
Chapter 573 Ancestral Dragon Fruit

Of course, Luo Tian used the Dao of Shocking Hong to bless the power of swallowing the sky. Luo Tian's world is within ten feet of his whole body. There is no information about Luo Tian at this moment.Once the consciousness enters within ten feet of Luo Tian's body, it will be directly swallowed and refined by the way of swallowing the sky, which is useless.

In a short while, under Luo Tian's deliberate action, he and Zhou Yi Li Kun's group had gone farther and farther, and they were moving forward quickly alone.

Bang bang!

Two more talisman talisman seals exploded, turning into countless highly poisonous smoke immediately in front of Luo Tian.

"It's another poisonous talisman! It's so annoying!"

Luo Tian frowned slightly. Among the various spiritual talismans in this area, Luo Tian was most annoyed by these highly poisonous talismans, because once they exploded, they wanted to devour the spiritual power on them. It has almost become an extremely difficult task, and it needs to waste several times the immortal energy.

Therefore, once Luo Tian encounters a highly poisonous spirit talisman, he avoids it directly. He would rather take more detours than waste his immortal energy to devour and refine them. Otherwise, it will not be half the effort, but half the effort. up!

Chi Chi!

Just when Luo Tian spent two days in this area ecstatically waving the Jinghong Dao, the Jinghong Dao was finally promoted to the level of a low-grade immortal weapon. Changes, it was originally black and dark like the surface of an ordinary long knife, and it became rougher, and some small holes even faintly appeared on the knife body.

"Did you make a mistake?"

Luo Tian was really speechless, could it be that the Jinghong Sword also imitated Lao Tzu?Abandoning the beautiful shape to become ugly?

After a while, Luo Tian had already separated from Zhou Yi, Li Kun and others, and arrived at the edge of a cliff. The bottom of the cliff was covered with thick milky white wind. Luo Tian couldn't see the scenery below the cliff clearly even if he was running his Sky Swallowing Eye. It can be described as bottomless.

Of course, the bridge connecting the two cliffs is a huge stone arch bridge. Not to mention some talismans and seals flying above the arch bridge, even the surface of the huge stones that make up the arch bridge are carved with countless dense talisman patterns, some of which are still intact, and some It is dilapidated, and it seems that most of it has been corroded in endless years.

Luo Tiandou flicked the Jinghong Knife into the air, and the Jinghong Knife immediately turned into a black awn that could not move in and out and hovered above Luo Tian's head. Whenever there was a magic talisman close to Luo Tian's body, the Jinghong Knife would automatically move Spiritual talismans and seals devour and refine, improving the rank.

What surprised Luo Tian was far from the sight in front of him, but the cliffs that spiraled up one after another like steps. This place seemed to be a building attached to the cliffs. The cliffs, like a sharp sword piercing the sky, stand upright in the endless chaos, outlining an ancient vicissitudes of life.

"What is there at the top of the cliff group?"

Luo Tian sighed softly, and then helplessly opened the portable space, released the magic finger bone, this guy became more and more excited, and almost collapsed Luo Tian's portable world.

As soon as the magical fingerbone came out, it vibrated straightly towards the highest point of the cliff group, quite rhythmically.

"What are you shaking!"

Luo Tian yelled angrily, and immediately stepped onto the giant stone arch bridge, walking forward following the mysterious finger bones.

As he continued to move forward, Luo Tian's brows became more and more tightly frowned. There were fewer and fewer spiritual talismans and seals ahead, but more and more puppets were refined from the spiritual talismans. It's all rows of puppets.Some of these puppets are broken and unable to move, while others are perfectly preserved.

"These puppets appear to be the work of one person."

Luo Tian couldn't stop scanning the puppets on both sides of the road. At this moment, Jing Hongdao was fighting with two puppets one person tall in front of him, allowing him enough time to observe the surroundings.

I saw that even though these puppets seemed to exist flawlessly, they still had some obvious flaws in Luo Tian's view.When encountering a master, it only takes one blow to completely defeat the puppet.

However, what made Luo Tian more and more astonished and terrified was that as he climbed over three cliffs in a row, the puppets he met seemed to be more and more perfect, more and more invulnerable, making Jing Hong Dao Always stay in the middle stage of the lower rank and can't go any further.

A puppet needs at least tens of thousands of talisman talismans to be refined!

Every time Jinghongdao devours a puppet, even the cheapest and most incomplete puppet, it is equivalent to devouring hundreds of talisman talismans. Luo Tian walked all the way and drove Jinghongdao to devour hundreds of puppets!

What an astonishing background this should be!

Luo Tian was already walking forward aimlessly at this moment, and all the directions pointed by the magical finger bones were farther and deeper.Therefore, on the premise of not violating the general direction, Luo Tian still chooses places with less dangerous atmosphere to walk, and if he walks freely, even if the reward is great, the risk is naturally great, which is directly proportional.If you are unlucky and catch up with a place where the risk is high but there is no gain, it will really make people want to cry...

Time, no one in Immortal World has ever remembered this.Immortals have an extremely long lifespan, and time has reached the point where they are numb.

But Luo Tian paid more attention to time.

"Ten days have passed, and Jinghong Dao has finally been promoted to the peak of the low-grade immortal weapon."

For ten days and ten nights, Luo Tian was thinking about how to promote Jinghongdao almost non-stop, and most of the immortal energy in his body was almost emptied.He had no choice but to stop for a while, and chose a place where the fluctuations of breath and energy were relatively peaceful, and he could safely extract the second-order spiritual veins in the world in his body to restore his cultivation.

"what is that!"

When Luo Tian was looking around boredly, he suddenly saw the highest point of the cliff group. It seemed that there was a dark yellow halo falling down. Wherever the halo passed, the milky white winds were dispersed, revealing the cliffs. Come from the other end of the group.

"Zhou Yi Li Kun!"

Luo Tian suddenly saw two familiar figures sneaking up from the other end of the cliff group, with cautious expressions on their faces.

"Two dog days!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and he thought to himself, "These two guys really concealed a lot of the situation on the map, and now they came here sneakily!"


At this time, Luo Tian's physical strength had fully recovered, and he didn't even use the teleportation. He even put away the Jinghong knife, and directly used the supernatural power in the void assassination technique to escape into the void, which is the talent of Yin Yin and Void Beast. The supernatural powers want to fit together, and finally they can't stop walking, moving, and crossing in the void.

Moments later, Luo Tian arrived at the highest point of the cliff group without any risk, and saw a dark yellow light shining on the straight cliff like a knife on the highest point of the cliff group.

"Ancestral Dragon Fruit, it really is Ancestral Dragon Fruit!"

Li Kun seemed a little carried away with joy, and even ignored the sound transmission, and yelled directly.

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