
Chapter 578

The scene at this moment is like something within reach in front of you, but you suddenly find that you have reached your limit.

This feeling is even more disgusting than swallowing countless flies, and it makes people collapse and despair.

"Open it for me!"

Luo Tian suddenly exploded with 27 times the combat power, but it was still useless. He seemed to be in a soft space at this time, no matter whether it was up, down, left, or right, there was no point to focus on, even if it was a little bit, he could use it to bounce back There are no laws of heaven and earth.

Even the most basic and common space has basically disappeared!

"We don't bring such fun!"

Luo Tian was about to cry, and finally had no choice but to watch himself, who was fully prepared, let an opponent who was about to be killed in an instant disappear slowly into the distance without help. This kind of rage almost made Luo Tian vomit blood sadly .

Oh oh oh!


That strange power appeared around Luo Tian again, it didn't seem to belong to anything in this world, it turned and spun directly, like pages of books were turning, making a burst of exceptionally different sounds, in the end, that The pages of the book seemed to be flipped at a certain frequency, and Luo Tian only felt the space around him change instantly and be distorted.

The next moment, Luo Tian disappeared from the void.The strange thing is that Xuan Xian, who was obviously on the same team as Zhang Sheng, escaped by luck.Even he himself didn't know that he really just turned around after the gate of hell was closed.



Luo Tian has now reached the realm of a half-step Xuanxian, and his real strength is No. 1 among the Xuanxians. I am afraid that the most terrifying Xuanxian among the Xuanxians is an invincible existence. The odds of success will kill the opponent.

After all, Luo Tian's speed and physical toughness, as well as the Void Assassination technique blessed by the Void Beast's innate supernatural power, are simply too perverted.As long as the opponent does not have a high-grade defensive fairy weapon, Luo Tian is sure to kill the opponent with a single blow with the Jinghong Dao.

Of course, Luo Tian has a high-grade defensive fairy clothes, and Luo Tian is only a little troublesome. First, he used the Sky Swallowing Tower to suppress and block the opponent, and then slowly swallowed the opponent with the Jinghong Saber and the Wan Dao Seal.

The Jinghong knife can not only devour spirits, but also has the effect of devouring blood.

"This is where?"

At this moment, the precious light of Luo Tian's protective body couldn't see through his body surface. I'm afraid that even a little bit, he fell firmly to the ground from a height of two feet, and directly hit the ground horizontally, making a very loud sound.

"Fortunately, the toughness of the young master's physical body is far beyond that of ordinary people. If it is a normal person, I am afraid that I will be extremely aggrieved and fall to death."

When Luo Tian was thinking like this, he was shocked to find that he was wearing an extremely tall colorful mountain at the moment. The whole body of this colorful mountain was made of colorful strange stones, like a sharp awl piercing the sky.Around the colorful mountain, there are circles of seven-color beams of light. These beams of light have obviously experienced the baptism of countless years, and they are faintly turning into the No. 11 divine light between heaven and earth.

In the world, according to ancient legends, there are ten divine lights, such as the Taiyi Cave Mysterious Divine Light that was refined by Luo Tian and then completely dispersed and absorbed in the body. It is the top three of the ten divine lights, and is powerful No match!

Ding Ding Deng!

At this time, Luo Tian felt an unimaginable strong suction coming in front of him, directly sucking Luo Tian's rock-solid body, and involuntarily took several steps forward.

very scary!

Luo Tian was horrified. He had never encountered such a desperate thing. Everything here seemed to have surpassed all cognitive categories. The aura and energy here had never been seen or felt in the fairy world. .

What the hell is this place!


Luo Tian felt that there was another attack in front of him, and he subconsciously wanted to retreat violently, but he was shocked to find that the force was not absorbed by Luo Tian's body this time, but by the supernatural power in his body!

Now, Luo Tian has combined all his various supernatural powers into a brand new supernatural power - the way of swallowing the sky.But Luo Tian still has a kind of supernatural power that cannot be blended and refined, and that is the first supernatural power he comprehended when the three miraculous powers of the Nine Flames Xuan Gong, the Mahodue Sutra and the Xuanyin Taishang Dao Sutra were initially fused—— Teleport supernatural powers!

You know, this teleportation supernatural power has given Luo Tian a lot of advantages in the Profound Sky Plane, and Luo Tian can even use it in the fairy world. It can be seen how far this teleportation supernatural power is against the sky?

At this moment, what made Luo Tian dumbfounded was that the inexplicable force that struck was so powerful that it easily pulled Luo Tian's teleportation power out of his body and turned it into a finger-thick The colorful brilliance directly submerged into the colorful mountain in front of me.

Luo Tian clearly felt that from now on, this teleportation supernatural power has no fate with him.

"This time, it's more than losing my wife and losing my army. If I don't do it well, I'm afraid my life will be here."

Luo Tian suddenly thought sadly, at this moment he almost used all his strength, but he still fell into such a miserable situation. When he thought that he might even die here, the immortal spirit in Luo Tian's body burst out suddenly. There are layers of fanatical fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

"It's not that easy to want me to die!"

The world in Luo Tian's body let out a silent roar, out of thin air, how could he possibly die here?How can you die here in peace?

The next moment, Luo Tian began to burn the immortal pills and spiritual veins on his body, and even his life span began to burn!

"Break this shackle! Immortality!"

Luo Tian suddenly struck out the blow of his life. This blow represented brilliance, brilliance, a little civilization and truth. It kept rolling and flowing in the long river of time and space, blasting countless voids.

But still unable to break through this strange space barrier!

"Seal all over the world, seal off heaven and earth, freeze time and space, seal ten thousand calamities..."

At this time, a cold and indifferent voice came from the colorful mountain. With the sound, the whole colorful mountain trembled slightly. Finally, the colorful mountain was divided into two from top to bottom, and a colorful stone tablet flew out from it. There are three big characters on the top of the colorful stone tablet. These three big characters are constantly changing on the stone tablet, turning into various ancient characters, changing indefinitely.

In an instant, the text on the colorful stone tablet has changed hundreds of ways, like a revolving lantern.

All of Luo Tianzhun's state was immediately interrupted, and he returned to his original appearance without any change.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Tian widened his eyes, and began to capture the three large characters on the colorful stone tablet floating in the sky. The three large characters became clearer and clearer, as if he was freed from the ancient and distant civilization, and slowly moved towards the future and go.

Monument to Seal Immortals!

Finally, Luo Tian clearly saw three large characters on the colorful stone tablet that changed into Qingliwen.

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