
Chapter 595 Medicine King Valley and Red Sand Corridor

"Naturally, I'm talking about Shen Luoyun from the Lingyun Starfield!"

Chen Lin curled his lips, twisted his neck and said, "The last Southern Immortal Realm Genius Competition, Shen Luoyun participated with less than 3000 years of cultivation, entered the top [-] in Jinzhou Prefecture, and then participated in the Southern Immortal Realm Ninth University In the battle for talent in the state, in order to protect his domineering and stupid younger brother Shen Guoqiang, he was besieged by several ruthless people from Tianwang State, the strongest state in the Southern Immortal Realm, and was seriously injured. , has already broken through to the Golden Immortal cultivation base, joined Jinzhou's law enforcement team, and is said to be one of the captains."

"how is this possible!"

Luo Tian frowned and said, "It stands to reason that Xuanxian can only live for [-] million years at most, then Shen Guoqiang participated in the genius battle last time, this..."

"It's beyond imagination, right?" Chen Lin smiled lightly, "In fact, there are many Xuanxians who can live beyond the lifespan of Xuanxian, that is, [-] million years. Because all of these people have experienced the sky of Yaowang Valley With baptism, life expectancy has been increased by tens of millions or even [-] million years!"

"Valley of the Medicine King?" Luo Tian was a little surprised when he heard about this place for the first time.

"That's right." Chen Lin smiled lightly, "There is no unparalleled road, and the Valley of the Medicine King is such a scarce existence. When you participate in the genius competition and enter the top [-] in Jinzhou Prefecture, you are eligible Entering it, of course, you can also transfer this quota to other people, but you can only transfer it once in this life, and you can only enter it once. Therefore, giving this precious opportunity to others is equivalent to reuniting with Yaowang Valley in this life. No luck either!"

"Isn't it? What is the origin of Medicine King Valley being so heaven-defying?" After hearing this, Luo Tian's expression changed, and it was too incredible that it could increase the lifespan of an immortal.

"For some geniuses, the Valley of the Medicine King is almost meaningless. Some peerless geniuses can break through to the Golden Immortal Realm within tens of thousands or even ten thousand years, and there is no need to increase their lifespan. It has no effect on immortals above Jinxian level, at most it is the effect of consolidating the foundation and cultivating vitality, so most geniuses will transfer this opportunity to their relatives and friends, and they really don't need it. To say that the drug king What's the origin of Gu, hehe, that's extremely shocking, it can scare you to death!"

"Hmph! Could it be that the fairy king is not successful?" Luo Tian couldn't help but sneered and laughed.

"That's right! Xiao Yizi, you are finally smart this time. Behind this Medicine King Valley is a fairy, Yao Xianjun. This medicine fairy just broke through at the end of the last era. The position of Xianjun, but because of his earth-shattering medicine skills and his kindness, his popularity among Xianjun is very good. Therefore, the overall strength of Medicine King Valley is not high except for Yaoxianjun, but The status is extremely high, not to mention the entire Southern Immortal Realm, even the Northern Immortal Realm and Yaoshen Island will not easily offend the people in Yaowang Valley!"

"Sure enough, a thousand tricks are worse than one skill." Luo Tian shook his head and smiled wryly.

"It's more than that." Chen Lin pouted, and said, "Alchemists have always been very rare in the fairy world. With a little achievement, they are regarded as guests by some powerful forces. It can be said that offending a pharmacist is equivalent to offending many people. Great forces, these relationships are inextricably intertwined, which makes people feel helpless!"

"Actually, I'm a pharmacist." Luo Tian winked and said.

Chen Lin was almost choked to death by his own saliva, and it took him a long time to recover. He touched his forehead helplessly and said, "I said, Xiao Yizi, what time is it now, can you stop joking with brother?"

Luo Tian looked up to the sky and let out a haha, and then his five fingers kept entangled, and a light blue light suddenly emerged from the fingertips, and finally condensed into a shining two-foot-sized illusory crystal mirror.

"Mysterious light mirror!"

Chen Lin looked a little weird, "If I knew you were proficient in this kind of Taoism, I wouldn't be bothered to set up so many prohibition circles. Brother's money isn't money?"

Luo Tian blushed, and said with a dry smile: "No, it's really this kind of Taoism, and I'm not too proficient in it. The distance is too long or the other party's cultivation level is too high, it still can't reflect the real situation."

"Then hurry up, the two of us just need to mix into the human camp, we can't waste such a great opportunity to fish in troubled waters!" Chen Lin said eagerly, "Anyway, my brother's inventory is enough to wipe out more than half of the human camp!"

"... "

Luo Tian was speechless for a moment, and then quickly activated the Xuanguang mirror to track down the monks of the human camp who were closest to the two of them.

Soon, the Xuanguang mirror became blurred, and then the scene changed continuously, and finally five immortals dressed in yellow clothes appeared. I saw that these five immortals were tightly wrapped from head to toe, and they couldn't even see their faces clearly. .

"It's a member of the Houtu Sect, a second-rate force attached to the Houtu Palace in the Houtu Star Region, but the strength of the Houtu Palace should not be underestimated. It is half as powerful as the Lingyun Sect in the Lingyun Star Region." Chen Lin just said At a glance, he recognized the other party's origin.

"Can you make a move?" Luo Tian said rather playfully.

"As long as no one sees it, of course." Chen Lin rolled his eyes.

"To say it means not to say it."



Speaking of which, the consumable secret treasures on Chen Lin's body are really endless, and there are all kinds of them, it is simply a small mobile treasure house.It didn't take long for Luo Tian and Chen Lin to hide in the void for hundreds of thousands of miles, and soon caught up with the five immortals of the Houtu sect in front, four of which were Xuan In the middle stage of immortality, only the late stage of Xuanxian is the leader, but judging from his aura, he must have just been promoted to the late stage of Xuanxian.

"There will be a situation soon."

Suddenly, Chen Lin spoke.

Luo Tian nodded lightly, because the speed of the five Houtu Sect Xuanxians in the Xuanguang mirror had begun to slow down, presumably they were about to reach their destination.

"It's boring, these five Profound Immortals of the Houtu Sect are really lucky, right? They didn't receive any attacks along the way!" Chen Lin cried out very unhappy.

"... "

Luo Tian automatically kicked out this shameless guy who wished everyone would die, and sighed heavily: "Attack your head! Have you ever seen a fight to the death before seeing the baby?"

"I haven't seen it before." Chen Lin said as a matter of course, "That's why I hope to see it once in my lifetime."

"It's here, be careful, don't show your secrets and be noticed by others!" Luo Tian immediately warned.

"Put 120 hearts!"

Chen Lin chuckled, turned his head to look at the Xuanguang mirror, but his expression suddenly changed, "Xiao Yizi, quickly see what that is?"

I saw a red hurricane connecting the sky and the earth appeared in the Xuanguang mirror, covering the sky and covering the earth. I don’t know how much space it covers. Anyway, I can’t see the edge at a glance. Finally, the red hurricane suddenly stopped abruptly and stayed in the In situ, it finally differentiated into countless straight barriers like a knife, and each barrier was isolated into small space worlds.

When it was looming, in the small space world, there were dark tunnels made of red sand floating, like open mouths in mid-air.

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