
Chapter 576 Skull

In just half a day, Luo Tian was easily promoted to the state of half-step Xuanxian.

I have to admit that after being promoted to Feixian, Luo Tian found that the growth of cultivation has reached an extremely difficult point. No wonder there are endless immortals in the fairy world, and there are not many monks promoted to Feixian, let alone Xuanxian. Jinxian, that is the highest point that ordinary immortals dare not even think about in their lifetime.

Especially for a talented immortal like Luo Tian with extraordinary talent and great background, the immortal power, perception, chance, etc. needed to advance to a higher level are indispensable.Otherwise, everyone can easily achieve the Golden Immortal Realm, and the Immortal Realm will not be so easy to manage.

Jin Xian is indeed the overlord of the fairy world!

"Half step to Xuanxian, only half a step away, you can be promoted to the stage of Xuanxian! Humph, by then, under the Golden Immortal, no matter how many people come, I can easily kill you!"

Luo Tian thought silently, and immediately, the imprint of breath floating on Zhou Yi's body in his consciousness became more and more blurred, and it seemed that within a day, the imprint of breath would completely dissipate.

Zhou Yi, just wait for me!

Luo Tian's face turned cold, and Zhi Tian Yu Wing appeared behind him, and quickly chased in the direction of Zhou Yi.

Flying all the way, of course Luo Tian would not let those puppets go, and directly used the Jinghong knife to quickly devour and refine them.However, he himself did not dare to refine these talismans, talismans and seals easily, lest he would not have time to cry when he encountered a talisman, talisman and seal containing the imprint of a great man's primordial spirit.

Please take the robber Xianjun?Looking at that guy's previous expression, I'm afraid that if he makes a similar mistake again, he will definitely stand by and watch.

Only on your own!


Finally, after devouring an unknown number of spiritual talismans and seals, the Jinghong Saber in Luo Tian's hand was finally promoted to a middle-grade fairy weapon!

At this time, Jinghong Dao exuded an ethereal aura throughout his body. Luo Tian had hardly encountered this aura before.Of course, what gave him a headache was that since Jinghong Knife was promoted to a middle-grade immortal weapon, there seemed to be more holes in the knife body, and it looked like a rusty and tattered long knife in his hand.

Half a day later, the feeling in Luotian Yuanshen became more and more intense. It seemed that Zhouyi was hidden within tens of thousands of miles near Luotian.

Hoo hoo!Woohoo!

After traveling thousands of miles, Luo Tian was surprised to find that there seemed to be a world of wind and snow in front of him. The wind in this world was extremely violent, and it seemed to be extremely heavy when it blew on Luo Tian's protective light. And what surprised Luo Tian the most was that the snowflakes falling down from this world were as big as a palm, and each snowflake was condensed into the shape of a talisman. When it fell on the ground, it made extremely dull sounds. .

This situation is like a place!

Suddenly, Luo Tian's pupils contracted violently. In the snowy land of Qingli Xiaoxianjie, the woman in the ice coffin...

Snow Wind City, Land of Thunder and Punishment, and Demon Heaven.

It is rumored that they are the three supreme orthodox traditions in the fairy world. I don't know if it is true or not.

Could it be that Xu Baoxing was created by a big man in Snow Wind City?

Luo Tian quickly thought about all the known clues in his mind carefully, and then found out with horror that there might be some connection among them, and then he immediately searched the memories of everyone in the immortal world that had been devoured, and finally found out Of course.

Snow Wind City, Land of Thunder Punishment, and Demon Heaven, were the three supreme orthodoxy of the last era, and it is likely that changes have already taken place in this era.After all, in every era there will be extremely talented monsters born, and the three supreme orthodoxy are different in each era.

From this point of view, that Fengxue City was the Three Great Lineages of the previous era, and it must have fallen now, so why guard the ice coffin woman in the Qingli Little Immortal Realm?

clap clap clap!

When Luo Tian was thinking, he suddenly found that the protective light was constantly torn apart by invisible invisible forces, and was soon suppressed.

"Such a snowflake spirit talisman, talisman seal, must be able to swallow Jinghong Dao."

Luo Tian threw out the Jinghong Dao without hesitation, but found that the Jinghong Dao was completely rendered powerless by the nearly endless snowflake talisman talismans.

Extremely powerful!

It has already exceeded the range that Jinghong Dao can swallow. It is like an ant that can swallow the same kind. No matter how powerful it is, it may not be able to swallow an elephant. This is far beyond its ability.

Luo Tian immediately withdrew the Jinghong Saber and began to burn the Immortal Essence Pill, using his own precious light to resist the countless snowflake talismans in the air. He only felt a crackling sound all around, and the depletion of the immortal energy in his body increased.

Luo Tian had no choice but to spread his wings to the sky, speeding up and flying towards the depths of this area.

"here we go again?"

The next moment, Luo Tian found helplessly that the magical finger bones in the portable space, which had been honest for a while, became restless again.

"Stop making trouble, just let you out."

Luo Tian reluctantly opened the portable space and released the magic finger bone.

As soon as the magic finger bone was released, it immediately reversed its direction and flew away in another direction.

"Bullshit! It's bullshit!"

Luo Tian stopped his figure abruptly. If he followed the magic finger bone, he would definitely lose the great opportunity to kill Zhou Yi, but if he didn't follow, he might lose a once-in-a-lifetime chance.

"Never mind!"

Luo Tian just hesitated for a few breaths, then stretched his wings and followed the magical finger bones.

Whoosh whoosh!

The magical fingerbone didn't delay this time, its speed was extremely fast, it flashed like a thin line in the air, and then suddenly disappeared.

Fortunately, Luo Tian has the wings of the sky and the magical power of teleportation, otherwise, it is possible to chase and lose the magic finger bone.

One finger bone and one person, one in front and one in back, the speed is extremely fast, and they have traveled hundreds of thousands of miles in a short time.

"here is?"

Soon, the speed of the magical fingerbone slowed down, and it fell lightly and downward.

And Luo Tian looked in the direction where the magical finger bones fell, but found that there was an ancient altar, the altar was covered with white flowers, extremely dazzling, and there was nothing there at all.

clap clap!

Luo Tian quickly landed on the altar, only to see that mist-like clouds were born on the altar, covering the altar with a radius of tens of miles.

Ding Ding!

What made Luo Tian dumbfounded was that the amputated phalanx no longer had the previous violentness, but became extremely timid, and returned to Luo Tian's side very quickly, constantly hitting Luo Tian's protective light, emitting Crisp sound.

"It's really tossing!"

Luo Tian muttered, threw the magic finger bone back into the portable space, and then looked around.


Next, Luo Tian found a skull on one of the edges of the altar, on an arched jade pillar. The skull was plain and unremarkable, exuding a fiery aura.

After quickly inspecting the altar, Luo Tian discovered a strange thing.

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