
Chapter 579 Jiyuan Immortal Treasure, The Last Strike

What a big breath!

Luo Tian couldn't help shaking his body, and immediately took a few steps back in shock.

Whether this colorful mountain was created by a single person or by a force, this tone has already reached its limit, and there is no room for change.This has risen to the point of opposing the entire fairy world, including today's human race, demon race, and demon race.All three groups are included.

Monument to Seal Immortals!

This already means that the powerful who can block and suppress the entire fairy world!

Feeling the immense coercion on the Fengxian Monument, Luo Tian's whole body was oppressed and directly bent down, his knees involuntarily bent into an arc, as if he was about to be oppressed by the coercion on the Fengxian Monument and kneel down. land.

"I, Luo Tian, ​​act according to my preferences, but I also understand morality and human relations, and I have never surpassed it. I don't kneel to the sky or the ground, but to my parents. Just relying on a stone tablet without an owner or unconsciousness, I dare to understand a little bit of spirituality. Condescending! Break it for me!"

This time, Luo Tian directly opened up the world in his body without any scruples, and hit the Sky-Tuning Tower with all his strength. What is different from the past is that this time a black lotus flower appeared under the Tower of Swallowing Heaven.

Luo Tian really got angry this time.

Of course, Luo Tian did not completely lose his mind. Although he was extremely angry, he still had some sense.

Since the debut of the black lotus magic weapon, it has been following Luo Tian. No matter what he has experienced, the black lotus magic weapon has never been hurt even a little bit, and as the black lotus space has now opened to the fourth heaven, Luo Tian has already It can be initially realized that this black lotus magic weapon is definitely not an ordinary treasure, and it may even be a supreme fairy treasure.As for the black lotus magic weapon of this artifact, Luo Tian has not been able to exert [-]% of its power so far, otherwise Luo Tian would not have ended up miserable everywhere.

Destiny is really wonderful and unfathomable.

Of course, the main reason why Luo Tian dared to sacrifice the Black Lotus Magic Treasure so confidently was that in the fourth heaven domain of the Black Lotus Magic Treasure, there lived a bandit fairy with unfathomable strength. rely.

"Lord Robber Xianjun, let me sell you this time. Anyway, you have occupied my Fourth Heaven Domain for nothing for so long, and you haven't put in much effort. This time, you should collect some interest and come back!"

At the same time, Luo Tian began to pray silently in his heart, hoping that the Robber Immortal would survive this catastrophe and go out to thank him.

"Huh? This breath is so familiar, boy Luo, what happened outside? Ah!"

After a while, there was finally movement in the Fourth Heaven Realm where the Bandit Immortal was located, but just as the Bandit Immortal came out, he immediately retracted. Afterwards, the roaring sound almost deafened Luo Tian's ears.

"Boy Luo! You little bastard who suffered a thousand knives, why did you come here? This is the Jiyuan Immortal Treasure, the Sealing Monument! It is the repressive atmosphere that came out of the Hunyuan Domain at the beginning of this era The fairy treasure of luck disappeared suddenly later, and the deity has been looking for it for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be here, why don't you run away, what are you doing here!"

The Robber Xianjun seemed to be frightened and angry.

"Run ass!"

Luo Tian said with a bitter face, "Senior, the kid just couldn't run away so I asked you to go out of the mountain and collect this immortal stele, otherwise I'm not a fool, am I just hanging on here and waiting to die? I don't want to be a hero!"

"You... Let me tell you the truth, this stele of immortality was once besieged and suppressed by several immortal monarchs. Its real body was smashed into pieces at the beginning of this era. The stele of immortality in front of me is probably the real stele of immortality. A breath of primordial spirit that escaped from the sky. Moreover, don’t underestimate this immortal stele. The heaven and earth primordial power it possesses doesn’t seem to belong to the fairy world at all. If you go back, you will be seriously injured by the source of this immortal stele! If you want to accept this immortal stele, you must not use the immortal power of the fairy world!" Said the robber Xianjun hurriedly and quickly.

"I don't need the immortal power, I'm afraid I've been shocked to death by the terrifying aura on this immortal stele?" Luo Tian couldn't help but feel a headache, he couldn't use the immortal power, what is it?

"If you don't use the immortal power, you still have a chance to live. If you use it, you will definitely die. Make up your own mind!" The robber Xianjun hurriedly said, the aura emanating from the immortal tablet seemed to have a great restraint effect on him, Then the tortoise retreated back to the fourth sky domain of the black lotus space, and sealed the fourth sky domain firmly, without leaking any breath.

"... "

Luo Tian was stunned and stunned, this mother is still a fairy, is the Fengxian Monument so terrible?Moreover, according to the Robber Xianjun, the immortal stele in front of him is just a breath of primordial spirit from the real stele of immortality, and a breath of primordial spirit can scare away an immortal monarch, so it must be an immortal king in its own right!

The Immortal King, that is the supreme ethereal figure in the Immortal Realm. Generally, when they reach the Immortal King Realm, they are truly free from the myriad ways of heaven and earth, and achieve the true sense of not being involved in karma and reincarnation. Their only purpose from now on , in order to pursue the real Dao of Hunyuan between heaven and earth, and become the power that can truly control the time and space of destiny.

At least, in today's Immortal World, there has never been an immortal king, not to mention this era, even in the last era and the last era, there has never been an immortal king. It is just mentioned in the ancient classics. Those fairy kings are the truly supreme existences of the billions of interfaces!

"Since Xian Yuanli doesn't work, let's try another head office!"

Thinking of this, Luo Tian immediately used the Variety Immortal Pocket to transform himself, essentially turning into a cultivator at the alchemy stage of the Profound Sky Plane, and directly tapped the center of his eyebrows, and a drop of blood flew out from the center of his eyebrows, heading straight towards the Fengxian Monument fly away.


When Luo Tian's blood essence broke through the outer layer of colorful light with ease, Luo Tian shouted in his heart that it was effective, and at the same time, it turned into a cloud of blood mist, and then slowly disappeared.


Another one!

When Luo Tian's heart moved, he immediately changed into a monk in another plane, continued to bleed out a trace of blood, and prepared to recognize the Lord again.

"God bless you to succeed in recognizing the Lord as soon as possible. I want to leave here. Don't waste a drop of blood if you fail to recognize the Lord. Then you won't be able to live!"

Luo Tian kept nagging, but this time it still ended in failure.

Next, Luo Tian changed several forms in a row, even the demons and monsters, but after wasting dozens of drops of blood essence, it still had no effect.

Fail Fail Fail!


Luo Tian sat down on the ground with a pale face. Just now he turned into a demon, and his wisdom was almost wiped out by the immortal stele. Thinking about it afterwards, he was lucky.

Since I haven't used any immortal power, why is it still not working!

Luo Tian thought angrily, and immediately, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, since these things are not working, the only way to test it is to change back to the most essential form, and the Fengxian Monument is the Jiyuan Immortal Treasure that appeared in this era, then put Try the most basic forms of human race, demon race, and demon race. If it is unsuccessful, it will be a waste of three drops of blood, which is better than being trapped here to death.

"This time, if you don't succeed, you will succeed!"

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