
Chapter 574

Zulong fruit!

Rao Yiluotian's composure could not help but change his color, and he understood why Zhou Yi and Li Kun secretly concealed the Xubaoxing map.

Ancestral dragon fruit, legend has it that it is an antique and living fossil of the dragon clan among the monster clan. Zulong fruit.It is said that after taking this Zulong fruit, it can instantly recover from injuries. If it is taken by ordinary immortals, it can make the physical body harder, and eventually it can even be comparable to the monster race.

"These two guys really have a conspiracy, hehe, but it's cheap for me!"

Luo Tian walked in the void, unlike Zhou Yi and Li Kun who had no scruples at all, he went directly to the Zulong fruit, and picked the Zulong fruit before the two arrived.

As early as when he entered the virtual treasure star teleportation, Luo Tian noticed that there seemed to be some kind of communication and agreement between Zhou Yi and Li Kun, but he didn't point it out.Now it seems that these two people really planned for a long time.


The Zulong fruit that grew on the smooth cliff was picked by Luo Tian at once, and when he was about to throw it directly into the inner world to escape, something happened!

"Haha, Brother Han, I didn't expect you to get the Ancestral Dragon Fruit. This is really a happy event!"

Luo Tian didn't seem to be aware of it, and found that the space around Zulongguo seemed to be violently distorted, and the smooth cliff turned into quicksands, and a black vortex appeared.

"Li Kun, you despicable and shameless villain!" Soon, Zhou Yi's voice came out, "You and I agreed in advance that whether you can get the Zulong fruit depends on your own ability. Sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman!"

"Two idiots!" Li Kun laughed loudly, "Brother Han, you have already been trapped in my Li family's clan formation, the Jiuqu Huangsha formation, all time and space are blocked, you should obediently take the Zulong fruit Hand it over!"

"What! Nine-curved yellow sand formation?!" Zhou Yi's complexion changed drastically when he heard this, and he stepped back immediately. Three silver-armored puppets immediately appeared around him, "How could you have a complete nine-curved yellow sand formation?"

Sure enough, Luo Tian's complexion became a little ugly. Even if he used the way of swallowing the sky, he couldn't get rid of the huge attraction of the nine-curved yellow sand formation in a short time, and even the nine-curved yellow sand formation still had A burst of corrosive power surged out, corroding all the energy of heaven and earth around him, and the Dao of Swallowing Heaven was no more than a temporary stalemate with the Jiuqu Yellow Sand Formation.

"Huh?" Li Kun's complexion changed, "Brother Han, what kind of supernatural power did you cultivate? Which way did you comprehend? You were able to temporarily resist the Jiuqu Huangsha Formation. It seems that Zhou Yi and I both watched it before. Lost your eyes! In terms of concealment, you are the strongest!"

"Li Kun, if you want to get the Ancestral Dragon Fruit, just let the horse come here!"

Luo Tian smiled lightly, threw the Zulongguo into the inner world, and then the inner world opened immediately, and the Sky Swallowing Tower flew out, spreading out the infinite way of swallowing the sky, and began to devour the Jiuqu Yellow Sand Formation Refining!

"Brother Han, don't panic, Mr. Zhou is here to help you!"

At this time, Zhou Yi seemed to have made up his mind, and suddenly drove the three silver-armored puppets to rush towards Li Kun frantically.But seeing where he passed, countless celestial powers and laws of heaven and earth shattered and exploded.

Luo Tian frowned tightly.

"The world inside the body!" Li Kun immediately screamed, "Brother Han, you really hid it deep enough, and you have cultivated the world inside the body!"

"Haha, Li Kun... die to me!"

Suddenly, Zhou Yi rushed over, but what was surprising was that Zhou Yi passed Li Kun at an extremely fast speed, and arrived in front of Luo Tian in an instant, opened the world inside his body, and flew out of it. A crystal wheel.

"Inner body world, space annihilation!"

Zhou Yi's target turned out to be Luo Tian!

Zhou Yi and Li Kun were originally together!

"Hehe, Zhouyi, your fox tail is finally exposed!" Luo Tian laughed wildly, "Then Li Kun must have made you use the great puppet technique to refine it into a puppet! You cultivated the inner world, and Li Kun No, you have exposed this point!"

"The seal of heaven and earth! The seal of ten thousand paths! 27 times the combat power!"

Luo Tian shouted wildly in his heart, and immediately extracted half of the second-order spiritual veins in the inner world, and played three great skills one after another!


Once the 27 times combat power was released, the laws of heaven and earth around Luo Tian shattered, and they were beaten into the most primitive state. Afterwards, Luo Tian walked in the void one after another, either with fists or legs.

"Since you designed Han, don't blame Han for being ruthless! Let me all die here!"

Bang bang bang!

Next, under the horrified gazes of Zhou Yi and Li Kun, the Sky Swallowing Pagoda above Luo Tian's head suddenly swelled and spun apart, shaking the crystal runner flying out of the world in Zhou Yi's body to the point of being crumbling and cracking apart. Come.

Whoa whoa whoa!

At this time, Li Kun, the puppet controlled by Zhou Yi, finally moved. He directly played the lyre, and with just a light fiddle, three pillars of light like long rivers flew out from the lyre.

Water fire wind!

"Pearl of rice grains!"

Luo Tian sneered, opened his hand and grabbed the three river-like beams of light directly into his hand, and then tore them lightly, and the three river-like beams of light were directly pulled by him, completely losing contact with the seven-stringed guqin , was devoured by Luo Tian.

"Shocking Sword!"

Luo Tian shouted again, and immediately escaped into the void, the Tuntian Tower outside him rampaged, smashing the nine-curved yellow sand array into pieces, completely losing most of its power.


A silent blow appeared directly in front of Zhou Yi. Luo Tian held the Jinghong Saber, like a mighty god, and slashed directly at the horrified Zhou Yi.

"Puppet Immortal Clothes!"


In just half a breath, the three silver-armored puppets in front of Zhou Yi turned into a gleaming silver fairy clothes, which turned out to be a high-grade material defense fairy clothes in an instant!

Luo Tian's Void Assassination Technique combined with the Jinghong Dao barely wiped out [-]% of Zhou Yi's inner world, and it was difficult to kill him any more.

"Top grade defensive fairy clothes!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and he was about to display 27 times the combat power to kill Zhou Yi in one fell swoop, but found that Zhou Yi had burned countless spiritual veins and immortal pills in an instant, and suddenly became nothingness.

"Han Yi, you are very strong, but I will come back to find you! Teleportation!"

Zhou Yi used the space Taoism at once, and his whole body flickered, and disappeared into the void. Even Luo Tian's way of swallowing the sky could not track him, because on Xubaoxing, there is an extremely powerful space restriction. However, if Luo Tian hadn't possessed the supernatural powers of void beasts and the art of void assassination, he probably wouldn't have dared to walk recklessly in the void.But this is only limited to Luo Tian's walking. If he wants to kill him in the air, with Luo Tian's current strength, it is extremely difficult to do it. Unless he is promoted to Xuanxian, he can still give it a try.

"One ran away, but this one can't run away."

Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately drove the Tiantian Pagoda to suppress and lock Li Kun, directly sucking him into the inner world, devouring and refining.


Li Kun was killed by Luo Tian, ​​the portable space was destroyed directly in front of him, and countless things fell from it.

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