
Chapter 592 The Law of Yin and Yang

"You do not know?"

Now, it was Chen Lin's turn to feel a little dizzy. Even if he was born on a country planet like a Tier [-] planet, the news shouldn't be so blocked, right?Even if you don't know about other things, it's impossible not to know about the famous high-level elixir such as the Seven Treasures Purple Gold Lotus.

The old god Luo Tian rolled his eyes on the ground, looked up at the sky and said, "Nonsense, if you know, do you need to ask more? I'm talking about Xiao Linzi, can we make a long story short? Don't think that there is Jinghong Dao and the inner world of you and me. You can sit back and relax when the core treasure is suppressed."

"Almost forgot about it."

Chen Lin patted his forehead as if suddenly enlightened, and suddenly swept out the Hundred Beasts War Pattern Stick in his hand. The whole white stick body kept stretching and growing in the void, and finally changed to a size of dozens of miles. Thick and thin, thousands of strange animal shadows were brought out along the trajectory of the Jinghong Dao devouring the forbidden circle, and they ruthlessly bombarded the follow-up forbidden circle in front of the palm-printed giant mountain, making deafening roars one after another.

Luo Tian opened his mouth wide in astonishment.The treasure handed down in the Hunyuan Domain is that the farts of the gods are extraordinary. A high-grade fairy weapon can almost exert the power of a half-sacred fairy weapon, and it has surpassed half a level. What a heaven-defying thing!

"Hey, don't be nervous." Chen Lin gave a strange laugh, "Xiao Yizi, as long as your Jinghong Saber can swallow enough energy from the heavens and the earth, you will reach this height sooner or later. Of course, if you can help me Brother, I have been to Hanyuexing a few times, and I will definitely keep my mouth shut for you! What do you think?"

"Pull it down!" Luo Tian began to roll his eyes again, "You are a dignified rich second generation in the fairy world, how dare you let me, a poor jingling poor ghost, invite you to spend money like dirt on Hanyuexing?"

"How about that?"

From the corner of Chen Lin's eyes, he glanced at the Jinghong Knife and the Hundred Beasts War Stick, and said mysteriously: "With the strength of our two brothers, it is absolutely not a problem to rob an ordinary second-order planet of the Demon Race. Before the arrival of the reinforcements, I don’t believe that the demons have the courage to chase after the human race and kill them! At that time, we brothers can happily go to Hanyuexing to have a good time, can’t we?”

"Make it up, keep making it up." Luo Tian was very speechless, and then said very seriously, "Xiao Linzi, I think, let's take the risk of looting the second-order planet of the demon clan, it would be better to loot the cold moon star, how about it? think about it."

"You..." Chen Lin held back for a long time before he yelled red-faced, "You are so fucking daring!"

"What's the matter?" Luo Tian shrugged his shoulders, looking innocent, "According to what you said, Hanyuexing is a famous gold-selling cave, looting Hanyuexing is enough to loot dozens of second-order demon planets, right? ?”

"It's not dozens, it's hundreds!" Chen Lin ruthlessly corrected Luo Tian's mistakes while patting his forehead, "I'm really going to faint, how dare you think about it! Han Yuexing , Where is that place?! Don’t say that it is famous in the Lingyun Starfield, it is quite famous even in Jinzhou. Although Hanyuexing is only a pinnacle second-order planet on the surface, Hanyuexing is like all other planets. Like a first-order planet, there is a golden fairy sitting on it, and he can sit on Hanyuexing, a fat and oily second-order planet. That golden fairy is also very powerful. Are you coming back alive?"

"No way!" Luo Tian was shocked again, "No matter how rich Hanyuexing is, it's only a second-order planet, worthy of a golden fairy to sit on it in person? This is simply a violation of the rules of the heaven of the Southern Immortal Realm!"

"Hanyuexing is not ordinary rich!" Chen Lin sighed, "Besides, one Hanyuexing just mentioned by my brother is enough to be worth hundreds of second-order demon planets, and that was the market price 1 years ago. , now, it is estimated to be worth thousands or even tens of thousands of ordinary second-order human planets!"

"It's so abnormal!" Luo Tian also felt a little dizzy. My God, I never thought that a second-order planet, Hanyuexing, could be so rich. planet, the various taxes for a year are only equivalent to the total tax revenue of one hundred or hundreds of second-order planets, but the total tax revenue for the cold moon star in front of me may be worth at least dozens or even hundreds of planets. The total tax revenue of a first-order planet for one year is too scary!

"Are you fierce?" Chen Lin said with a chuckle, "Actually, it's not that I haven't thought about Han Yuexing before, but it's just a pity that I really have more energy than I want. It's not just me, the entire Lingyun Starfield, and even In the area of ​​Jinzhou, there are quite a few Jinxians who have tried the idea of ​​Hanyuexing, but none of them have succeeded. According to my personal guess, the person sitting on Hanyuexing is probably at least a big man with a Taiyi Jinxian cultivation level!"

"Golden Immortal Taiyi!"

Luo Tian was shocked at this. The Golden Immortals are divided into three realms, the Daluo Golden Immortal, the Taiyi Golden Immortal and the Nine Turns Golden Immortal. Existence, generally cultivated to the holy immortals, most of them are inextricably linked with the immortals in the heavenly court, and it is no longer the level of one-on-one fighting that can be killed to solve the problem.

Generally speaking, if a saint is killed completely, the immortal may be involved. At that time, the situation may not be under human control.

Click click!

Soon, under the simultaneous shots of Luo Tian and the others, the prohibition circle outside the palm print giant mountain collapsed one after another, and finally countless colorful rays shot out in all directions, most of them were caught by Jinghong Dao and The Beast War Pattern Stick engulfs and refines.

"No reason!"

Luo Tian cursed secretly in his heart, this is simply shameless, shameless, Chen Lin's Hundred Beasts War Stick and his Jinghong Saber have the same origin, and he has been promoted to the level of a high-grade fairy weapon, and he wants to snatch these from himself The power of heaven and earth.

"Hey hey, go in later, brother, I will tell you the origin and function of the Seven Treasure Purple Gold Lotus, so please take care of the things in front of you first."

After finishing speaking, Chen Lin waved the Hundred Beasts War Pattern Stick and rushed towards the giant mountain in the palm of his hand. He circulated his celestial power and began to bombard it fiercely. Countless beast shadows appeared on the Hundred Beasts Battle Pattern Stick. Really devastated.

With the joint efforts of the two, there were two more core treasures that could not be suppressed, and a path was immediately cleared by the two outside the giant mountain of palm prints.

Walking along a passage that was forcibly opened, the two soon felt that the scenery in front of them changed, and they came to an extremely quiet area.

Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, the free laws of heaven and earth in this area are very single, and he has seen it before.

The law of yin and yang!

Known as the sixth most powerful law among the three thousand roads of time, the law of yin and yang.

Generally speaking, the top [-] laws of heaven and earth among the three thousand avenues are the indispensable laws of any spatial world.

"Hey hey, do you understand now, kid? This space is formed by the lifelong cultivation of the monster clan's great power among the two elders of the Void God, and what this monster clan's great power comprehends is the law of yin and yang! The world divides yin and yang. A few epochs ago, apart from the law of fate, the law of yin and yang was known as the number one law!"

"What's the matter with you?" Luo Tian said helplessly.

"because this!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Lin took out something carefully from the portable space, and held it firmly in his hand, lest Luo Tian would try to snatch it.

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