
Chapter 559 Endless Statue, Treasure Mountain

Suddenly, the world in Luo Tian's body changed. Countless colorful awns and layers of colored mist hovered and dispersed in the world in his body, and finally converged into rivers of Yuanli, which slowly poured into the pocket of the ever-changing fairy. Immediately, a layer of red light emanated from the Immortal Transformation Pocket, and it suddenly flew up, slamming into Luo Tian's inner world incessantly.

"This guy is so smart that he wants to rush out!"

Luo Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged in the air, suddenly opened his eyes, "Do you want to leave? First recognize the Lord before you talk! If you don't recognize the Lord, you will never leave my inner world for half a step!"

Luo Tian has already felt the hazy connection with the Variety Immortal Dou, and he will not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The primordial spirit will produce endless coercion, and suppress it towards the Variety Immortal Dou.In Luo Tian's internal body world, unless it surpasses his realm too much, there is no way to escape, and in the end, Luo Tian will be imprisoned in it to death.

It's very weird, just after being suppressed by Luo Tian Yuanshen's will, the Variety Immortal Dou has a close relationship with Luo Tian on its own, and fully agrees with Luo Tian's master's identity.

Luo Tian was stunned, feeling a little at a loss, no matter what method he used before, the Ever-changing fairy pocket could not recognize the master, but he did not expect to recognize the master by himself now, could it be due to the blood of the primordial spirit?

Damn it!

Luo Tian couldn't help but cursed, if all the fairy treasures in the fairy world were like this, I'm afraid even the primordial essence and blood of the monster race would not be enough to recognize the owner of several fairy treasures. The root of any fairy can hardly be regenerated, and a little is lost when it is used.

Of course, due to the relationship between race and ethnic group, the demon race has the most primordial spirit and blood in the body, followed by the demon race, and the human race has the least.This situation is exactly the opposite of the number of various ethnic groups. The human race is the largest, followed by the demon race, and the demon race is the least.

This also reflects the balance of the heavens. The number of monster races is small, so the primordial spirit has the most blood, which is conducive to inheritance and will not become extinct.

"If the Variety Immortal Pocket has no magical effect, I would rather waste the essence and blood of the Primordial Spirit than destroy it." Luo Tian thought bitterly. God's Will is already No. 1 under the Golden Immortal, and it condenses a trace of Da Luo's law. Even if the Variety Immortal Pocket is a top-grade fairy weapon, it will be easily erased by Luo Tian, ​​and there is no possibility of escape.


After a while, the expression on Luo Tian's face began to brighten. The incomparable use of this ever-changing fairy pocket really shocked him to the point of speechlessness!

"Although the rank of this fairy treasure cannot be seen, its value is enough to surpass that of a holy treasure!"

While speaking, Luo Tian's primordial spirit immediately communicated with the Variety Immortal Dou, and the Variety Immortal Dou flew out of the inner world, directly turning into countless red light and spreading, covering Luo Tian's body surface, and Luo Tian appeared on his own according to his mind A piece of magic formula that drives the fairy treasure to run, turning around in place.

The next moment, an incredible scene happened!

Luo Tian thought that he was turning into a stone in his mind, so he really turned into a stone!

Moreover, the stone transformed by Luo Tian is exactly the same as the real stone, but as long as the stone is not completely wiped out, Luo Tian will not suffer any harm.Therefore, this fairy treasure also has its weak side. If the opponent really makes a random move without any scruples, it may force Luo Tian to reappear in his original form.

"I change! I change! I change!"

Luo Tian was like a child who got a fun toy, and began to change into various shapes, birds, animals, flowers, plants, and even a cloud in the sky.But no matter how Luo Tian drives the magic formula, the Variety Immortal Dou cannot be changed into the safest air and immortal power, and of course, the laws of heaven and earth cannot be changed either.

"It seems that the Variety Xiandou can only change known physical things."

After playing tirelessly for a long while, Luo Tian just stopped and stood there with a happy face.

"This mysterious area in front of us cannot accommodate any immortal energy. As long as there is even the slightest amount of immortal energy in the body, if you can't completely control its flow, you can't go deep into it. But now with the ever-changing fairy pocket, it can be transformed into a fairy that doesn't need immortal energy. The flying bird of Yuanli may be able to enter the depths of this region!"

After thinking about it for a long time, Luo Tian changed suddenly, and Haidongqing from the Tianxuan plane appeared in his mind. This kind of bird flies extremely fast and can meet Luo Tian's requirements.

The next moment, Luo Tian directly transformed into a sea dongqing, an ordinary bird without any immortal energy in his body, and directly spread his wings and flew towards the depths of the mysterious area in front of him.

Whoosh whoosh!

Lightly flapping the wings, Luo Tian quickly adapted to the bird's body, and it seemed that the Changing Immortal Dou could quickly grasp any changed shape.

"so tired!"

Without the support of Xianyuanli, Luo Tian was already exhausted after flying for hundreds of miles. In the end, he had to choose to stop and take a rest, so as to recover his strength before continuing on the road.After repeating this dozens of times, Luo Tian finally flew thousands of miles away, and by this time, a day had passed.

"Fortunately, in this mysterious region, if you can't use any immortal power outside, you will probably be crushed to death by the gravity of the immortal world far exceeding the Tianxuan plane!" Luo Tian, ​​who turned into Haidongqing, couldn't stop talking. Breathing out white gas, it was obvious that his physical strength had been overdrawn.

"how much longer?"

Luo Tian was quite helpless in his heart. He really wanted to get Ling Yunling to participate in the genius battle. Firstly, he could increase his knowledge, and secondly, he could also meet young masters from every planet. For militants like Luo Tian , There is no better opportunity than a genius battle.

After resting for half an hour, Luo Tian finally regained his strength, soared up again, drew a strange arc in the air, and flew out extremely quickly.

"I fly, I fly!"

Soon, Luo Tian flew for another day and night, and finally reached the depths of the mysterious area.

"here is?"

Luo Tian's eyes almost popped out.

In front of you, there are mountains one after another, horizontal in the air, connecting into a mountain range that spreads far away. On each mountain peak, there is a huge statue, with countless races, almost including the human race, the devil clan and demon clan.

"It's really a realm!" Luo Tian couldn't help admiring, "To make so many statues, how many years did it take to carve? Billions of years? Tens of billions of years?"

The endless statues give people an extremely violent visual impact, and Luo Tian is no exception.But after another half a day, Luo Tian felt that his brain was starting to lose its function.

"Damn it! Who is this grand master?" Luo Tian's heart almost stopped beating.

In front of him, there are countless spiritual veins in the void, there are third-order spiritual veins, there are second-order spiritual veins, and there are spiritual veins that fly in the air like flying dragons and blue dragons. Could it be the legendary first-order spiritual veins?

This is a treasure mountain!

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