
Chapter 596

"This is the red sand tunnel, which contains strange formations. If you don't have enough cultivation, once you go deep into it, you will be eroded into a pool of blood by the red sand, and your body and spirit will be destroyed!"

Chen Lin was well-informed, and immediately recognized the origin of the Red Sand Tunnel.

"Cultivation is not enough, can the immortal treasure resist it?" Luo Tian interjected a sentence, if the cultivation level is high and useful, wouldn't those craftsmen be so poor that they would pawn their underwear?Wouldn't Chen Lin, a guy with a big family and a big career who only bullies people with consumable fairy treasures, quickly find a place to hide and practice desperately?

In fact, Xianbao can certainly resist the Red Sand Tunnel.As far as the highly poisonous things that are hopeless in the fairy world, the fairy treasure can resist them, and no one would be foolish enough to dare to travel through thousands of worlds with their physical bodies.Of course, when reaching the level of a fairy, the law of life has reached its limit, and it is almost the law of heaven and earth. Naturally, all laws are invulnerable, and it is difficult to be hurt by highly poisonous things, but under the fairy, there is no such thing. lucky.


The entire North and South Heavenly Courts and the Demon God Island, as well as the Ten Meteor Demon Palace of the Demon Race, among the highest powers in the fairy world, have the most immortal monarchs, but the number of immortal monarchs in this era does not exceed two hands. How difficult is it to be a king? There are only one or two chances in an era. It is only at the beginning and end of the era that it is possible to become a new immortal monarch. The rest of the time, the chances are slim.

"Of course no problem!"

Chen Lin chuckled, and then took out two water-like leaves that were verdant and watery, and pushed them lightly with his hands, and a leaf sank lightly into the void. Just by breathing, the leaves appeared directly in front of Luo Tian.

"Xiao Yizi, take this thing well, and it will keep you safe in the red sand tunnel!"

"Buddhist thing!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and he cried out, "Where did you get this thing? Didn't the Buddha sect disappear without a trace in the long river of time?"

Chen Lin smiled lightly, and said: "I know the meaning in your words. Those real masters in the Buddhist sect seem to have disappeared without a trace, but it is not certain that they have completely disappeared. Therefore, some middle-level and People in the low-level Buddhist sect can still be seen often in the fairy world. After all, the Buddhist sect was once the strongest force several epochs ago. How could it be possible that it will completely decline due to the change of the era? Those first few in the fairy world The three major forces of the Era have all become well-known superpowers in the fairy world, and it is not so easy for these once glorious giant forces to be extinct."

"I've heard about it." Luo Tian nodded, "But this Sakyamuni leaf is not an ordinary thing. According to legend, only the true supernatural beings and wise men of the Buddhist sect can practice under the bodhi tree. If you can condense this thing in a few hundred thousand years, you may not be able to condense a piece of Sakyamuni leaves!"

"Hey, I didn't expect you to recognize this thing?" Chen Lin was a little startled, "There are not many people in the fairy world who can recognize Sakyamuni."

Luo Tian thought nonsense, some legendary treasures had already been roughly recorded in the Rare Treasure Book obtained from the Tianxuan Plane, and Sakyamuni Baye was naturally also a legendary treasure that was eligible to enter the Rare Rare Book.

"Since you know Sakyamuni Baye, you don't need to say more about how to use this thing?" After Chen Lin finished speaking, he was about to urge Sakya Baye in his hand, ready to break the hidden state of the void and enter the red space. Shayong Road.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know how to use this thing." Luo Tian scratched his head in embarrassment, the rare book didn't say how to use Sakyamuni Baye, how could he know how to use this thing.


Chen Lin almost fainted when he heard this, and fell down from the void.

"Buddha respects two counts of nine and 18, and the two sakyamuni leaves in my brother's hand are not condensed from the same Buddhist master. As for you, you can only try it yourself, anyway. At most, it will not exceed the extreme number of ninety-nine 81." Chen Lin spread out his hands, showing a look of helplessness, "Anyway, brother, this Sakyamuni leaf, as long as the primordial spirit and consciousness are activated 64 times, it can be driven. Executed, it is a multiple of nine."

"..." Luo Tian was speechless, and didn't waste any time. He began to test from the ninth level. It was considered his luck. Turn lightly.

"It turned out to be a common multiple of nine and eighteen, so strange!"

Luo Tian was overjoyed, then gently held up Shakya Beiye, and sent a voice transmission to Chen Lindao, "Xiao Linzi, what should we do next?"

Chen Lin was watching the situation in front of the red sand tunnel with sly eyebrows, and said without turning his head when he heard the words, "Just use your spiritual consciousness to wrap your body, remember well, because the Sakyamuni Baye is a low-level , can only support a day and a night at most."


Luo Tian said indifferently, and then urged the Sakyamuni Baye in his hand, instantly broke the void concealment state, directly used the void assassination technique and the void beast's supernatural power, entered that wonderful state, and quickly chose After passing a red sand corridor, he was about to fly into it.

"and many more!"

Chen Lin hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Luo Tiandao, "Don't worry, the more people enter this red sand tunnel, the more powerful it will be. Why should we choose a red sand tunnel with the least number of people to enter?"

"What's so difficult about this? Let's choose a red sand tunnel to enter first. You can arrange some warning prohibition circles at the entrance of the tunnel. Anyway, you have enough expendable fairy treasures on your body."

"Damn, I know that you have no good intentions!" Chen Lin had a bitter and painful expression on his face, "Can't you save me some money?"

"Hey hey, what are you saving, it's just a drop in the bucket for you." Luo Tian quacked with a laugh.

"...Let's go." Chen Lin urged the Sakyamuni leaf in his hand helplessly, and then hid his figure. After picking with Luo Tian for a long time, he chose a place where no one could enter. Go in through Shayong Road.

Oh oh oh!

In the red sand tunnel, there is no situation where you can't see your fingers. Instead, countless dazzling red lights rush towards you, mixed with countless finely divided red sands, and these red sands stir up clusters of red clouds in the air.

It was very strange, countless green brilliance appeared around Luo Tian and Chen Lin, and these brilliance turned into green leaves all over the sky, blocking the wind and red sand directly five feet away from them.

"Hey hey, Xiao Yizi, how's it going? Does it work?"


At this time, a very obvious black shadow flew from the front, the speed was extremely fast, and it almost instantly arrived in front of Chen Lin who was flying in front.

"Don't worry!" Chen Lin waved his hands with unchanged expression, "Sakyamuni Baye is not only able to restrain all evil ways, but also possesses a very strong defensive Buddha's light. Is it true that you claim to be the first in defense when you are a Buddhist sect?"

While speaking, the green leaves in front of Chen Lin suddenly separated and turned into a layer of pale yellow misty Buddha light, which directly blocked the black shadow and wrapped the black shadow in it.

At this time, Chen Lin and Luo Tian really began to look at the black shadow in front of them.

"Run God Puppet!"

Chen Lin saw that it didn't matter, and immediately screamed.

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