
Chapter 563 Tianyu Emperor Sect and Zhouyi

The sound from such a loud voice can be heard several streets away.

Luo Tian is no exception.

Luo Tian took a sip of the fine wine from the fairy world in his spare time before he slowly got up and stood by the window, looking out at the street.

At this moment, the street outside the window has already formed a ring-shaped zone. It seems that the stink of watching the excitement is the same in the fairy world.In the center of the ring-shaped zone is a vacuum zone.

There is a clear distinction between the two parties.

One side was led by a young man in brocade clothes, with a rather handsome face, followed by two Feixian late-stage guards. At this moment, the young man looked at the opposite person with a gloomy expression.

On the opposite side of the son, there is a young and beautiful woman in colorful clothes. At this moment, the young woman is biting her lower lip, looking extremely aggrieved, sobbing uncontrollably. It really is pear blossoms with rain. .


Luo Tian's pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly withdrew his divine sense. When he used his divine sense to detect both sides just now, the three masters and servants of the young man in brocade clothes didn't find Luo Tian's divine sense, but the delicate body of the woman in colorful clothes lighted imperceptibly. With a slight trembling, others might think she was trembling, but Luo Tian clearly caught the breath fluctuation of the woman in colorful clothes.

What a weird feeling!

"Get out of the way for me."

At this time, the brocade-clothed son frowned slightly and shouted, a wisp of breath was released from his body.


The people around were directly oppressed by this ray of breath and flew out one after another.

"Xuanxian! This person is a strong Xuanxian!"

"Oh my god, a mysterious fairy descended on the planet Bishui!"

"It's incredible!"


The crowd around immediately retreated a lot, but they did not disperse. On the contrary, their desire to watch the excitement became stronger.

On weekdays, you can't see a wonderful story of a Xuanxian bullying a woman from a good family in the street!

"You, what will your Zhou family want to let me go?"

At this time, the woman in colorful clothes suddenly spoke, and her words were as clear as bluestone spring water, pure to the extreme.

It's showing its flaws!

The corners of Luo Tian's lips curled up slightly. This woman in colorful clothes finally showed her flaws. It stands to reason that she is only a late Feixian cultivation base on the surface. Did not show these, but continued to pretend to be pitiful.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation.

Luo Tian's spiritual sense focused all his attention on the field, and he actually felt a trace of murderous intent from the woman in colorful clothes.


To Luo Tian's surprise, next, the woman in colorful clothes spewed out a mouthful of blood and fell down, her complexion pale.

"Stop pretending in front of me, it's useless." Young Master Jin Yi said with a sneer, "Do people from the Heavenly Feather Emperor Sect pretend to be pitiful to win sympathy? It's an eye-opener for this young master."


As soon as the words "Tianyu Huangzong" came out, the people who watched the excitement around immediately fled away as if they had seen a ghost, and they didn't dare to stay here for a while.

"It may be true that you were seriously injured." Young Master Jinyi continued, "But it is the sequelae caused by you forcibly taking away my cousin's cultivation base. The blood of our Zhou family is not so easy to be deprived of cultivation base. "

"Hehehe, Mr. Zhou is indeed an outstanding figure in the Zhou family. My Tianyu Emperor Sect can't bear such a big crime!"

Finally willing to come out.

A faint smile appeared on Luo Tian's face. He had already noticed this figure hidden in the dark just now. You must know that he is now a master of void assassination. The means are even more as if you know everything well.

This excitement is worth it.

Luo Tian thought so, stretched out his hand, took a bottle of fine wine into his hand, and continued to watch the excitement.

"Guo Qian! It's you!"

The young master in Jinyi's complexion changed slightly, and he shouted sharply, "Could it be that your Tianyu Emperor Sect wants to trigger a war with the Zhou family? Even sending out such a core disciple as you is a big deal!"

Jingle Bell!

After a crisp bell rang in the void, a young woman in purple appeared in everyone's sight.

The melodious ringtone seems to have a very special power, which can lead people's spiritual consciousness into it and perish forever.

But before this strange power reached Luo Tian's side, it was easily dispelled by Luo Tian's way of swallowing the sky.

"Young Master Zhou, don't want to ruin your concubine's body." Guo Qian, the woman in purple, said with a smile, "Your cousin was not my Tianyu Emperor Sect, so why do you talk about a big war? If Young Master Zhou insists on being far-fetched, there is nothing wrong with wanting to impose the crime. ?”

"You!" Brother Jinyi raised his brows, "My cousin was bewitched by this little goblin of your Tianyu Emperor Sect, and just now he was robbed of his whole body cultivation, but now he comes to deny it. What's the point? My Zhou family is There are many witnesses."

"If there are any witnesses, go to the Master of the Lingyun Starfield and say that your Zhou family took action against my Heavenly Feather Emperor Sect without authorization, and my Heavenly Feather Emperor Sect is not a vegetarian!" Guo Qian's delicate face changed, and she said forcefully, "Furthermore, you, Eldest Master Zhou, wounded a member of my Heavenly Feather Emperor Sect under the watchful eyes of everyone. Quite a few people on Planet Jade Shui have seen it!"

"Don't play with me and beat you up." Brother Jinyi smiled angrily, "Guo Qian, it's not so easy to spitting blood. If you find a witness, I'll admit it, how about it?"


Guo Qian sneered, and then she spoke softly, without the slightest smoke and fire in her words, "I wonder if fellow Taoists of Ling Yunxing can testify for my Heavenly Feather Emperor Sect? My Heavenly Feather Emperor Sect is very grateful!"

"Ah! I see nothing, I hear nothing!"

"My leg is broken, it's impossible to see!"

"I'm blind!"

"I'm deaf in my lower ear!"

Next, there was a scene that stunned Luo Tian. Many immortals of Bi Shui Xing mutilated themselves one after another. Some broke their own legs, some stabbed their eyes blind, and some deafened their ears. …

Are the Zhou family and the Tianyu Emperor Sect so scary this week?

Soon, Luo Tian felt that all the guests in Taibai Building had slipped away, and soon he was left alone, which looked very embarrassing.

Even, Luo Tian was the only one left within a thousand miles.Of course, there were still the shopkeeper of Taibailou and a few waiters in the shop who did not move. Taibailou had a great foundation, so naturally he was not afraid of these two people in front of him.

"This Taoist friend, I don't know if I can make a friend in the next week." Soon, Young Master Jinyi looked over to where Luo Tian was and gave a salute.

Luo Tian nodded in the air, and said lightly: "It's natural to make friends, there are many ways to have many friends. As long as you don't drag me into this muddy water."

"That's natural." Young Master Jin Yi had a natural expression.

"I don't know if this son can be a witness for this concubine?" Guo Qian quickly looked over with a smile.

"For the fight between the two of you, I will treat you equally." Luo Tian shook his head and said with a smile, "Also, if Miss Guo uses the Great Charm Technique on me again, I might help Mr. Zhou as a witness.

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian flicked the void in front of him, countless laws of heaven and earth were shattered and turned into nothingness.

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