
Chapter 594

I saw the Seven Treasures Purple Gold lotus in Luo Tian's hands, with two colors in its body, not pure purple gold, but two colors, one purple and one gold, it's just that the two colors are intertwined in one place, but it's hard to see with the naked eye. distinguish from the surface.Moreover, the Seven Treasure Purple Gold Lotus does not have any lotus pods, as if the whole body is closely connected as one, only the shape of the lotus can be seen from the lotus at the top, and a strong fragrance is emitted from the lotus at the top Contains the slightest earthy smell.

"Such heaven and earth spirits are really extraordinary!"

Luo Tian looked at it for a moment, and couldn't help but praise it.

"You have time to spare!"

At this time, Chen Lin had already taken another Seven Treasures Purple Gold Lotus, and quickly sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, ​​"Hurry up and throw the Zulong Fruit and Seven Treasures Purple Gold Lotus into the inner world and slowly refine it. When I came in just now, I secretly arranged Someone is attacking the prohibition circle, it seems that someone is coming in this space world again!"

"Is it unstoppable?" Luo Tian frowned slightly, "Why don't you and I join forces and count all the people in the future... huh?"

Luo Tian made a beheading gesture, but saw Chen Lin shaking his head solemnly.


Chen Lin said solemnly, "It seems that the speed at which people broke through the restraining magic circle must be an extremely tyrannical existence among Xuanxian. You and I should not act rashly. We must first find out the origin of the other party secretly!"


Luo Tian is not an indecisive person, so he made up his mind right away, threw the seven treasures purple gold lotus in his hand directly into the inner world, and then started to drive the Tuntian Pagoda to slowly condense the two together and start refining!

After Chen Lin finished everything like Luo Tian, ​​he immediately opened his mouth to spray, and a consumable immortal treasure flew out of his mouth, directly exploding into countless balls of light, and then slowly enveloped Luo Tian and the two of them, The bodies of the two gradually became blurred and finally disappeared.

Not long after Luo Tian and Chen Lin disappeared into the void, the prohibition circle outside the palm print giant mountain was finally completely defeated by those who came. Several space portals slowly formed from the void, forming strange space portals one by one. The color of these space portals They are different, and the size is not the same. In the end, there are several people coming out of each portal.As soon as these people came out of the space portal, they each looked at the others vigilantly, as if each was afraid of the other's sudden attack.

The most important thing is that almost half of these monks have reached the level of Xuanxian, and their aura is extremely chaotic. Everyone is tall and their bodies are extremely strong.

Half of these monks are members of the Yaozu!

"Are all the human races so thick-skinned? This is obviously the place where the treasures left by the seniors of the demon clan, there are not many fairy treasures in the first place, why bother to come to this muddy water?"

Soon, a tall monster youth with fiery red skin and a nail-sized scale on his forehead mocked with contempt.The aura of this monster clan is extremely majestic, and it is faintly the leader of the monster clan who entered the palm-printed giant mountain this time. As the space around him was swept away by his monster aura, the mysterious and mysterious aura on his body almost filled the space. Can't stop tearing.

"Brother Ao's words are wrong. At the beginning, the Void Treasure Star was jointly established by the two elders of the Void God. Although the space opened up by the senior of my human race is not here, the two of them are inseparable. It is inevitable that there will be something in common, and Ao Brother, do you think that the senior of the Yaozu can leave a follow-up imprint on your Yaozu and enter here, does it mean that my human race can do it? You know, in terms of the level of refining tools, alchemy and talisman, our human race has always been the best among all races , you have to admit it, right?" Soon, a young man in purple clothes walked out from among the human race. He carried a faint royal aura in his gestures, and countless mysterious laws of heaven and earth surrounded him. It looks like they are evenly divided with the tall young people headed by Yaozu.

"You!" The youth surnamed Ao from the demon clan had a fiery red aura gushing out of his complexion, and he was immediately steaming, "Shen Guoqiang, don't think that since you come from the Lingyun sect, I can't do anything to you, a hypocrite, bah! Have the guts to write down the road, Let's make gestures!"

"The courage of a man." The purple-clothed youth snorted and laughed, "Ao Wuchang, you think that you are still in the world of the monster clan, and you want to present a personal hero to participate in our genius battle in the Southern Immortal Realm, just don't get beaten black and swollen. Ha ha!"

"Hehe, Shen Guoqiang, I can at least save my life by participating in the genius battle, how about you? I heard that if your brother, who is known as the number one genius in the Lingyun Starfield, hadn't protected you last time at the price of serious injuries, you would have let the Tianwangzhou Have those ruthless people been fucked to death? Hahaha..." Ao Wuchang is not an easy guy, on the surface he is simple and honest, but in fact his city is far beyond ordinary people. This series of fights and beatings made the purple-clothed youth Shen Guoqiang It's not easy to be angry.

"Hmph! It's useless to talk and talk, and we'll see who can get the secret later. The real victory is the last laugh, brother Wuchang?" Shen Guoqiang smiled lightly, and his face returned to normal in an instant, showing even more Forbearance and Chengfu, which are not different from Ao Wuchang, came out.

A person who can stand out from the crowd among his peers must at least be able to put on the table in the city.

"You'll know then."

Ao Wuchang waved his fist like a demonstration, and then led the Yaozu team into the distance.

On the other hand, on the human side, although Shen Guoqiang seemed to be a leader, in the end, only a small number of people on the human side followed him, and most of the rest were independent, and then divided into groups to disperse Here comes.

Although the human race is powerful, it is worse than the monster race in terms of unity.After all, the monster race is not even [-]% of the human race, and reproduction is much more difficult than human beings. If they are not united, they will be wiped out by the human race and the demon race sooner or later.


"Damn it, I didn't expect there to be a hidden treasure here, this time it's really the right time!"

Somewhere in the void, Luo Tian and Chen Lin were sitting opposite each other. They were discussing while refining Zulongguo, and Chen Lin shouted with joy, "Xiao Yizi, let's see if the two of us brothers are going to kill and rob you." Fan?"


Luo Tian directly refused, and then slightly raised the corners of his mouth, "Killing them will not only cause a lot of trouble, but also there is no one to lead the way to the place where the treasure is hidden. I don't want to do such a double loss."

"You're still shameless!" Chen Lin clapped his hands and laughed, "Right, let them go dog-eat-dog first, the two of us just need to sit on the oriole after the praying mantis catches the cicada, hahahaha..."

"What happened to the first genius in the Lingyun Starfield that Yaozu Aowuchang said just now?" Luo Tian said lightly.

"Oh, you mean Shen Guoqiang's little boy who always pretends to be a tiger." Chen Lin suddenly realized that his tone was the same as that of Ao Wuchang, and it seemed that he looked down on Shen Guoqiang in his heart.

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