
Chapter 560

After that, Luo Tian became extremely depressed.

Even if there are piles of holy artifacts, or even Dao artifacts, so what?It's not like Luo Tian can only watch helplessly, it's impossible to get half of it.

Some to watch, some to eat.

What a tragedy and misfortune this is.

Luo Tian vigorously waved the small wings that turned into Haidongqing, flapping vigorously, shuttled among the mountain peaks with countless statues standing, and forced himself not to look or think about everything in front of him.

"Find Ling Yunling first! This is the most important thing at the moment!"

When Luo Tian turned into Hai Dongqing and flew among the endless statues of mountains, the spirit veins behind him, like a dragon flying in the sky, suddenly seemed to be guided by the dark, and began to hover in the sky After getting up, in the end, circles of colorful halos almost formed, and finally Qi Qi galloped towards Luo Tian's direction.


These spiritual veins roared in the air, attracting Luo Tian who was flying foolishly.

"My mother!"

Luo Tian turned his head to look, and was almost not scared by the horrific scene behind him so much shit and pee came out. At that time, he flapped his little wings more vigorously, and flew forward rapidly.

Just by feeling the frightening aura behind him, Luo Tian was almost overwhelmed by the overwhelming coercion of heaven and earth, let alone getting close, I'm afraid he was getting close, Luo Tian has now transformed into Haidong The green body will be crushed into powder by the overwhelming coercion of the world.


This is the only idea in Luo Tian's mind, and this is the only way he can think of at present.

Whoosh whoosh!

Luo Tian couldn't care about anything at the moment, and flew forward with all his strength. Now he was like a headless fly, flying around, changing directions. It may be that the first-order spirit veins that have become fine will not follow him alone.


Luo Tian made the right bet, looking at the emptiness behind him, Luo Tian has never been so relaxed, never felt the air so fresh.


Luo Tian hurriedly landed on a mountain peak, panting heavily, his body at the moment was nothing more than a sea dongqing, a bird, but the cold sweat on his body still wet nearly half of his feathers. In that situation, Luo Tian's mind was almost blank, all he thought about was running for his life, but he didn't realize that his physical strength had already been exhausted.

"Fuck you uncle, me!"

It was so easy, Luo Tian's physical strength was recovering in a hurry, and suddenly he felt a roar coming from behind him again, and when he turned his head, he was almost heartbroken!

Those countless first-order spiritual veins appeared behind Luo Tian again!


Luo Tian flew out like a frightened bird with a swish, his two small wings flicked up and down at a frequency that was almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, and the speed reached the limit in an instant.

Let me go, the spirit veins are big!

Luo Tian was about to howl, but he still didn't dare to do so at the moment. When an ordinary bird flies at high speed, just opening his mouth is equivalent to venting part of his vitality, thus breaking the most perfect state.

Of course, this is just an ordinary bird, and those birds and monsters with immortal energy in their bodies are not counted. However, Luo Tian is confident that at this moment, even high-level monsters like Dapeng and Kunpeng Phoenix are mysterious in this place. The regions must be bombed obediently, and there is no temper.

However, Luo Tian, ​​who slipped in safe and sound, is in great trouble.

Being hunted down by countless first-order spiritual veins!This kind of thing, which may not happen once in millions of years, happened to Luo Tian.

"Lingyunling, ah Lingyunling, where are you? It's so hard to find me!"

Luo Tian didn't dare to speak, and howled silently in his heart.

For some reason, those first-order spirit veins behind Luo Tian could catch up with Luo Tian, ​​but they always fell short at the last moment.This discovery made Luo Tian extremely puzzled, and at the same time secretly surprised, at least for now, his own life can still be saved, then everything will be fine.

Therefore, Luo Tian, ​​who was absolutely blasted, turned around with countless terrifying first-order spiritual veins behind him, looking for Lingyun Ling.

Soon, another three days and three nights passed.

On this day, Luo Tian suddenly felt that his mind became extremely restless, as if this time the whim came very suddenly, without any warning in advance.

"what happened?"

Luo Tian could hardly restrain this feeling, his eyelids twitched wildly, his mind was restless, and the primordial energy and blood in his body couldn't help churning.

Finally, Luo Tian came to a place that was different from other places. This was also a mountain peak, but this mountain peak was almost suspended in the depths of the sky, and it was hundreds of thousands of feet tall. Looking out, only one foot of the gigantic statue on this mountain can be seen.

It was a bare foot.

Afterwards, Luo Tian tried his best to fly to the top of this mountain, and his wings were shattered by [-]% of the overwhelming coercion.

"Here you can actually use Xianyuanli!"

Luo Tian's heart was shocked, and then he quickly took off the ever-changing fairy pocket, and immediately returned to the human form. The group of first-order spiritual veins behind him finally stopped following him, which made him secretly relieved.

Luo Tian quickly circulated the immortal energy in his body, and the two strange black vortexes in his eyes kept turning. These two black vortexes were the new spiritual eyes that replaced Luo Tian's spiritual eyes. Luo Tian called them Tuntian Lingmu!

Where Tuntian spiritual eyes look, all the laws of heaven and earth are seen thoroughly and clearly, and all the laws of heaven and earth have returned to the most essential laws, and there is no longer any illusion to confuse.But as soon as Luo Tian's sky-swallowing eyes came out, he just saw the calf of the extremely large statue in front of him, and it was difficult to break through the laws of heaven and earth surrounding the statue. Even looking up, Luo Tian's sky-swallowing eyes All will suffer backlash.

"Little guy, are you here for Ling Yunling?"


An inexplicable voice came from above the statue, and then a man in black slowly emerged from a thousand feet in front of Luo Tian. a cold war.

This breath is so familiar!

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and this man's aura resembled Fang Yun, a good friend from the Profound Sky Plane.

"Oh, why didn't your excellency say that I came here for the spirit vein here?" Luo Tian replied lightly.

"Lingmai?" The man in black twitched his face, as if he was laughing, "Based on your cultivation level in the later stage of Feixian, you are also qualified to get the idea of ​​the Lingmai here? Ridiculous, really ridiculous!"

Luo Tian cursed secretly in his heart, just now he had activated his spiritual sense to detect the other party, but before reaching the other party's side, the divine sense disappeared automatically, without any warning.

"Put away your little tricks of probing, it's useless in front of me." The man in black then said coldly, the probe grabbed the void in front of him, and grabbed out a token, engraved on the token Countless patterns.

"Lingyunling is here, if you have the ability, come and get it."

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