
Chapter 570 Three Hairs, One Drop of Immortal Power

"Let's go back first!"

Zhou Yi and Li Kun hurriedly transmitted voices to the people behind them with slightly changed expressions. They had no choice but to dare to provoke a girl in red from the Lingyun Sect unscrupulously. Naturally, the background would not be weak, and the other party might not even know the Lingyun Sect. Put it in your eyes.

Could it be that the four monks who stopped the girl in red came from the big men under the governor of Jinzhou?Then there will be a good show.

Luo Tian was delighted, if you come to fight with mussels, the young master will come to be a fisherman for profit, bite, the harder you bite, the better.It's better to have a few dead.

Of course, maybe not only Luo Tian thinks so shamelessly, Zhou Yi, Li Kun and others also think the same way, but things often don't develop in the direction you expect, and things often backfire.

"Hey, two guys from the Zhou family and the Li family, hurry up and give my aunt a helping hand!"

what? !

Zhou Yi, Li Kun and the others were all stunned, and immediately stopped, turning their heads and looking over in a foolish manner.help?Help your sister!You smelly and shameless little bitch, you are no match for others, and you want to drag your own group into the water, do you understand the truth that a dead fellow is not a poor fellow?

Everyone's faces became ugly, except for the girl in red and the four arrogant Xuanxian monks opposite her.

The four Xuanxian monks are all late Xuanxian, and two of them have aura fluctuations similar to those of the red-clothed girl, and they seem to be strong people who have reached the peak of Xuanxian.Even if the girl in red adds Luo Tian and her group, she might not be able to deal with the four of them. Of course, the premise is that Luo Tian doesn't attack with all his strength.

Luo Tian had already calculated accurately in his mind that if he shot with all his strength and hit 27 times the combat power, at least three of the four Xuanxian monks would fall on the spot, and the remaining one would be seriously injured at least.

You know, above the peak of Xuanxian, there are two realms of Xuanxian Limit and Xuanxian Invincible.Starting from Xuanxian, they are all divided in this way.

"How to do?"

Luo Tian threw this hot potato to Zhou Yi and Li Kun without hesitation. You two are the leaders, so of course it is not his turn to give orders and make decisions.

"What else can we do? Could it be that our people can offend Lingyunzong?" Zhou Yi didn't speak, but Li Kun whispered in a low voice with a pale face. People had to bow their heads under the eaves, not to mention Lingyunzong was Lingyunxing The master of the domain, the power is astonishing, and he cannot afford to be offended.

"Li Kun met Miss Tang Yan."

"Zhou Yi met Miss Tang Yan."

Immediately, Zhou Yi and Li Kun rushed forward to salute, since they were discovered, they could no longer sneak away.

"I have met Miss Tang Yan!"

Luo Tian and others quickly followed Zhou Yi and Li Kun to greet them.

"There's no need to be too polite." Tang Yan finally calmed down a little when he saw that Zhouyi and the crowd gave her enough face.

"Hmph, it's just a bunch of rabble, what are you proud of?"

On the opposite side of the four Xuanxians, a blue-clothed young man led a sneer and said, "Tang Yan, it's all right for you to be domineering in the Lingyun Starfield. The men in the Lingyun Starfield are used to being grandchildren, and you can ride on it!" Head, we are not afraid of you."

These words were extremely mean, and in one sentence, all the men in the Lingyun Starfield were scolded.Zhou Yi and the others changed their expressions slightly.

Interesting, the people who were born in the governor's mansion are quite arrogant.

Luo Tian was noncommittal, narrowed his eyes slightly, and quietly looked at the four Xuanxians who were born in the state lord's mansion in front of him.

"Hmph! Zhang Sheng, what are you proud of?" Tang Yan, the girl in red, curled her lips and said disdainfully, "Behind you are just middle-level figures in the state lord's mansion, and my aunt doesn't take you seriously. If it weren't for the large number of you So many people, do you think my aunt will be afraid of you? I promise to beat you so hard that even your parents won’t recognize you, believe it or not?”

"You!" Zhang Sheng, a young man in blue, smiled, "What a sharp-mouthed little girl, do you really think that your grandfather is the great elder of the Lingyun Sect, so I dare not touch you?"

Luo Tian was a little funny, but these two groups were interesting, they were obviously afraid of the people behind each other, but neither of them wanted to lose face.

Face is important, but life is even more important. Could it be that these pampered sons, brothers and ladies in the fairy world don't understand?

"What are you laughing at?! It's you, ugly man in white!"

The stern Zhang Sheng couldn't help Tang Yan, but he found that Luo Tian seemed to have a smile on his face, and immediately pointed the finger at him.

"Uh, sorry, you mean me?"

Luo Tian looked left and right, and found that everyone's eyes were on him. Only then did he realize that he was an ugly man at the moment, "This fellow Taoist, it's none of your business? Do you still care about shitting and farting? Have you been worrying too much?"


Zhang Sheng didn't expect that a little flying fairy would dare to contradict him, and immediately said with a grim expression: "I can stab someone who can kill with one finger, so dare to be so arrogant, so good!"

Zhou Yi and Li Kun's complexion changed, they did not expect that Luo Tian would dare to contradict a monk at the peak of Xuanxian so unceremoniously, lest Zhang Sheng would hate Wu and Wu and vent his hatred on himself and others.

clap clap clap!

Suddenly, layers of space in front of Luo Tian were broken. It was Zhang Sheng who launched a silent attack, but it was broken in the blink of an eye. A red light flashed and fell directly in front of Luo Tian. With a single wave, Zhang Sheng's attack was resolved.

"Tang Yan, are you going to start a real war with us?"

Zhang Sheng growled with a distorted expression, "You'd better think carefully!"

After speaking, Zhang Sheng sneered, grabbed something with his big hand, and grabbed something from the portable space. This thing was extremely inconspicuous, and it turned out to be three water-blue hairs.

The aqua-blue hair exuded an extremely frightening aura. Zhang Sheng just grabbed the three hairs and carried them through the void, and the void was cut into several zhang-long openings silently.

"Xianjun's hair!"

Tang Yan's complexion finally changed, "Zhang Sheng, I didn't expect you to come here with the hair of Lord Xianjun. It seems that you are bound to win?"

"Nonsense!" Zhang Sheng laughed loudly, "Tang Yan, so what if you are strong? In front of Lord Xianjun's hair, you are just a chicken and a dog. I just need to shake Lord Xianjun's hair at you , you are all going to die! If you are sensible, hurry up and become my concubine obediently, let me have a good time, I will save your life. You should know that if you are killed by the hair of Lord Xianjun, even you Grandpa can't figure out any reason!"

Tang Yan's complexion was dark, and his pink face was covered with frost. His pretty face seemed calm and somewhat unusual. He said coldly: "Zhang Sheng, just because you are such a low-born child is worthy of my lady's commitment to marry me? Your ancestral grave is in danger. Do you have any smoke?"

"Do you want to die?" Zhang Sheng said in a sick tone.

"Master Xianjun's hair can only be used once. This lady admits that it is not your opponent, but don't forget, although Lord Xianjun's hair is powerful, it is not without deliberate restraint! Look what it is!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Yan clasped his hands together solemnly, bowed deeply to the void in front of her, and something flew out of her portable space.

"The power of the immortal king!"

The next moment, Zhang Sheng seemed to see a ghost in broad daylight, his scalp was about to explode, and he stepped back dozens of miles immediately, "Tang Yan, you actually have a drop of the power of a fairy, your immortal grandfather Sure enough, I pamper you to the extreme!"

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