
Chapter 589

After Chen Lin finished speaking, as if he was afraid that Luo Tian would be the first, he turned into Liu Guang and rushed towards the opponent impatiently. No matter the enemy or us, everyone is secretly heartbroken.

Grandma has a leg!

I'm afraid the only one who was depressed in the room was Young Master Luo Tianluo. This guy was originally poor and white. Seeing that Chen Lin, a stinky and shameless guy, rushed directly towards the weakest of the opponent's cultivation base, it was obvious. It is to smash the other party to death with the expendable fairy treasures emerging from him in the fastest time.

Of course, Luo Tian doesn't want to be left behind, because he has no money!

"Die, die! Give me all to die!"

Young Master Luo immediately became angry. He had no choice. He had also heard of the Hanyue star. It was the Ecstasy Cave and the Golden Cave that bothered him the most in the Lingyun Star Region. With Luo Tian's current wealth, he might be able to support half a person. For a day's fee, it is said that there is a paradise for men in the Lingyun Starfield.

It's not that Luo Tian doesn't want to see Paradise, he's really short of cash, and it's embarrassing to go there, so he wants to get rid of the other party as soon as possible, so that Chen Lin, the rich second generation of the fairy world, can pay for it. Otherwise, he might have to use his old business to rob again.

So, the two shameless guys, in order to get each other to pay the bill, all displayed their strongest magical powers!

"Great blockade!"

The six self-respecting guys on the other side are obviously all Xuanxian, but they have lived for countless years, but they have never seen such two people who come up without even saying hello. A sneak attack by a guy.

Obviously, the other six people were taken aback immediately.

But just after being stunned for a while, Chen Lin, a shameless guy, took the lead in displaying his best and most powerful supernatural power - the Great Blockade, which is the strongest trick when it comes up, and it is accompanied by countless consumable fairy treasures , These consumable fairy treasures all seem to be extraordinary, Chen Lin obviously wants to kill the opponent instantly, so as to achieve the purpose of giving Luo Tian a treat.



"I can't find death!"

The three people on the other side who were attacked by Chen Lin immediately stared angrily. Although they were hidden in the dark, they had just arrived after performing the void teleportation technique, but they didn't expect that just after arriving, they would receive such a powerful blow to the head.

Soon, the three people who were attacked by Chen Lin displayed their strongest supernatural powers, and each took out the fairy treasure in the portable space, and began to resist Chen Lin's attack. It's not that they didn't want to attack, but Chen Lin Lin's expendable fairy treasures all over the sky really shocked them deeply.They are all well-established characters with rich experience, even Jinxian has seen it before, but Jinxian is not as rich as this unreasonable and shameless guy in front of him. Those consumable fairy treasures are the worst. At the level of immortal artifacts, there are also two or three consumable immortal treasures at the level of high-grade immortal artifacts.

Just imagine, in the entire Lingyun Starfield, except for a few big figures in the Domain Lord's Mansion, who could have such a background?

"Quack quack, hurry up and let me kill you, otherwise, you will suffer a lot!"

This guy Chen Lin began to carry out inhumane money-burning tactics while shamelessly bewitching him. He is really perverted to the point of heinousness!

"You bastard!"

"Ahhh, if you want me to die, you have to be buried with me!"


All of a sudden, the three Xuanxians who were attacked by Chen Lin started screaming fiercely, and played countless laws of heaven and earth to counterattack Chen Lin. Unfortunately, their attacks were exhausted by Chen Lin's almost endless consumption. Immortal Treasures counteract it, and it will not have any effect at all. It seems that it will take at most a quarter of an hour for the opponent's three to lose.

Compared to Chen Lin, Luo Tian was more eager.Since Chen Lin, a shameless guy, chose the three weakest Xuanxians, he had to face the three Xuanxians with the strongest cultivation bases. Luo Tian, ​​who was very helpless, had no choice but to bite the bullet and move towards the other three. Void Assassination Technique!


"Bah! He only hides in the dark and attacks. What kind of man is he? If he has the ability to come out and challenge me one-on-one!"


The three people on the other side naturally felt the situation on Chen Lin's side. They naturally understood Luo Tian's shameless behavior. Dao space is turbulent, but several of them are Xuanxians. Even though the space turbulence in the fairy world is powerful, it cannot cause substantial damage to Luo Tian for the time being.

Damn, this is simply trying to force me to kill him!

"Seal the Immortal Seal!"

"27 times combat power!"

Luo Tian muttered silently in his heart, and directly and secretly used the Immortal Seal with 27 times the combat power. This level of power is simply appalling!


"Ah! What a terrifying attack!"

"Damn, he can actually have dozens of times the attack. Who is this person, he must have a lot of background, run away!"

"Can you escape?"

With a sneer on Luo Tian's face, he directly burned a second-order spiritual vein, and began to slay the opponent in the void with all his strength. His attack was invisible and formless. It seemed that Luo Tian was like an illusory shadow.

This is the true power of the Void Assassination Technique!

clap clap clap!

Bang bang bang!

Almost at the same time, a long river of space appeared in the void, and it was so dark that it gave chills to the eyes.On the surface, this is the scene formed by the attack of the crowd, but in fact it is just an illusion, it is an astonishing power of 27 times Luo Tian's combat power!

Almost in an instant, the three masters of the late Xuanxian period felt as if they were hit by countless giant hammers and mountains in their heads, and their souls felt dizzy for several breaths.

These few breaths of time are enough!

Luo Tian didn't give the other three people any chance to escape, and secretly used the Qiankun Seal and Wan Dao Seal to completely block all the retreat routes of the other three. Without using the Inner World and Swallowing Tower , Luo Tian has displayed all his strength!

The three immortals in the late Xuanxian period exploded into a cloud of blood mist in the void at the next moment, and then the world in Luo Tian's body was opened and directly absorbed into it, devoured and refined, and completely disappeared in the fairy world. Rebuilding has become a luxury.

At the moment before they died, they didn't even understand whether the other party was a golden fairy with a deep secret?

"Wa hahaha……"

At this time, a triumphant laugh came from the void, it was from Chen Lin, "Luo Tian, ​​you really lost this time... I am stupid! How did you come so fast? Could it be that you also have countless consumptions on your body?" Sex Immortal Treasure? Brother, don’t believe it, don’t believe it..."

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway, Han Yuexing..."

Luo Tian smiled, "Damn it, I can't beat you by forcing me to use the strongest technique, so I might as well find a piece of tofu and kill you."

Chen Lin opened his mouth wide.

At this moment, Luo Tian and Chen Lin, this pair of talents, seem to have truly possessed the title of Heaven and Earth Shuangsha who will be famous in the Southern Immortal Realm in the future...

ps: There are two chapters hidden in the front. There is no harmonious content, but the writing is too wretched. There is no way, you only need to log in and you can read it.Also, I drank all day today, I really can't hold it anymore, let's just change it, I have to get up early tomorrow to be the best man, and there will be a wedding on the 6th... It's a hard day... Update tomorrow as soon as possible, now I feel dizzy , the chapters are all uploaded by the leader, go to sleep first, I can't hold it anymore...

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