
Chapter 575 Half Step Immortal

Next, after Luo Tianzai carefully sorted out the things in Li Kun's portable space three times, he finally followed the direction Zhou Yidun left just now with satisfaction.

"4000 million immortal pills, six second-order spirit veins, six low-grade immortal artifacts, two middle-grade immortal artifacts, and one half-high-grade immortal artifact. Li Kun's fortune is not bad."

While quickly refining Li Kun, Luo Tian began to clean up Li Kun's treasures, but he found that the most powerful semi-high-grade fairy weapon, that is, the lyre, he couldn't use at all. The discovery of the faint but vast imprint of the primordial spirit caused his face to change slightly.

With a casual grab, the Jinghong Knife appeared directly in Luo Tian's hands, and devoured the spirits of the fairy treasures left by Li Kun one by one, and began to devour the spiritual power on these fairy treasures in order to get promoted, that strange soul mark Naturally, he didn't let it go. Although it took a lot of effort to devour it, Luo Tian patiently drove the Jinghong Knife to devour it little by little in order to eliminate hidden dangers.

Thirty percent!

Two days later, Luo Tian just let Jinghong Dao swallow up [-]% of the spiritual power of the fairy treasure in front of him, no more, it would be impossible to continue.

"It seems that we have reached the tolerance limit of Jinghong Dao." Luo Tian said to himself, "It's also my fault for not being able to live up to expectations. If he is promoted to a middle-grade fairy weapon, he may be able to swallow at least [-]% or even [-]% of his spiritual power. But it’s not a pity, what the Jinghong Saber can’t devour, the Sky Swallowing Pagoda can be reused!”

Soon, Luo Tian's [-] pores gradually expanded, and the spatial range became larger and larger, and there was a faint tendency to form a small world.Among them, among the [-] pores, each pore has countless ancient seals wrapped and entwined with flames!

It turned out that what was wrapped in flames was nothing more than the actual sword qi and intent, but after Luo Tian's integration, he created his own unique supernatural power - after swallowing the sky seal, those sword qi and sword intent naturally condensed into ancient seal.

The ancient seals, like Kongming lanterns, floated and danced in mid-air, exuding a domineering aura.It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, Luo Tian only needs one thought, one pore can destroy a third-order plane.But the premise is that he can still display his current peak strength when he reaches the lower plane.

"Huh? Then Zhou Yi was so vigilant that he changed direction again!"

At this time, Luo Tian discovered that the aura of the Heaven Swallowing Dao that he had secretly attached to Zhou Yi had changed again.

"Damn, if this goes on like this, I'm afraid that the aura of the Heaven Swallowing Dao will soon be exhausted. At that time, it will be as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack if you want to detect Zhouyi's position!"


At this time, all the immortal treasures in Li Kun's body that were thrown into the inner world by Luo Tian were refined, Luo Tian's inner world expanded a little again, and his breath also changed a little.

It is a sign of breaking through to the half-step Xuanxian soon!

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and he immediately mobilized the Tuntian Pagoda and even the black lotus magic weapon, and mobilized the strange imprint of the primordial spirit suppressed in the lyre, and began to refine it!

"Bold boy!"

The strange imprint of the primordial spirit sent out a trace of extremely angry fluctuations, which clearly spread throughout Luo Tian's entire internal body world, and then, that fluctuating aura immediately spread out, and it seemed that it was leaving behind that trace. The big man with the imprint of the primordial spirit will use his supernatural powers to reflect the avatar into Luo Tian's inner world.

Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically. If that big man descended into his internal body, it would be an unprecedented catastrophe. It might not even be possible for the internal world to collapse because of this. It almost made Luo Tian unable to bear it. This background is too amazing.

"27 times the combat power! Suppress and refine it for me!"

Luo Tian is also fighting, he will definitely not hope that the big man will succeed, otherwise he will be finished, so he has no choice but to fight desperately with 27 times the fighting power, directly condense the world in his body and start bombarding the trace of the primordial spirit imprint.

clap clap clap!

To Luo Tian's surprise, the imprint of the primordial spirit of the big man was not so easy to get along with. Luo Tian almost showed all his trump cards, but he still seemed unable to resist the opponent's posture.

"Qiankun Seal!"

"Wan Dao Yin!"

When Luo Tian became ruthless, he also used the Heaven Swallowing Seal. You must know that this was a battle within his inner body. Even if he succeeded, he would have to refine a few second-order spirit veins to recover.

"Take my Li family's fairy treasure, and pay with my life!"

The imprint of the primordial spirit of the big man once again roared in horror, "If you still dare to resist, then erase your primordial spirit and throw it into the beast arena!"

Beast your mother!

Luo Tian felt that the whole body was almost beginning to twist, and a layer of light wave faintly refracted, which was a sign that the body was about to burst.


At this time, in the fourth heaven of the Black Lotus Space, the Bandit Immortal finally made his move.

With just a loud shout, the Immortal Bandit directly shook away all the supernatural powers of the great man who was about to come to Luo Tian's inner world, even the avatar was not spared.

In the inner world, the void that was about to break through a portal of space was closed immediately, and even the bandit fairy yelled, separated by countless time and space, countless worlds, directly shocked the other party into serious injuries!

"It's so perverted, so perverted!"

Luo Tian narrowly escaped from the dead, so he couldn't help but gently wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The big man just now was at least a real golden fairy big man, otherwise he would definitely be unable to resist, but with the robber fairy, he just shouted, It shocked the other party half to death.

Moreover, the Bandit Immortal once said that he has not recovered his peak strength. If he has recovered his peak strength, wouldn't it be possible to shake the other party into flying ash across countless time and space and countless worlds with a loud shout? ?

"Why are you still standing there, you idiot!" The Robber Immortal didn't rush to close the Fourth Heaven Realm this time, but instead reprimanded Luo Tian, ​​"You are still an invincible powerhouse in the Profound Sky Plane, Have you been blinded by pride and arrogance when you arrived in the fairyland? You didn’t even realize that a little mysterious fairy on the other side left a breath imprint on you, if this continues, you will die in the fairyland sooner or later!”


Luo Tian couldn't help being startled for a moment, and then a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind. He remembered that he was still carrying the jade talisman copied by Zhou Yi, Li Kun and others, and immediately swung the Heaven Swallowing Dao and swept towards the inner world.

Sure enough, after Luo Tian's tireless investigation, he finally found an extremely hard-to-find breath imprint inside the jade talisman.

"Zhou Yi, no wonder he escaped from my pursuit safely!"

With only a sliver of Heaven Swallowing power, Luo Tian completely wiped out that breath imprint, and then his face was full of anger, his silver teeth creaking.

"When the young master refines this imprint of the primordial spirit, and is promoted to the realm of half-step Xuanxian, I will kill you with one move!"


Luo Tian opened his mouth, and suddenly sealed off the inner world completely, carefully inspected it, lest the big man might leave behind some backhands in the inner world.


Luo Tian exhaled, and the [-] pores in his body immediately opened up, and the law of swallowing the sky could not stop lingering around his body, as if a huge suction cup began to absorb everything.

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