
Chapter 580

Epoch Immortal Treasure!

Luo Tian thought to himself, to be able to escape a breath of primordial spirit under the cooperation of the existence of the immortal monarch, it is really terrifying, I am afraid that it will surpass the king-grade immortal weapon by a certain level!

Immortal Artifact of Wang Pin!

Luo Tian's face was full of bitterness, this motherfucker was simply his dream.Think about it, the strongest fairy treasures I have seen so far are the holy artifacts such as the soul-shaking stone, and above the holy artifacts there are Dao-grade immortal artifacts and king-grade immortal artifacts.Thinking that the Immortal Conferring Stele in front of him was transformed by a breath of primordial spirit from a Jiyuan Immortal Treasure that surpassed the Wangpin Immortal Artifact, Luo Tian felt an inescapable sense of powerlessness welling up from the bottom of his heart.

The most common form of the demons, transforming!

Luo Tian couldn't care about so much at the moment, and directly imitated the most basic form of the demons out of thin air based on the memory of the masters of the demons who had been devoured and refined.

The Variety Immortal Pocket is really powerful, and he imitated it almost exactly.

However, Luo Tian became disgusted after that.

He is not a demon, nor has he had any dealings with the demons, so how can he know what the most basic mentality of the demons is like.

The truth soon appeared.

The most basic form of the demons turned out to be a wriggling humanoid bug. Luo Tian himself felt extremely disgusted, and hurriedly flew towards the Fengxian Monument.


This time, Luo Tian was mercilessly blown away by the colorful light belt outside the Fengxian Monument, and immediately transformed into a monster form.

"What a terrible breath! This breath seems to be quite repulsive to the demons!"

Luo Tian climbed up from the ground in disgrace, feeling that his body had suffered great trauma, and this time the injuries were more serious than the previous ones combined. One-third of the world in his body collapsed, which was really shocking.

This time, after completely burning all the immortal pills and three second-order spirit veins, Luo Tian recovered [-]% of his strength.The Heaven Swallowing Law of the inner body world has been interrupted countless times, and it seems that it does not know how many immortals it will take to replenish it.

After resting for most of the day, I felt that the aura of the seven-colored light belt around the immortal monument became stronger, and it had begun to slowly spread outward, as if it was going to cover this small world entirely.

"We can't delay any longer, otherwise it will be more difficult as we go forward, and we will only have a dead end!"

Suddenly, two light black whirlpools appeared in Luo Tian's eyes, spinning continuously, which seemed to contain countless small worlds.

"Various fairy pockets, changing shapes, changing!"

Luo Tian couldn't help letting out a low growl, as if venting, as if shouting, his long hair flew up high, his appearance and body changed rapidly, and his whole body directly changed into an ordinary mountain eagle, and then his wings lightly With a flick, he shot directly towards the Monument of Sealing Immortals.

Chi Chi Chi!

Shuttle among the seven-colored light bands emanating from the Fengxian Monument and the Colorful Mountain, Luo Tian's transformation into a mountain eagle only feels that the more strength he needs to use to move forward, there is nothing special about the rest.

A thousand feet, eight hundred feet, six hundred feet, three hundred feet, one hundred feet...

In the end, Luo Tian's incarnate mountain eagle came to the front of the Fengxian Monument, forced out a trace of blood with difficulty, dripping on the Fengxian Monument, and then, Luo Tian's incarnation of the mountain eagle was involuntarily dragged The strength directly dragged it away, and was bounced back to the original place.

With a slight sway of his body, Luo Tian regained his original appearance again, feeling that the connection between the drop of blood essence and his soul was constantly weakening, and eventually completely dissipated.

"Failed again!"

Luo Tian's complexion became a little cloudy and uncertain. At present, only the most basic form of the human race can be tried. If he fails again this time, the consequences will be dire.Trapped in this ghostly place, even if you can't die, you can't get out. It's no different from a living dead.

This time, Luo Tian took a deep breath, adjusted his state to the peak, and finally transformed into the most basic form of the human race.

To be honest, Luo Tian is originally a human race, and the most basic form of a human race is not much different from his original appearance, but he feels that the impurities on his body are much rarer than those of ordinary people on the Tianxuan plane, and the vitality in his body is extremely pure. With such a physique, once cultivated, there is almost no bottleneck.It can be seen that there are more ancient powerhouses than ancient powerhouses in the legend, more ancient powerhouses than ancient powerhouses, and more ancient powerhouses than today. It can be seen that this human race is also constantly degenerating.Every era is like this, and it starts again and again.

Suddenly, Luo Tian felt as if he had grasped a strange change in the alternation of the era, but it quickly dissipated in his mind. With his realm of flying immortals, he couldn't leave this strange change with only a scale, which shows that the way of heaven The mysteries contained in it are really endless.

"Variety Immortal Pocket, transform!"


This time Luo Tian completed his transformation while running, and then his feet hit the ground heavily, and he jumped up high, bouncing towards the Monument of Sealing Immortals like a frog.

This time, it is also where all of Luo Tian's hopes lie!

An incredible scene happened!

Luo Tian transformed into the most basic human form of this era. When jumping and moving in the colorful light belt, he felt very good. Even taking a breath of air, his body became more flexible and agile, and the strength in his body became stronger. Point, this feeling is really wonderful.

As a result, Luo Tian's running speed became faster and faster. In almost a moment, Luo Tian leaped under the Fengxian Monument. Strength jumped up.

After soaring into the sky, Luo Tian quickly jumped in front of the Immortal Sealing Stele, and then he cut the palm of his hand with his fingers, blood dripped down Luo Tian's palm, and all of them fell on the immortal sealing stele.

clap clap!

Luo Tian stretched out his palm and grabbed towards the Immortal Monument. The palm of his hand was riddled with holes from the colorful lights near the Monument of Immortality. The palm was pierced instantly, but it was still of no avail. The most basic form fits best with the Monument of Conferring Immortals, and blood essence has dripped on the Monument of Conferring Immortals, but it still doesn't help.

Could it be that God is going to kill me, Luo Tian?

At this moment, Luo Tian's whole body was almost pierced by the Immortal Conferring Monument, and it was difficult to get close to the Immortal Conferring Monument, but the blood essence did not hinder him at all.

Puff puff!

Luo Tian was like a tattered piece of cotton wool, falling slowly from the air, lifeless, he was overdrawing his life essence and vitality.

"Is that so?"

For some reason, when his consciousness gradually blurred, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Luo Tian's mouth, as if his nostalgia for this world had turned into an infinite blessing!


Luo Tian felt that his portable space was broken. This was a sign that a person's lifespan was being cut off. When the portable space was completely broken and shattered, Luo Tian's life would come to an end.

Chi Chi Chi!

At this time, an object fell out of Luo Tian's portable space, and this object seemed to have fallen out by itself.

"How is it?"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank violently, and his spiritual consciousness recovered a little. The thing that fell in front of him turned out to be the remnant book that recorded the refining of talismans that was auctioned by Ye Wuji and Ye Wuji in Jubao Pavilion on the Tianxuan plane!

The remnants of the book kept flipping, and then each page became transparent, and finally turned into several crystal-like brilliance, directly piercing the colorful light belt!

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