
Chapter 569

Luo Tian was almost frightened to death by the bandit Xianjun who suddenly raised his voice.

One must know that just now Luo Tian was fully focused on the fairy treasures scattered in the thunder pool, his mind was already tense, and the bandit fairy came suddenly, no matter who he was, he would be shocked .

"Hurry up! What are you still doing!"

The Robber Immortal jumped and roared in the fourth heaven of the Black Lotus Space.

"Okay, okay, I can't go." Luo Tian had no choice but to turn around, and flew towards the right hand direction.

"One thousand six hundred feet ahead, keep it secret, don't let anyone discover it." The bandit fairy commanded Luo Tian in the fourth heaven with an excited look, even more excited than the child who got a novelty toy.

"Senior, how can you determine that this fairy treasure is a semi-holy artifact?" Luo Tian quickly rushed to [-] feet away, but what left him speechless was that the robber fairy said The half-holy-grade fairy weapon is just a black and ordinary long knife. Judging from the aura revealed on the surface, it is just a half-celestial weapon. After sweeping it with divine sense, I still feel that this piece has three The seven-inch black long knife is still a half-celestial weapon.

"The deity said yes, mother-in-law, put it away!" The robber fairy said angrily, "Don't think it is a semi-immortal weapon now, it is because it must have been severely damaged before, anyway, it has the function of promotion, you What are you afraid of? When the time comes, let this Jinghong Saber devour a thousand or eight hundred Xuanxians, and it will naturally return to its peak and continue to advance."

"Shocking Sword?" Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, and was about to spurt blood immediately, and said angrily: "Senior, do you think it is easy to devour a thousand or eight hundred immortals with my current cultivation level? ?!ah?!"

"Short-sighted." The Robber Xianjun snorted coldly, "Look at the long-term, this Jinghong knife is handed down from the Hunyuan Domain, and it has the supreme function of self-promotion. As long as you are strong enough, this treasure is considered a It is not impossible to be promoted to Dao Grade Immortal Artifact."

"Pull it down." Luo Tian rolled his eyes, almost half-crazed, "You mean that the current Jinghong Dao is just a half-celestial weapon, and I can only promote it by myself?"

"Jinghong Knife has the magical effect of devouring blood. It can devour the opponent's blood. Of course, if it is fully promoted to the holy rank fairy weapon, it may be able to swallow the essence of Yuanshen. What are you afraid of? You can kill a few more golden immortals. Enough for it to be promoted to the Holy Grade Immortal Artifact." Said Robber Immortal as a matter of course.

"You old man, you'd better take a rest!" Luo Tian said almost gnashing his teeth, killing a few more golden immortals, damn it, this robber fairy really dares to say that the current self, I'm afraid I'll come to a cultivation level The lowest golden fairy can blow himself to death with just one breath.Still killing people?Not being killed by the opponent is quite lucky.

"Brother Han, why are you hesitating?"

At this time, a hurried voice came, and Zhou Yi shouted directly from a distance, "Hurry up and grab some powerful treasures! What are you doing with a semi-immortal artifact?! Hurry up, you will be killed in a while!" Li Kun and his party stole it all, their number is twice as many as ours!"

Luo Tian immediately came to his senses, and the Robber Xianjun did not speak again.

In the end, Luo Tian didn't get any of the celestial treasures except the Jinghong Dao, and he was so depressed that he wanted to die.Even the few guys who followed Li Kun secretly pointed at Luo Tian, ​​with mockery on their faces, as if they were snickering at Luo Tian, ​​an idiot who just snatched a semi-celestial artifact after playing with his life. .

"Laugh at your sister!"

There was neither sadness nor joy on Luo Tian's face, but in his heart he looked like he was about to kill someone.

Soon, Luo Tian's consciousness found the Jinghong Dao in the inner world, forced out a drop of blood and dripped it on it, and refined it easily. Now the Jinghong Dao is only a semi-immortal weapon. For a flying fairy, Even if it is against the sky, it can be easily refined.



Even if Luo Tianxuan discovered the two major effects of the Jinghong Knife, as the robber Xianjun said, the Jinghong Knife has the effect of devouring blood.That evasion seems to have a very unusual effect, it can be silent when attacking, and even the space can be penetrated invisible.

In the group, except for Luo Tian, ​​almost everyone has gained something, which also made everyone's hearts surge.If there are a few more good things about thunder pools smashing down the planet, even if you don't gain anything on Xu Baoxing, this trip will be worth it.

At that time, everyone, especially Luo Tian, ​​was a little disappointed. Although they also encountered such a situation two or three times later, there was no fairy treasure scattered in the thunder pool.

Zhou Yi and Li Kun were in the most comfortable mood. Among the fairy treasures scattered by Lei Chi earlier, they each got a middle-grade fairy artifact and several low-grade fairy artifacts, and they gained a lot.

After another six days of flying in the starry sky where opportunities and dangers coexist, everyone finally saw a huge planet in the depths of the starry sky. Look, it's even more jaw-dropping.

Watch the mountain run dead horse.

The old saying is true, everyone in Luotian has been on their way since they saw Xu Baoxing, but it took three days and three nights to barely get to the place thousands of miles away from Xu Baoxing.

"Step aside!"

Moments later, when Luo Tian and his party were still cautiously approaching Xu Baoxing, a girl in red gave a coquettish expression, and immediately controlled the pale gold and pale gold under her in the starry sky. The strange bird with intertwined gray feathers galloped past at an extremely fast speed.

"It's the roc!"

Li Kun frowned tightly, "This little girl seems to be the one from Ling Yunzong..."

"I can't afford to provoke you." Zhou Yi said with a wry smile.

"Well, I'm afraid there are not many people in the Lingyun Starfield who can afford to provoke her." Li Kun shook his head with a wry smile, "With her here, I guess we can only have some soup."

"Not necessarily."


Luo Tian was also secretly observing everything around him. When he saw the girl in red, he immediately had a sense of danger in his heart. The girl in red was at least late Xuanxian, and even It is the peak cultivation base of Xuanxian who surpassed Xuanxian's late stage.

Moreover, the roc bird under the girl in red is also a middle-stage cultivation base of Xuanxian. From the conversation between Zhou Yi and Li Kun, it can be known that the girl in red is from the Lingyun sect, and there must be someone behind her. Backed by someone big.

Luo Tian's perception and whim have always been accurate, and I believe Luo Tian didn't miss it this time.

"Will you give in or not?!"

Luo Tian and his party flew quickly in the starry sky, and finally when Linxu Baoxing was still hundreds of miles away, they all heard a familiar voice from ahead.

Girl in red!

She met a strong man?

However, Luo Tian and his party found very distressed that there was only one way for them to go at the moment. Unless you are not afraid of the endless thunder net, you can only choose to move forward, and if you move forward, you will inevitably meet the girl in red...

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