
Chapter 593 Obtaining the Immortal Medicine

"Is it necessary to guard my little brother like a thief?" Luo Tian couldn't help laughing, feeling like he couldn't laugh or cry.

"It is necessary, it is very necessary!" Chen Lin straightened his face and said, "To put it mildly, don't say that you are my good brother, even if you are my biological parents, you have to be on guard, the matter is very important!"

"Okay, okay, even if you take out a holy artifact, I won't be jealous, is it done?" Luo Tian waved his hand.

Chen Lin's expression softened a little, but he still didn't let down his vigilance. He spread the primordial spirit viciously in all directions, covering hundreds of miles. Just then, with a shake of his shoulders, several colorful lights shot out from his body. , directly turned into a prohibition circle around it, turning slowly.

"Be so careful!" Luo Tian laughed teasingly this time. He didn't expect that Chen Lin would make such a big battle just for the sake of keeping secrets. With Luo Tian's current attainment of Immortal Soul, he wanted to perceive Chen Lin. Divine consciousness, that is a breeze.

"Hey hey, be careful when sailing for ten thousand years!" Chen Lin said with a wretched smile, but there was no smile in his eyes, and he was still dignified.

Chi Chi!

Two light yellow circles of light shot out directly from between the fingers of Chen Lin's palm, covering half of Chen Lin's arms, making him look like a glorious God of War.

"Ancestral dragon fruit!"

Luo Tian screamed out in surprise, his complexion changed drastically, "How could you have Zulong Fruit?!"

"You know it?!" Chen Lin was even more surprised, grinning and said, "You actually know Zulongguo? I even learned about Zulongguo from the secret record, how did you know?"

"Actually, I don't know." Luo Tian shrugged and said with a dry smile, "Because I also have an Zulong fruit on my body."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian lightly wiped the void in front of him, and immediately a fist-sized Zulong fruit fell out of the space with him. The Zulong fruit was light yellow in color, emitting light yellow halos, and its skin was slightly transparent. , looking from the outside, one can faintly see a dragon-like creature with teeth and claws flying non-stop, exquisitely carved, as if it will come to life in the next moment.

"I'm just grass!"

Chen Lin opened his mouth wide, his saliva almost flowed out, his eyeballs almost popped out, with an expression of disbelief, then he opened his tightly clenched palms with a wry smile on his face, stretched out and said: "Brother is really playing big swords in front of Guan Gong. Look at your Zulong fruit, it's the size of a fist, and mine is only the size of a chicken egg, which is quite a bit smaller than yours. Depressed——"

"Stop calling!"

This time, after the comparison, it was Luo Tian's turn to be suspicious, and he said nervously: "Isn't it impossible to take this ancestral dragon fruit rashly?"

"Nonsense! Who did you listen to?"

"Zhou Yi and Li Kun."

"Oh, people from the Zhou family and the Li family in the Lingyun Star Region?" A playful smile appeared on Chen Lin's face, and then he looked at Luo Tian treacherously, "Not bad, you actually got mixed up with them , I really don’t know if you are really stupid or not, people from the Zhou family and Li family in the Lingyun star field, especially young people, almost all of them are not good people, they like to use people as guns. Fortunately, you met such a kind and good person as my brother, otherwise you would have to pay for it if you were sold!"

"Uh, Li Kun has already been slaughtered by me." Luo Tian stretched his waist, his eyes flashed coldly, "Zhou Yi was also seriously injured, anyway, as long as he is still in Xubaoxing, he will not be able to run away. He must be killed!"

"That's right, the Li family's great sound wave technique and the Zhou family's great puppet technique are nothing special." Chen Lin curled his lips, "Brother, I can destroy them without moving a single finger."

"It's better for me to handle my own affairs." Luo Tian sneered, "I'd like to see what kind of guy is the best of the Zhou family's generation of young people!"

"Wrong." Chen Lin rubbed his cheeks, "Xiao Yizi, I'm not talking about you as an older brother. You jump to conclusions without even knowing the details of the other party. This needs to be changed, otherwise you will suffer in the future. How can Zhou Yi be regarded as the leader of the younger generation of the Zhou family? I have vaguely heard of the leader of the younger generation of the Zhou family. It is a little girl named Zhou Yue. In the post-immortal period, the age of Zhou Yi is more than ten thousand years, and he is just a waste!"

"Cultivated to the late stage of Xuanxian in 3000 years? A genius?" Luo Tian was a little speechless at the moment, so what is it that he has reached the half-step Xuanxian stage after more than 200 years of cultivation?

"Oh, of course, Zhou Yue is still far away from being a pervert like you, and Zhou Yue can't even compare to Tang Yan. You have officially stood on the same level as my brother and me, even half stronger than me Chip, belongs to the peerless genius in the fairy world, and can almost catch up with those monsters..."

"... "

Luo Tian wisely kept silent this time, and continued to listen to Chen Lin bragging about himself.

"Ah! More nonsense!"

Suddenly, Chen Lin came to his senses when he saw Luo Tian's half-smile expression, "What did you say just now? Ancestral dragon fruit can't be taken rashly? Nonsense, absolutely nonsense. , it’s not impossible to take it, but it can’t be taken directly. It must be taken together with another immortal medicine of the same level that is extremely yin and cold, so that the medicinal power can be fully exerted. Otherwise, it is likely to be directly supported by the masculine power contained in the Zulong fruit The body exploded!"

"Is there such a thing?" Luo Tian frowned slightly.

"Hahaha, don't worry, the same-level elixir that exactly neutralizes Zulongguo is the Seven Treasure Purple Gold Lotus that my brother mentioned earlier!" Chen Lin laughed loudly, and slapped Luo Tian's shoulder fiercely, "And , your kid’s luck is as good as your brother’s, because it’s said that there happens to be a seven-treasure purple-gold lotus in the giant mountain of palm prints shrouded in the law of yin and yang here. So, don’t worry!”

"So that's how it is." Luo Tian took a long breath. Since he got the Ancestral Dragon Fruit, he really hasn't studied it carefully. Now that he thinks about it, it's fortunate that he didn't take it rashly before, otherwise even if he couldn't die, he would at least have to take off a layer. Skin.

"follow me!"

Soon, Chen Lin rose into the air and led the way ahead.

Behind Chen Lin, Luo Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It is worthy of the space world opened up by the existence of the half-step fairy. The law of yin and yang here is strong and persistent, and it is extremely stable. If the law of heaven and earth on his body is not actively emitted, here The law of yin and yang will not change much.

"The purple gold lotus of the seven treasures is a rare treasure and elixir between heaven and earth. It does not grow in water like ordinary lotuses, but in stones. The huge stone it grows is one foot high and one foot wide, and it grows one foot below the ground. If you don’t have a deep understanding of this thing, it is difficult for ordinary people to notice its existence.”

While Chen Lin was explaining, he was flying in front of him. At the same time, he diffused his soul consciousness and penetrated into the ground below him, and began to conduct a carpet-like search.

"found it!"

Soon, Chen Lin shouted with joy on his face. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and punched a certain ground, and the ground dispersed by itself, revealing a pothole.

Chen Lin stretched out his hand to grab it again, and a huge boulder measuring one foot high and one foot wide flew out of the hole. With a light grasp of his palm, the huge boulder turned into fine powder and flew away from the air.


At the same time, a purple-gold brilliance flew out of the dust and dust, and was about to break through the air.

"Xiao Yizi take it!"

Chen Lin let out a low cry, and prepared a big hand, stretched out, and grabbed the purple-gold brilliance into it, and it was difficult to escape.

"give me?"

Luo Tian couldn't help being taken aback for a moment.

"Of course." Chen Lin chuckled, "Brother just discovered two Seven Treasure Purple Gold Lotuses at the same time, and it just so happened that the two of us each had a lotus."

"Thank you."

Luo Tian clasped his fists in thanks, then grabbed the Seven Treasure Purple Gold Lotus, put it in the palm of his hand and observed it carefully.

ps: The previous two chapters are not missing, but have been updated, but those two chapters are hidden, the National Day holiday, no editor can help me, everyone will definitely appear after the National Day, I have no less updates.Oh, and, there is an update today, and the chapter that is owed will be delivered tomorrow.

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