
Chapter 590

In the end, after Luo Tian and Chen Lin, the two wretched guys finished packing up the loot, they all flashed to the portal of the void space outlined by the jade bowl in Chen Lin's hand.Just after the six mysterious immortals who appeared suddenly from the void just now, Chen Lin quickly used the secret method to hide the void space, but this kind of abrupt borrowing of treasures to create a space from the void usually requires immortals Yuan Li continued to maintain it, but the jade bowl treasure was too strong. Although the void space seemed to be a little lighter in color at this moment, it was still maintained.

In fact, both of them knew in their hearts that the bet between the two just now was just a joke, Luo Tian and Chen Lin still couldn't figure out the details of each other, and they both took this opportunity to test each other's strength thought.

The result is self-evident, both of them are very satisfied.At least, even if he travels in the future, the other party will not hold him back.In the fairy world, you are not afraid of powerful enemies, but teammates like pigs.A qualified teammate directly affects the defeat of a team.

"Brother owes you Han Yuexing a trip to Huajiu, let's go."

Generally speaking, Chen Lin is really an open-minded and forthright person, and maybe he will have his own little girl in his heart, but he will spare no effort to help the friends he really recognizes.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously."

Luo Tian smiled faintly, then took a step first, passed Chen Lin lightly, and entered the space portal first.

Among the space portals, there is an entrance to the heart vein of Xubaoxing's center, so it must be successful!

The treasure I want is in it.

At the same time, Chen Lin's eyes flashed, and he followed Luo Tian into the space portal. After that, the space portal began to become faintly visible, becoming fainter and fainter, and finally disappeared into nothingness.


This is a chaotic world, much more chaotic than the chaotic star field outside Xubao Star, where many complicated heaven and earth forces and laws of heaven and earth are mixed together, although there is only a little bit of a single item, but Due to the large number, it is almost impossible to be chaotic.

Countless messy stones are floating in the air, and the ground is an endless black land. If you look carefully, you will find that the black land is obviously formed by a deep dark red.

The stones in the air are big or small, the small ones are only the size of a human head, and the big ones are like a hill. There are also countless wind blades drifting among the stones, making bursts of roaring and terrifying sounds.

"What a mess!"

With his hands behind his back, Luo Tian's precious light flickered on and off, wandering endlessly around his body, blocking the wind blades and stones from his body.


Chen Lin emerged from behind Luo Tian, ​​and he yawned with his mouth open. He didn't even use the celestial energy in his body to condense a precious light body protection outside his body, but just triggered a defensive expendable fairy treasure, and his whole body immediately burst into flames. Layers of colorful clouds emerged, obscuring him within them.

"Oh, Xiao Linzi has come here?" Luo Tian said softly without turning his head, the primordial spirit had already swept around secretly.

"It's not like I've been here, I just read it from the family's secrets." Chen Lin said lazily, and then stretched his finger forward, "Xiao Yizi, look carefully and see what the group of stones in front of you is. shape."

"To be honest, pardon my poor eyesight, I really can't see anything false or true."

Luo Tian shook his head slightly, and frowned slightly. It seemed that the immortal power was consumed too much here. In just a short time, half of the few remaining second-order spiritual veins in his body had been burned, which was simply shocking.

As a poor jingling fairy, Luo Tian felt a lot of pressure...

"Then you come with me."

Chen Lin shrugged and said: "The existence that can know and enter here, not to mention the Lingyun Starfield, even the entire Jinzhou, will not exceed the number of hands."

After finishing speaking, Chen Lin drove the colorful clouds and flew forward, like a cloud of smoke.

Luo Tian immediately followed up from behind, and at the same time the primordial spirit penetrated into the depths, as if blocked by some force, it disappeared without a trace.

After a moment.

The two shuttled through the void, and finally stopped in front of a huge suspended mountain that was so large that it seemed to connect the heavens and the earth, covering most of the sky in darkness, as if countless The ancient fierce beast of the years is sleeping.

Luo Tian rolled his eyes, and immediately understood the key point. Just now, his primordial spirit and consciousness hit a wall here, and he could no longer penetrate into it. It seems that there must be something tricky in the huge mountain in front of him.

"You still don't understand?" Chen Lin said with a smile.

"It seems to understand a little bit." Luo Tian pondered for a moment, and then said, "The huge mountain in front of me seems to be in the shape of a huge palm."

"Children can be taught." Chen Lin chuckled and said mysteriously, "It's only half of the answer."

"Oh?" Luo Tian frowned slightly, and the primordial spirit spread out again.

"Don't use your spiritual sense to probe, it's hard to find out." Chen Lin shook his head lightly and said, "This space has a name, the universe in your palm, and the space itself is in the shape of a palm print. There is still a huge mountain of palm prints in it, which can be called It’s a ring within a ring, it’s hard to see.”

"The universe in your palm?"

Luo Tian raised his eyebrows, carefully recalled the trajectory of the way he came, and suddenly a road map appeared in his mind, and finally he vaguely caught a clue, "The universe in the palm, could it be that it is not formed naturally, but..."

"That's right!" Chen Lin laughed out loud with palms on his face, with a hint of excitement on his face, "This space was formed by manpower. At that time, Xubao Xing was a top-level planet, and there were many big people living on it. These two palm prints are two and a half people. Bu Xianjun condensed his whole life's cultivation base to forcibly open up a small space outside the territory!"

"Half-step Immortal Lord!"

Luo Tian kept rolling his eyes, not to mention the unattainable existence, even Jinxian, he has never seen it yet.He had only seen an illusory robber fairy, and this robber fairy had hardly made a move, Luo Tian's level of awe had never been high.

No matter how great the name is, it's not as good as showing his strength, otherwise Luo Tianda can say that he is a fairy king, who wouldn't brag?No matter how powerful you are, if you never make a move, it will have no deterrent effect.

"Hehehe, Xiao Yizi, let me tell you, these two half-step immortals are very famous, one of the human race and the other of the demon race. In ancient times, they were called the two elders of the virtual gods. It's not that their opponents who came here are too strong, unless Xianjun makes a move, no one can do nothing to get the Xu Baoxing!"

"They are all half-step immortals, is there anyone stronger than them?"

"Idiot, half-step immortals are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, as well as superiority and inferiority." Chen Lin said solemnly, "That kind of existence, just a thought, is enough to cause landslides, and it is really an existence that we look up to. .”

"Xiao Linzi, tell me, what is the purpose of coming here this time?" Luo Tian laughed.

"To accompany you!"


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