
Chapter 568 Semi-Saint Immortal Treasure?

When everyone was terrified, Luo Tian's expression was more exaggerated than anyone else's, and his heart regained his composure at that moment. Such a trivial matter like drizzle, for the first young master Luo who has experienced big winds and waves Said, not worth mentioning.If this Xubao star could enter so easily, Luo Tian would have to carefully weigh and be vigilant in his heart. There is no free lunch and free good things in the world.

Luo Tian thinks that he doesn't have a fairy father, only a robber fairy behind him who can come and go whenever he wants, and it's okay to bluff ordinary people, but Luo Tian is almost sure that when he is not in the critical moment of life and death Before, the Robber Immortal would never make a move.

Crash!Clap clap!

The young man who followed Li Kun was hacked to death by a group of sky thunders, but he still has some cards in comparison. After his death, his portable space was broken out of thin air with a cup of tea. Scattered in the void, but in the next moment these items were all wrapped in the group of thunders, and they were refined into ashes one after another. There were a few fairy treasures above the level of middle-grade fairy artifacts, which could not be refined by the group of thunders for a short time, and they were dragged into the void. Inside, disappear.

For a time, everyone's expressions were different, not the same.

"Let's continue, everyone be careful!"

Zhou Yi and Li Kun discussed it quickly, and immediately took out the Xubaoxing map in their hands, began to carefully study it, and finally flew forward cautiously.

Now, everyone knows that this seemingly calm and safe area in front of them is actually several times more dangerous than the chaotic sea of ​​stars. Although the chaotic sea of ​​stars is chaotic, it can be inferred that those planets are close to everyone, but this area , there is no possibility of any calculation at all, and we can only rely on the half-complete Xubaoxing map to cross the river by feeling the stones and trying our luck.

Anyway, we have already come here, is it possible to return?

Luo Tian was located in the middle of the crowd, and while flying, he was thinking in his mind whether he would have the possibility of escaping if he encountered that lightning pool.

The thunder pools scattered at an extremely fast speed, but the trajectory could still be caught, but the thunder net that suddenly appeared in the starry sky in front of him was hard to guard against, and it was even more dangerous.

Chi Chi!

Sure enough, after traveling thousands of miles, they finally encountered the inexplicable thunder net again. Countless sky thunders howled and roared sharply.

But this time, Zhou Yi and Li Kun were clearly prepared.

Zhou Yi stretched out his arm and swiped lightly in front of him, three silver armored puppets appeared from the void, and the three silver armored puppets quickly formed a triangular area surrounding Zhou Yi, each holding a strange weapon in his hand Bombarded towards the thunder net outside the void.

Li Kun sat cross-legged above the starry sky in a more mellow and unrestrained manner. A lyre suddenly appeared in front of him. With a light fiddle with his slender and white fingers, several sound waves rose from the lyre. These sound waves may be It turned into flames, or wind knives, or turned into monstrous water waves.

There are three attributes of water, fire and wind on the seven-stringed guqin!

Luo Tian looked at the two of them with unchanged expressions. Zhou Yi was obviously good at the great puppet art, and had reached a very high level. It is the top item in the low-grade immortal weapon.Li Kun is proficient in sonic attacks. Almost all sonic attacks are Yuanshen attacks, which may be more terrifying than that of Zhouyi, but Zhouyi's puppets do not have Yuanshen. This is probably the root cause of Li Kun's fear of Zhouyi, otherwise the two would not There is no chance of cooperation.

Great puppetry!

Yuanshen attack!

In particular, Li Kun's primordial spirit attacking Taoism is extremely accomplished, and he can use sound waves to transform the four major heaven and earth primordial forces in the previous eras - earth, water, fire and wind!It is said that if the water, fire, and wind here are fully mastered, I am afraid that I can be promoted to the existence of the illusory fairy king. At that time, I can open up a world with a wave of my hand, and even after a long time, I can open up a plane similar to the fairy world. .

fairy king?Even the existence of Xianjun is probably only heard of.

For Luo Tian, ​​although Li Kun is half a chip stronger than Zhou Yi, Zhou Yi is definitely more dangerous than Li Kun in a battle against him, because Luo Tian cultivates the Immortal Soul, so he is not afraid of the attack of the Soul, unless The big man whose cultivation base was too much higher than him attacked and completely killed his body, otherwise Luo Tian would have a way to survive.


The thunder net that suddenly appeared in the starry sky seemed to be getting weaker and weaker, and it was not as big as it was too difficult to resist. After about a quarter of an hour, Zhou Yi and Li Kun joined forces to completely defeat the thunder net , get out.


At this time, two lightning pools scattered from high in the sky, passing a hundred miles in front of everyone, and fell directly on a larger planet. Immediately, two huge earth-gray circles rose up from that planet. .

Afterwards, it seemed that there was no more lightning falling on this larger planet.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then followed Zhou Yi and Li Kun to fly towards the larger planet.

For more than a hundred miles, with the strength of everyone's feet, they can arrive in a short time.

Flying to the midair of the planet in front of them, everyone diffused their consciousness and began to explore the place where the two thunder pools fell just now.


The next moment, everyone shot out one after another, each displaying the fastest speed in their lives and flying down towards the bottom.

Luo Tian was shocked in his heart, and he flew out at a high speed, but he could slow down a little bit, and he didn't use teleportation magic power, but he fell towards the edge of no one at a slower speed than Zhou Yi and Li Kun.

At the same time, taking advantage of everyone's inattention, Luo Tian used the Wan Dao seal to wrap the Tiantian Pagoda and directly penetrated into the ground of the planet in front of him. He wanted to take this opportunity to devour the planet's central heart.

puff puff!

Luo Tian landed at a low altitude, and immediately flew close to the ground at high speed, and a long gray dragon flew up behind him, and rushed straight towards a certain direction.Although Luo Tian's primordial spirit is integrated with his physical body, the growth rate of his primordial spirit realm is always much higher than his own cultivation base. Otherwise, even if Luo Tian can kill an immortal with a higher realm, he will not be able to kill the other party's primordial spirit. God kills completely.Being unable to completely kill the opponent's primordial spirit means that the opponent can regain peak strength again!

The primordial spirit is the foundation of human cultivation!

Therefore, among Luo Tian and his group, no one can match Luo Tian in terms of primordial spirit cultivation.

Therefore, the two thunder pools fell on the planet in front of him just now, and Luo Tian knew all about the immortal treasures contained in the thunder pools.

Luo Tian is not a saint, not a good person, he just wants to become stronger, to be able to protect himself and his family and friends from harm.To do this, he didn't mind playing tricks.

For example, when Luo Tian's divine sense just swept over it, he immediately locked on to an immortal treasure that fell from the thunder pool, and the aura emitted by that immortal treasure was extremely majestic.

"You kid is an idiot!"

Suddenly, the bandit fairy in the fourth heaven of the Black Lotus Space spoke, "Hurry up to the right, hurry up, there is a baby on the right that is absolutely suitable for you, and that baby is a semi-holy treasure that can be promoted!"

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