
Chapter 577

On this ancient altar, there does not seem to be any prohibition circle. The entire altar is exposed to the wind and snow, and it is blown by the wind and snow. Besides the skull that exudes a fiery breath, the other three corners are also placed. with three skulls.

The four skulls are divided into four directions, southeast, northwest, and are still made according to the four elements of earth, water, fire, and wind of the last era.

"What's the mystery in this?"

Luo Tian went around a few more times, and finally felt a little headache. Now it seems that this series of emergencies definitely have some connection.

Luo Tian seemed to have grasped the trace of destiny in the dark, and quickly released the trace of fate in the world in his body, and kept trying to calculate and evolve in the void.


What made Luo Tian's hair stand on end was that this seemingly ordinary altar in front of him seemed to give birth to a strange invisible force, which was about to completely devour the law of fate in Luo Tian's hands.

Luo Tian's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted: "Dare to devour Lao Tzu's law of fate, it's not that easy!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian's whole body immediately swelled up, and as if rushing to the doctor in a hurry, he cut out the Jinghong knife, and slashed tens of thousands of knives at the void space where the law of fate was about to disappear, and then fought 27 times more. And with the blessing of 27 times the combat power, he played the Qiankun Seal and Wan Dao Seal.

To no avail.

In the end, with an extremely ugly face, Luo Tian felt that the law of fate was disconnected from him bit by bit, and he could no longer think about it.

"The loss is too great!" Luo Tianqi's seven orifices were filled with smoke, "the void in the surrounding area is so large that even the primordial spirit and consciousness can't get a glimpse of the real appearance. It's really amazing."

Recognize the Lord!

Luo Tian immediately remembered, could these four skulls condensed from earth, water, fire and wind be able to recognize their masters with a drop of blood?

In the end, Luo Tian was disappointed again. He wasted eight drops of blood essence and failed to subdue any of the skulls. This result made him even more furious, pointing at the sky and scolding his mother: "Is there any reason? Is there any king?" Fa? Not to mention devouring Lao Tzu's law of fate for nothing, and embezzled eight drops of my blood!"

A loss-making business seems to be a bit of a loss.

Luo Tiantian frantically spread his primordial consciousness towards the ground below the altar, but there was no obstacle under the ground. Luo Tian's primordial consciousness easily penetrated tens of thousands of feet deep underground, but still is nothing.

"This altar is really a bit strange." Luo Tian's complexion changed, and he couldn't help sighing, "The underground is actually a labyrinth of winding passages, but all altars are built on a solid ground, so loose and loose, isn't it afraid that the altar will collapse one day? "

After exploring hundreds of thousands of feet, and almost reaching a million feet, Luo Tian even spent a huge amount of immortal energy to support his divine sense, and finally reached a million feet underground under his spiritual sense, There seems to be a little movement.

"Huh? What is that?"

Soon, such a strange picture appeared in Luo Tian's mind. It seemed that there were countless unseen primordial forces flowing slowly in the picture, but when Luo Tian's consciousness went down again, the The strange picture suddenly disappeared.

"It's weird!"

Luo Tian immediately used the Five Elements Teleportation Technique to escape directly into the ground, quickly broke through the layers of earth, rock and magma, and galloped towards the depths of the ground. The feeling of being in the ground made Luo Tian more and more convinced that this trip would be possible. gain something.

Moments later, Luo Tian finally realized that something was wrong, and then his body stagnated directly, and then flew back towards the sky.

"Damn, it really is like this!"

Luo Tian's face remained unchanged this time, but he sighed softly in his heart. It turned out that after he entered the altar, he finally found that all this was a bit too easy. After a little trial, he found out the reason. Return to the ground.

Big upside down against the ban!

Luo Tian just pondered for a moment, then resolutely galloped towards the ground.There is no turning back when the bow is opened, since it has already come down, at least we have to find out what is going on.What's more, even if he goes a million feet deep into the altar, at most he will lose money again, and he can almost return to the ground by burning a second-order spiritual vein.

"If I lose money again this time, I'm going to lose my temper!"

Once the furious Luo Tian made it to the end, it took only a quarter of an hour to reach the place a million feet underground, but when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes almost turned black, and he was so sad that he was about to spurt blood.

Where is the picture from the previous consciousness in front of me? It is clearly an empty underground square with a radius of tens of miles. The rocks and ground here are all made of milky white crystals. Luo Tian stands in it, which is particularly incongruous .

Soon, Luo Tian, ​​who didn't give up, straightened his mind, and chose a corridor at random to go forward, but after walking for hundreds of miles, he found that the road ahead turned out to be a dead end.

"Unlucky, it's really bad luck recently!"

Luo Tian let out a low sigh, and then waved a palm casually to vent his anger.

Ka Ka Ka!

I don't know if the crystal wall in front of him is too fragile or it has been corrupted too much for too long. With this casual palm, Luo Tian directly made a big hole in the crystal wall in front of him. After the hole appeared, with an extremely balanced The speed kept expanding, and finally broke like a spider web into a piece with a radius of four to five feet, and then fell loosely to the ground.

"Damn, I have searched for millions of feet, how can there be treasures in this ghostly place!"

At this time, a voice of complaint came from the consciousness of Luo Tian who was full of dementia.


A sneer appeared on Luo Tian's face. Everyone here is now an enemy. Anyway, he has been promoted to a half-step Xuanxian. Let's see who can escape from the palm this time!


The purple celestial wings unfolded directly behind him, and his body shone with colorful lights. The next moment, only an afterimage of Luo Tian was left on the spot, and the afterimage lasted for about a few breaths before slowly dissipating.

Luo Tian has such a frightening speed!

Luo Tian, ​​who had restrained all his consciousness and used the way of swallowing the sky, even shamelessly used the technique of void assassination at this moment. Speed, I am afraid that it is more difficult for ordinary golden immortals to find him.

However, with Luo Tian's current strength, even if Jinxian couldn't detect it, he would not dare to attack and kill Jinxian. If the opponent could not be killed with one blow, any counterattack by the opponent could make Luo Tian irreparable. If he wanted to successfully attack and kill Jinxian For a big shot at the immortal level, Luo Tian must at least break through to Xuanxian.

Soon, Luo Tian approached the person who was walking aimlessly in the crystal world.

"Still an old acquaintance, not bad."

Luo Tian, ​​who was hiding in the void, chuckled, and slowly approached the opponent. As long as he was a thousand feet away from the opponent, the opponent would definitely die.


Finally, the distance between Luo Tian and the other party was only a thousand feet. Luo Tian reached out and grabbed the Jinghong knife, and directly opened the world in his body, releasing the Sky Swallowing Tower to suppress and block the surrounding space.

With a slight sway on the spot, Luo Tian flew directly to the top of the opponent's head, and slashed fiercely at him to vent his anger!

Abrupt mutation!

Luo Tian felt that after he slashed the knife, his whole body seemed to be surrounded by an extremely gentle force, so that his sharp and fierce slash was about to split the opponent in half, but he was helplessly Watching the other party walk past him unharmed.

How could this be? !

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