
Chapter 562 Girl, you are so cheap!

Luo Tian, ​​who officially left Maple Leaf Star and started to travel in the Lingyun Starfield, flew in the starry sky for two or three days before arriving on an outer planet of the Lingyun Starfield.

clap clap!

With one wing reaching to the sky, Luo Tian directly entered the light blue third-order planet. After his feet landed, Luo Tian transformed into an ugly man of the human race with a knife between his eyebrows. Scar, looks extremely vicious.

Being a human being himself, Luo Tian didn't want to become a demon or a monster, and it was hard for him to accept that.

"This third-order planet is even weaker than Maple Leaf Star. There are only two immortals in the early stages of Feixian."

Soon, Luo Tian's spiritual sense immediately swept across the third-tier planet under his feet, and he had a clear overview of the general strength of this third-tier planet.

"But there's still a lot of people."

Luo Tian shook his head and smiled softly, whispering to himself: "Don't blame me, I have no other choice."

In the end, Luo Tian hardly wasted any time, and quickly entered the central heart vein deep in the ground of this third-order planet, and unscrupulously used the way of swallowing the sky to swallow [-]% of the heaven and earth energy on this third-order planet up.

"Target, next!"

Next, Luo Tian flew out of the planet again and disappeared into the depths of the starry sky.

In the next ten days, Luo Tian devoured seven or eight third-tier planets' central heart veins outside Lingyun Starfield. Of course, with his current cultivation, he swallowed [-]% of a third-tier planet's central heart veins. That's the limit.Any more, and he couldn't do it.

Of course, among them, Luo Tian also encountered a Tier [-] planet with strong overall strength, and even spent half of a Tier [-] spirit vein on it to purchase the map of the Lingyun Starfield.

The map of Lingyun Starfield only cost half a second-order spirit vein, which made Luo Tian very heartbroken. He is already poor now, so there is no spare spirit vein and immortal pill to buy other things.However, the high price of this map made Luo Tian stunned. It is only the map of Lingyun Starfield, which is worth half a second-order spiritual vein. If it is the map of the entire Jinzhou, wouldn't it require at least one first-order spiritual vein? ?What about the map of the entire Southern Immortal Realm?

The more Luo Tian thought about it, the more powerless he became. In the final analysis, he was still too poor.

But in the Immortal World, the only things that can be used to buy items are Xianyuan Dan and Lingmai, which are the only criteria.There are also many rare items that cannot be bought even with Xianyuan Pill and Lingmai, and can only be bought by barter.

"On the Tianxuan plane, if you have money in the world, you are the master. In the world of cultivating immortals, you are the master if you have spirit stones and magic weapons. Why not in the fairy world?" Luo Tian thought distressedly, in the fairy world, you don't have enough resources, no matter how talented you are. It's useless, everything is so naked|naked.

Thus, Luo Tian started a solo journey in the Lingyun Starfield.Next, he saw all kinds of human races with complex cultures, and also saw all kinds of ferocious demons, and of course, occasionally saw some demons.

Of course, Luo Tian wanted to plunder unscrupulously the demon planets, and then when the second-order planet demons came to support him, he would hide in the void and escape safely.The person with the highest cultivation level on the second-order planet is only Xuanxian. Luo Tian doesn't have to be afraid now, but there are also some very powerful figures among Xuanxian. Even if Luo Tian can defeat his opponent, he will still be seriously injured. For a wandering For a guy, getting seriously injured in the stars becomes even more dangerous.

Even without the scattered robbers in the starry sky, the starry sky is still an extremely dangerous place, with countless changes and dangerous places derived from it. Once he falls into it, Luo Tian thinks that he will die in his heyday without any suspense.

The fairyland is full of dangers and dangers everywhere, so we really can't relax our vigilance.Sometimes letting your guard down means falling.

"In front is a third-order planet named Bishuixing. Among the third-order planets in the Lingyun Starfield, it is extremely powerful."

Soon, there was a flash of purple light in the starry sky, and Luo Tian, ​​who was riding the wings of the sky, appeared out of thin air. He looked at the green planet in front of him expressionlessly, thought for a moment, and then directly broke into the clear water star.

Of course, today's Luo Tian has always maintained that ugly face, but there are many wonders in the fairy world, and there are many people who are uglier than Luo Tian. People in the fairy world seem to be used to all this, so when Luo Tian When he was dressed in white clothes with a flirtatious appearance, and walked with a folding fan in one of the most prosperous cities on Aquamarine, no one knew that it was this unattractive guy in front of him who possessed the strength to destroy Aquamarine.

Luo Tian was not so bold as to destroy a planet.

The Southern Immortal Realm has such a supreme institution as Heaven, and the Northern Immortal Realm also has it.They each manage the big and small forces and things in the northern and southern fairylands.To destroy a planet without complaint or reason, unless it is a demon planet, even if it is the lowest-priced planet of the human race, Luo Tian would not dare to do it.That would lead to the hunting down of the behemoth Tianting of the Southern Immortal Realm, and the law enforcement teams that could be sent by the Tianting of the Southern Immortal Realm are said to be all golden immortals.

Today's Luo Tian, ​​facing the previous Jinxian, would definitely die from death.

Therefore, Luo Tian, ​​the third-order planet of the Demon Race, dared to burn, kill, and loot any planet of the Human Race.

Be careful.This is the basic principle of Luo Tian's actions.In particular, the Heavenly Law promulgated by the Heavenly Court of the Southern Immortal Realm has always been known to be strict.

"This Bi Mercury is not bad."

Luo Tian strolled on the streets where people come and go. The streets here are at least thousands of miles long, and the shortest city is also a thousand feet high. The fairyland is the fairyland, and everything is much stronger than the lower realm.

After shopping for a long time, Luo Tian didn't have anything to buy, so he directly walked into a crowded restaurant, asked for a table, ordered some dishes from the fairy world, and poured himself a drink.

As for the dishes in the Immortal World, they are quite rich, even as long as you can afford the price, it is not impossible to serve dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder on the table.Let alone the dishes on the menu, Luo Tian has never heard of them, such as ground dragon meat, sky eagle liver, boiled dragon fish, etc., there are almost everything you need, and eating these dishes can increase your cultivation.

Immortals don't need to take anything, but the things they take are often extremely precious.

No, after Luo Tian took his seat, the shop waiter, who was only a celestial being, kept staring straight at Luo Tian's face, fearing that Luo Tian would eat the overlord's meal.But he is not too worried, this is Taibailou, one of the five major folk forces in the fairy world, so powerful that almost no one dares to come to Taibailou to eat and drink for free.

"Go aside, don't spoil my master's interest!"

Soon, Luo Tian was impatiently stared at by the waiter in the shop, and his spiritual consciousness directly entered the inner world, condensed tens of thousands of immortal pills from the second-order spiritual veins, and threw them to the waiter in the shop.

"Yes yes yes! Master, take it easy, sir, use it slowly!" The shop waiter immediately retreated respectfully, dispelling most of the doubts in his heart.You must know that these tens of thousands of immortal pills can only be obtained by his hard work for at least three days.

With fewer people staring at him, Luo Tian's food became more relaxed and comfortable, looking out the window while eating and drinking.

I don't know when, suddenly the flow of people on the street outside the window surged rapidly, and there was an uproar of shouting and shouting.

"Girl, your cheapness is so strong! Our young master chased you for more than a dozen planets before catching up with you. It's a well-deserved reputation!"

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