian's advancing trend.

clap clap clap!

This time, Luo Tian only went thousands of feet deeper than last time, but was still mercilessly bounced away by that inexplicable force.


The next moment, Luo Tian was thrown back to the original place in disgrace, this time he was shot thousands of feet more than last time, it seemed that no matter how far Luo Tian went, he would be sent back to the same place.

And this time, Luo Tian felt that he was almost slightly injured, and the world in his body was collapsed by nearly [-]%. He was so frightened that he hurriedly burned the million immortal pills and a third-order spiritual vein in his body to fully recover.

"This is too scary!" Luo Tian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and turned to the old village head and Luo Xiu, "Is it so difficult to obtain the Lingyun Lingling? Then even if I, Maple Leaf Star, want to participate in the genius battle, I'm afraid I can't do it." Powerless."

The old village head shrugged, expressing helplessness.

On the other hand, Luo Xiu's complexion became a little gloomy, the light in his eyes was faintly visible, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"I'll try again!"

Moments later, Luo Xiu opened his mouth and spewed out a war drum. The whole body of the war drum exuded an ancient and vigorous aura, hovering over his head unceasingly, diffusing countless ancient and long-lasting fighting spirits.

"Shocking battle drum!" The old village chief couldn't help exclaiming, "Xiao Xiuxiu, I didn't expect this ancient treasure to be in your hands. No wonder the Cao family on Qingyuan Star was scared back last time. It turned out that you secretly Make a move! With this treasure in hand, you bastard would have wiped out Xiyang Village sooner!"

"Holy Grade Immortal Artifact." Luo Tian's complexion also changed slightly, this aura is too familiar, he had snatched the Holy Grade Immortal Artifact Soul Vibrating Stone in Xuanhuang Secret Realm back then, for the Holy Grade Immortal Artifact, the most holy The breath of the Supreme is all too familiar.

"Hmph, Xiyang Village is nothing more than chickens and dogs." Luo Xiu smiled lightly, "Old man Lin, you have to know that sometimes breaking the rules of the game is not a good thing, and if it is too much, it is not as good as you should understand. The drums of war are revealed, and those old guys in the Lingyun Starfield may not be able to sit still."

"That's right." The old village chief nodded in agreement, "Saint grade fairy artifacts are extremely rare in the Lingyun star field, and only some powerful first-order planets can have one. If you are exposed, I am afraid that Maple Leaf Star will never have peace. It is even very likely to be erased from the fairy world."

"Uncle Luo, don't worry about it. You can also secretly go to some demon planets to plunder resources. At worst, you can slaughter those demon cubs." Luo Tian chuckled.

Luo Xiu rolled her eyes helplessly, "Do you think I don't want to? It's a pity that the shocking aura of the battle drum is really hard to hide, let alone completely wiped out. If some old immortals with ulterior motives notice it, it is very possible to figure out the whole story. This is my last resort. The main reason for not using this treasure."

"It seems that only when you are promoted to Xuanxian can you use this treasure with confidence." The old village head smiled helplessly, "When you reach the realm of Xuanxian, you can change the distorted rules of the laws of heaven and earth, and then restore everything to the mysterious and mysterious The breath of law, unless you are an immortal, even the most powerful among the nine-turn golden immortals, it is difficult to detect the existence of the Shocking God Battle Drum!"

"That's right!" Luo Xiu nodded, then took a big step, and flew towards the depths of the mysterious area directly under the protection of the Shocking God War Drum.

"Hey, in this mysterious area, all means are useless, and even if you have amazing mana, it will be difficult to use it. Otherwise, Xiao Xiuxiu would not dare to use the God-shocking Drum rashly. Here." The old village chief sighed.

Luo Tian's heart moved, astonishing magic power is useless, so are the laws of heaven and earth and supernatural powers.This is equivalent to shielding all the laws of heaven and earth and the aura of immortal power. What if it is only based on the physical body?Is there any chance of success?


Afterwards, Luo Tian followed Luo Xiufei and shot out. This time, he made a big improvement compared to the last time. He went tens of thousands of feet deeper before being bounced back. However, this time, Luo Tian was also seriously injured. He didn't recover until he burned 200 million immortal pills and two third-order spirit veins.


Luo Tian thought to himself that even if he flies in the air and does not cast any spells, he still needs the support of immortal energy.As for this mysterious area, it seems that it is impossible to use a little immortal power, otherwise it will be directly ejected.


The next moment, Luo Tian completely blocked any immortal energy in his body, and flew towards the depths of the mysterious area relying on his body alone. At this time, Luo Xiu hadn't been bounced back, could it be that the holy grade fairy weapon had played a role?

This time, Luo Tian went deep for more than a hundred li before he felt that it was difficult to support him. On the way, he met Luo Xiu who was struggling to support him, but he didn't catch up. It could be seen that he was going to be thrown back to the original place in the end.

"Damn it, if you are shot back again, you will at least be seriously injured, and the world inside your body will likely collapse by more than [-]%. This is a big loss in business." Luo Tian shuttled through the maple bushes taller than the house, While secretly thinking.

I don't even know when it's a head!

When Luo Tian was thinking like this, he felt that his body could no longer support him. Even though he blocked all the immortal power in his body, there was still a trace of aura revealed, and finally flew Luo Tian's bullet back to the original place. land.

puff puff!

As soon as Luo Tian's eyes flashed, he felt the world spinning, the will of the primordial spirit was almost lost, and his physical body was shattered in several places. This time, he was really seriously injured.

Burning all the remaining Xianyuan pills and third-order spiritual veins, Luo Tian finally recovered. Looking at the few remaining second-order spiritual veins in the world in his body, Luo Tian really wanted to cry, his sister, this time What a loss.

The old village head and Luo Xiu sighed, gave Luo Tian a few words, and then left together. They seemed to be extremely disappointed in this mysterious area. It seems that Maple Leaf Star is the one who will fight for geniuses in the Lingyun Starfield this time. There is no chance.

"I just don't believe it!"

Luo Tian flew towards the mysterious area fiercely again, still blocking all the celestial power in his body, but failed in the end.


This time, because Luo Tian penetrated farther, the injury was naturally more serious, and even the foundation of Luo Tian's way of swallowing the sky was damaged. After Piaofei came out, Luo Tian was afraid that his cultivation would regress greatly immediately, and he might even regress to the early stage of Feixian.

Suddenly, a strange scene happened!

The Variety Immortal Pocket, which was originally thrown into the inner world by Luo Tian, ​​seemed to be moving at this time. I saw this treasure flying up in the air, continuously absorbing the essence and blood of the primordial spirit in the inner world of Luo Tian, ​​and slowly Changes are taking place, like a sponge constantly absorbing the essence and blood of the primordial spirit.

Seeing this, Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly condensed the essence and blood of Yuanshen, and finally completely reintegrated into the inner world.Yuanshen blood is different from essence blood, which is the true foundation of every monk. When Yuanshen blood is exhausted, even a high-ranking existence like Xianjun will fall into an ordinary person.

Of course, ordinary people in the fairy world, that is, monks in the Nascent Soul stage, are only worthy of being slaves.

"This, this is?!"

At this time, Luo Tian was shocked to find that the Variety Immortal Dou seemed to have a connection with Yuanshen.

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