
Chapter 591

Luo Tian naturally didn't take what Chen Lin said seriously.Although this guy hit it off with him at first sight, Luo Tian was not so narcissistic that he had such a great charm that Chen Lin would be impressed by him, and he was willing to give up a treasured treasure to enter the mysterious space in front of him - the universe in his palm.

"Say it?" Luo Tian squinted over.

"Hey hey." Chen Lin just smiled wickedly without saying a word, and that look was quite unpredictable.

"Okay, after a while you and I will join hands to enter the giant mountain in front of us, and my brother will naturally tell you."

In the end, Chen Lin was so tormented by Luo Tian's nonsense that he was obsessed with Dafa, he had no choice but to let go.

"Okay, let's start now!"

"Xiao Yizi, you, are you too impatient?" Chen Lin cried out with a wry smile on his face, then began to move his lips slightly, and sent Luo Tian some precautions through sound transmission, and then began to look at the building in front of him with a serious expression. giant mountain.

"Xiao Yizi, this huge mountain is formed by the half-step fairy king of the monster race among the two elders of the Void God. Although countless years have passed, don't underestimate it. The prohibition circle on the mountain contains a trace of the extremely precious half-step fairy law, but you should not expect to be able to get it. With our strength, even if we join hands, we cannot resist a ten thousandth of the half-step fairy law. Great!"

"I see." Luo Tian also nodded with a straight face, and replied.

"According to what I told you, let's begin!"

Then, Chen Lin suddenly raised his arms high, and the consumable fairy treasure accessories hanging on his body flew up one after another, turning into colorful lights and burning flames in the air, moving towards the front at an extremely fast speed The giant mountain lasing away.

"You bastard, you are really willing to spend your money!"

Luo Tian, ​​who had just flipped out the Jinghong knife, was frightened by the scene in front of him. Damn, he is so angry that he is saving every penny, while Chen Lin throws it out in front of him indifferently. A consumable fairy treasure worth dozens of second-order spiritual veins.

That's the difference!The huge gap between the rich and the poor in the fairy world!

Of course, it was also the gap between Luo Tian and Chen Lin.

The next moment, Luo Tian and Chen Lin opened their internal worlds one after another, one sacrificed to the Tower of Swallowing Heaven, and the other sacrificed to the Qinghuang Bell, and the two immediately followed the countless expendable fairy treasures that opened the way ahead. and go.

"go with!"

Luo Tian stretched out his hand and flicked it, the Jinghong Dao in his hand turned into a black band of light and slashed directly towards the giant mountain in front of him.

Boom boom boom!

Bang bang bang!

The consumable fairy treasures thrown by Chen Lin were the first to approach the giant mountain in the palm, and were directly blocked by an invisible and inexplicable force outside the giant mountain. These consumable fairy treasures were removed.

Immediately, countless colorful lights exploded one after another, making deafening bangs, as if countless tons of gunpowder were detonated in an instant.

"Swallowing Tower, suppress!"

"Qing Huang Zhong, suppress!"

Luo Tian and Chen Lin tacitly suppressed the core treasure of the inner world. A black awn and a blue light fell in the center of the explosion of countless expendable fairy treasures just now. Relatively speaking, many defenses have been weakened.

"Shocking knife, devouring soul!"

Luo Tian screamed violently in his heart, and the Jinghong knife spun quickly, directly following the trajectory of the Tiantian Pagoda and the Qinghuang Bell, and slashed on the void with a posture of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, and the effect of devouring spirits was activated , shattered a lot of the self-operating restriction circle at once, and then began to slowly devour the amazing spiritual power on the restriction circle, and began to promote.

It can also destroy the restraining magic circle and promote the immortal treasure in his hand. Luo Tian will naturally not let go of this kind of good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

"Xiao Yizi, your magic weapon is very powerful!"

Chen Lin couldn't help stretching out his thumbs, and clasped his hands solemnly behind him, and suddenly opened them quickly, the white light in his hands soared, and a fairy treasure in the shape of a stick appeared in front of him immediately, and he saw that the whole body of the stick showed an extremely The wonderful color of white jade is covered with countless different scale patterns, all of which are the scale patterns of the beast race. There are hundreds of kinds of scales. All kinds of auras are strangely condensed in one place, presumably this stick will be able to unleash several times the combat power.

The Yaozu and Lingbao Taoism are at the bottom. What they are most proficient in is to increase their combat power, increase their own combat power, and exert a power unimaginable by ordinary people.

"The fairy treasure of the demon race, a top-grade fairy weapon!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank slightly, and then quickly disappeared. He didn't expect Chen Lin to have a high-grade immortal weapon with such an astonishing attack power in addition to his invincible consumable fairy treasure. Seeing the Jinghong knife of the middle-grade fairy weapon, he sighed secretly again.

"Hey hey." Chen Lin gave a weird laugh and winked at Luo Tian, ​​"You're not bad either. Brother's fairy treasure was the first attacking treasure in the hands of the demon clan powerhouse among the two elders of the Void God— —The Hundred Beasts War Pattern Stick, like the Jinghong Knife in your hand, can be continuously promoted. This is the treasure handed down from the Hunyuan Domain, how can it be so bad?"

"You actually know the Shocking Sword?!"

This time, Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly. Chen Lin seemed to know more than he imagined. This person's mysterious identity and extraordinary background made him vigilant.

"Xiao Yizi, don't be afraid. Since I dared to say it clearly, I didn't intend to hide it from you." Chen Lin said calmly, "Compared to comparison, your Jinghong Sword is from the Da Neng of the human race among the two elders of the Void God. It is a treasure, but that human Danone seldom makes a move, so there are not many people in the entire Southern Immortal Realm who know the Jinghong Dao. The name is not as loud as the Hundred Beasts War Pattern Stick in my brother's hand, so you don't have to worry. "

Luo Tian's complexion soon turned neither sad nor happy, and smiled lightly: "Xiao Linzi is worrying too much, I'm just shocked that you know Xu Baoxing so well, but I haven't heard you mention it before."

"That's not true." Chen Lin shook his head, "I just accidentally entered the family secret vault, and found a secret record in an inconspicuous corner. I just learned about Xu Baoxing's incident. I didn't know it before. Guessed the origin of the Jinghong Saber in your hand, and later saw that you used the spirit devouring, just now I guessed the origin, Xiao Yizi, you are a hard brother to hide!"

Luo Tian couldn't help sweating profusely, and said with a wry smile: "Now the Jinghong Dao is just a middle-grade fairy weapon, there is nothing worth showing off."

"Don't worry, the treasures in the hands of the two of us can be promoted. It is rumored that there are several purple gold lotus flowers of the seven treasures in the huge mountain in front of us, which can not only neutralize the other high-level elixir on my brother, but also make me feel better. The Jinghong Saber and the Hundred Beasts War Pattern Stick in the hands of you and I have reached a certain level of promotion."

"Seven Treasures Purple Gold Lotus?"

Luo Tian asked with some doubts.

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