
Chapter 567 Chaotic Star Sea, Boundless Thunder Pond

There was only one reason why Zhou Yi and Li Kun were stunned.

Just when Luo Tian turned back, the two each attached a secret secret method to Luo Tian's body, so as to take this opportunity to find out Luo Tian's strength, but then the two just felt that their eyes were blurred, and the secret method was instantly suppressed. break.

In this case, there are only two possibilities.One is that the other party's cultivation base is too high than his own, and he was directly noticed and discovered.The second is that the other party possesses a high-level immortal treasure or possesses some kind of amazing magical power.

The first possibility was directly denied by Zhou Yi and Li Kun. What a joke, I have checked it countless times. It is absolutely true that the other party is a real Feixian. The two also have some cards, but they have not revealed it.If it is the second possibility, the two of them will have to be deeply afraid. Whether the other party has high-level immortal treasures or powerful supernatural powers, it is something that makes people fearful.

Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle!

"Two friends, let's go."

After the meal time, Luo Tian just flew in through the air, and those followers had already been killed by him within five breaths of time. The reason why he followed up so late on purpose was because he was afraid of Zhou Yi and Li Kun. Too afraid of him.

"it is good!"


Zhou Yi and Li Kun led a team of people into the starry sky in a mighty way, found a barren and abandoned planet, and after careful calculation, they each took out the residual map in their hands for comparison. .

With such a comparison, the group of people suddenly looked happy.

It turns out that the remnant map of Xubao star in the hands of Zhou Yi and Li Kun and the remnant map purchased from Bishuixing happened to be an area near the central area of ​​Xubao star. It shows that the number of times this area has been explored is very small .

"This virtual treasure star is so big!"

Luo Tian watched coldly from the sidelines, secretly marveling in his heart, this area alone has a radius of [-] million miles, so how big would the entire Xubao star be?Hundreds of billions of miles?Or trillions of miles?

The top-level planet is indeed the most powerful planet in the fairy world!

It took Zhou Yi and Li Kun three full days to discuss and finalize a set of strategies. After that, Zhou Yi and Li Kun each copied several jade cards and handed them over to other people.

"It's a pretty good strategy."

Luo Tian took the jade card, scanned it with his divine sense, and it became clear that the two of them are worthy of being outstanding children from a big family and a big force. For ordinary people, the strategies that are extremely complicated for ordinary people, they quickly sorted out clearly and clearly .

However, Luo Tian maintains seven points of appreciation and three points of vigilance for this relatively perfect strategy. Luo Tian will not blindly believe in strategies and rules that are not formulated by him.This is as unsafe as putting your own life in the hands of others.

Afterwards, the people who finished the discussion quickly left and flew towards the nearest planet. This time they went to Xubao Planet, which was an abandoned planet in ancient times. The things left on it were not very attractive to some big people. But for an immortal like Luo Tian, ​​it was like a peerless treasure.

Another five days of preparation.

Zhou Yi and Li Kun finally led a group of people and flew towards the direction of Xu Baoxing according to the map.

Xu Baoxing.

This top-level planet, which has been in decline for too long, is located in the chaotic sea of ​​stars in the Lingyun star field. This chaotic sea of ​​stars is a strange place. It was formed naturally without any external force, and there are countless scattered planets with chaotic trajectories. From time to time, they will be intertwined, and the tragic scene of planetary collision will occur, which is extremely dangerous.

Boom boom boom!Bang bang bang!

Luo Tian followed the two serious-looking guys in front of him and flew through countless planets, big or small, and he was a little nervous. Not to mention the chaotic sea of ​​stars, even the laws of heaven and earth are messy and too complicated. It also added a lot of difficulty to let him absorb it.Moreover, one must know that the planets in the Chaotic Star Sea do not have a specific trajectory. If a planet suddenly crashes out, Luo Tian thinks to himself that if he uses his full strength to face the last planet, he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

In Chaotic Star Sea, sometimes a serious injury means death, a complete fall.This place is simply a purgatory.

"What's there?"

Suddenly, Luo Tian frowned slightly, and forgot about the past towards the depths of the chaotic sea of ​​stars. There seemed to be endless swallowing force and spraying force faintly, and it was not surprising that these two repelling forces were perfectly combined.

"The Yin-Yang Cave of the Starry Sky!" Zhou Yi shouted solemnly, "Be careful, everyone, don't get close to the Yin-Yang Cave of the Starry Sky, once you fall into it, even Da Luo Jinxian will die!"

"He's right! Be careful!" Li Kun then urged with a solemn expression.

"So scary?" Luo Tian trembled, and immediately moved his position without a trace. His sister, even Da Luo Jinxian would die if he got caught in it, let alone a little flying fairy like himself?

After flying in the sea of ​​chaotic stars for several days, they finally felt that their eyes became empty, and planets exuding faint fluorescence were looming in the starry sky, confusing and confusing, forming an extremely beautiful picture.


Everyone immediately dissipated the breath that had been tense for too long, and let out a long breath.Among them, a young man behind Li Kun flew out with great joy.

"Damn, I'm finally comfortable!"

"Come back soon!"


Unexpectedly, Zhou Yi and Li Kun's expressions changed drastically, and then they roared wildly.


As soon as the two finished speaking, the young man who flew out showed an expression of extreme horror. After that, he was quickly wrapped in a layer of thunder and lightning that suddenly appeared, even The laws of heaven and earth around him and the attacks he launched couldn't blast away the lightning net, and was finally turned into ashes by the tighter and tighter thunder net.


Luo Tian stared dumbfounded at that void, his divine consciousness spread out with all his strength, and finally sensed the breath of heavenly thunder floating in that void, the heavenly thunder of the fairy world, that was the real sky thunder, compared to the thunder calamity of the lower realm, The power is at least tens of thousands of times stronger!

"Just now, that guy just now seems to be Feixian's late stage cultivation?" Zhou Yi said with a gloomy face, and one of the guards behind him stammered.

For a while, everyone fell silent, it was really weird here.Not to mention the chaotic sea of ​​stars outside Xubao's star, but when entering the interior, there are such silent thunders.

"Look there."

Li Kun frowned slightly and pointed to the distant high sky, where countless light spots were shooting out at the moment, and every light spot seemed to contain a pool full of lightning.

Lei Chi!

These thunder pools were scattered aimlessly in the void, and many of them dragged their long tails of lightning light across the void, and then directly hit the planets in the surrounding area, and huge balls rose from the impacted planets. The circle, with the continuous thunder pool impacts behind it, soon a planet was directly turned into dust.

Everyone, including Luo Tian, ​​was shocked and their hairs stood on end.

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