
Chapter 571

Facing Zhang Sheng's horror, Luo Tian naturally shook his head amusedly. This is really more dramatic than a drama. Zhang Sheng, who was extremely arrogant a moment ago, escaped like a dog when he saw that drop of immortal power. quick.

The power of the fairy king!

Luo Tian immediately frowned slightly, what is this?

"Hehe." Zhou Yi smiled wryly, "It's no wonder that Miss Tang Yan is so calm as a god. It turns out that she has such a powerful treasure body protection as the power of a fairy king. I'm afraid even if the golden fairy comes, she won't be able to do anything to her for the time being."

"Brother Han, this power of the immortal monarch is a strange force of heaven and earth that just appeared at the place where he practiced after countless years of condensing by the immortal monarch. Although it can only last for a stick of incense after taking it, but in this day The strength will increase sharply within the time of burning incense, and there will be no after-effects after taking it." Li Kun explained appropriately from the side, "It is Miss Tang Yan and her grandfather who can be summoned by the immortal king and rewarded with a drop or two The power of the Immortal Monarch, like our family can't ask for a drop. Who would be willing to sell such a life-saving supreme treasure."

"To what extent has it increased?" Luo Tian asked in pretended shock.

"I don't know." Li Kun shook his head with a wry smile, "How precious is the power of a fairy, let alone you, even Li has only seen it for the first time until today, and it was just heard about it in the past, but what do you think? The power of heaven and earth condensed by Xianjun must contain a little majesty of Xianjun's consciousness, even if it is a little, it is not something we can bear."

Luo Tian's complexion was a little ugly immediately. In this way, as long as the opponent has the power of a fairy king, even if he exerts 27 times the combat power, he will be unable to do anything to the opponent?This is too scary!

"Fortunately, there are no more than a handful of people in the Lingyun Starfield who have the power of a fairy, otherwise we might have to hide and practice in peace." Zhou Yi said to himself.

"It's not as exaggerated as you say."

At this time, Tang Yan had already put away the power of the fairy king, and Zhang Sheng and the other four could not be detected within the range of perception of her primordial spirit. Even if they made a sneak attack, they could not escape the perception of the power of the fairy king .

The power of the fairy and the things on the fairy are both aware of each other.Of course, there is a certain range limit between the two.

"You are very brave, but that Zhang Sheng has always been a villain who will take revenge, so be careful." Tang Yan took a deep look at Luo Tian, ​​and a strange feeling arose in his heart. He seemed to have some feelings for this ugly man in white , favor?

Shaking his head vigorously, Tang Yan galloped away on the roc without looking back.

Luo Tian nodded lightly, the venomous look in Zhang Sheng's eyes when he was about to leave had already been captured by his Tuntian Spiritual Eyes, if they met on Xu Bao Xing, they would definitely kill him if they had a chance, and no one would be left behind. future trouble.

"Let's go too."

After a while, Zhou Yi and Li Kun took a group of people and flew towards Xu Baoxing.

Because there is only one road in front of everyone, this road leads directly to a large teleportation array on Xubao Star. It was built by the joint efforts of countless big figures who swarmed in.So although Xu Baoxing is famous, until now, almost all of them have been searched out by those big shots, and gradually no one cares about him.Of course, there are still some hidden and dangerous areas that have not been explored, which can attract existences such as Feixian Xuanxian to come.

You know, when the Xubao star landed in the Lingyun star field, not to mention the golden immortals, even the holy immortals came a lot, and it is even said that the fairy king came in person, and the treasures on the Xubao star were snatched up. , after the judgment of those big people, there are naturally some treasures on this virtual treasure star, but the rank should not be high.

Otherwise, it would be Luo Tian's turn to get involved?

"Earlier, I heard that the state lord's mansion sent Jinxian to search for Xu Baoxing. It turned out that he was just a disciple of Jinxian's sect. Now I feel more at ease."

When everyone was flying in silence, Zhou Yi finally smiled slightly.

"If Jinxian comes, we can go back immediately. We can't provoke such an existence." Li Kun rolled his eyes, "Zhang Sheng and the others should be from the top Luo Jinxians of the law enforcement team. Under his command, no wonder Tang Yan said that they are at most the middle-level figures in the state lord's mansion, and they must be the ruthless people of the law enforcement team."

"Should be right."


Soon, everyone arrived at the place where the large teleportation formation was located. Zhou Yi and Li Kun made a little identification of the direction, then took out several immortal essence stones and activated the large transmission formation.

Immortal Essence Stone is too simple for everyone, it can be condensed from the spiritual veins that they carry.

Finally arrived on Xubaoxing.

The moment Luo Tian was about to complete the activation of the teleportation array, the corners of Luo Tian's mouth curled up indistinctly.


"Damn it! How could it be like this!"

"My God! What did I see!"

"These are hallucinations, they must be illusions, they must be illusions!"


In the next moment, Luo Tian was also shocked by the grand scene in front of him.

There were no twists and turns or problems in the area they teleported to, but the sight in front of them was really shocking.

I saw a series of spiritual talismans flying in front of everyone in Luotian, some with weak aura fluctuations and some with strong aura fluctuations, but there is only one thing that is certain, there are at least tens of millions of spiritual talismans here, almost invisible at a glance To the edge, even in the sky, there are countless spiritual talismans flying around.

Daoist Holy Land?

Talisman Dao is also rarely touched by people in the Immortal World. One reason is that Talisman Talisman requires too many resources, and the resources required are simply astronomical.Secondly, most of the talismans are used to make defensive restrictions, and the progress of the talismans is extremely slow. Only at the end can the power be gradually revealed.

In the fairy world, the less powerful the Taoism is, the faster one will die when encountering an enemy.So, later on, Talisman Dao was almost extinct in the fairy world, and no one wanted to practice it anymore.

Therefore, the situation in front of us can only be explained by the Holy Land of Talismans.

Moreover, what broke Zhou Yi and Li Kun the most was that the prohibition circle on Xubaoxing was already very strange. Use the map to enter, and the map is very special. Once a fairy enters with a map of a certain area, the map will naturally disappear out of thin air.

That is to say, even if Luo Tian and his group want to go out now, they can only find the teleportation array leading to the outside here.

Huge palaces are almost all built against the mountains, as if embedded in the straight and steep mountains. There are countless deep pits, arch bridges, broken bridges, iron chain bridges, etc. above the deep pits. The pit must have been a green river in the past.

Everything here is engraved with ancient talisman seals.

"Aren't you?"

At this time, Luo Tian was startled suddenly, and his personal space changed.

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