
Chapter 597 Zhouyi, where to escape!

"What is a talisman puppet?"

Luo Tian was stunned for a moment, and looked at the black shadow in front of him that slowly emerged from the void.

I saw the black shadow in front of me. At first glance, there was nothing surprising about it. The whole body was made of various rare metals, but it was a little different from ordinary puppets. The metal scale armor together is completely connected by various high-level spiritual talismans. As long as you have enough immortal essence stones, unless you beat them to pieces, the talisman puppets will be the enemy's nightmare.

"The Fushen puppets are things created by those idle and flustered refiners in ancient times. They were probably only used to carry some refiner materials or guard the mountain gate on weekdays. As a result, they gradually developed and became a climate. Disaster in the small half of the Southern Immortal Realm caused the heavenly court of the Southern Immortal Realm to be shaken, and an immortal monarch led hundreds of Saint Immortal experts to uproot that force, but unexpectedly, there are even puppets of talisman gods appearing here!"

Chen Lin said with a dignified expression, "The talisman puppet in front of me seems to belong to that kind of mid-level puppet. If it is a high-level puppet, it will be quite tricky. Xiao Yizi, don't worry, see brother, I will kill this puppet." Rune God Puppet."

After finishing speaking, Chen Lin took out several consumable fairy treasures in his hands. In the fairy world, it seems that he still has a lot of expendable fairy treasures that are extremely costly. wipe sweat.

clap clap clap!

Unexpectedly, those consumable treasures inspired by Chen Lin hit the tall rune god puppet in front of him, like rain hitting plantains. Palm-sized spins of light appeared on the surface, devouring all the expendable immortal treasures inspired by Chen Lin.


Chen Lin's complexion suddenly became extremely ugly, "Could it be possible that this talisman puppet has really become a spirit?! Just when the consumable fairy treasure reached the optimal distance and was about to exert its maximum power, it was cut off abruptly. What a coincidence!"

"Be careful! This rune puppet is weird!"

Luo Tian suddenly stretched out his hand, and countless flaming sword qi shot straight out. When the sword qi shot out from Luo Tian's fingertips, it was just a single sword qi. Two into four, four into eight... finally turned into tens of thousands of one-foot-long flame sword energy, cutting towards the talisman puppet with a terrific whistling sound.

A jaw-dropping scene happened!

I saw that the rune god puppet was indifferent when facing Chen Lin's consumable fairy treasure, allowing the consumable fairy treasure to approach it.But when Luo Tian's sword energy was about to fall on its body, its shoulders sank in a very humane manner, its body swayed one after another, it actually moved away, and it retreated thousands of feet in an instant.

"Dou Ling!"

Chen Lin screamed, grabbed the void with his big hand, and took out the Hundred Beasts War Pattern Stick in his portable space, and chased the Fushen Puppet without hesitation. At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to Luo Tian, "Xiao Yizi, join me in killing this talisman puppet, or we will be in big trouble!"


Luo Tian didn't say much, and answered Chen Lindi with an extremely thin voice piercing through the air. Luo Tian immediately sacrificed the Jinghong Knife, and saw the Jinghong Knife turned into a black light in the air, flying indefinitely. However, in the process of flying, the direction is constantly changing, showing Luo Tian's extremely precise and perverted way of controlling the immortal treasure.

Ka Ka Ka!

The puppet of the rune god had just retreated when the attacks from Jinghong Knife and Hundred Beasts War Pattern Stick came in front of it. It had no time to dodge, and let out a roar that looked like a beast but not a beast. It slapped its chest, and then its figure kept growing, and in the process of growing, it emitted circles of inexplicable halos, covering it.

"Being crazy is useless, die for me!"

Chen Lin yelled violently, and smashed out the Hundred Beasts War Pattern Stick in his hand, and threw out tens of thousands of attacks in an instant. With the roar of countless beasts, it is breathtaking.

"Five times the combat power!"

Luo Tian's pupils shrank, and the Void Assassination Technique merged with the Void Beast's supernatural power. He fell behind the Rune God puppet in the void, and attacked the Rune God puppet with the Jinghong knife in his hand.

Of course, in front of Chen Lin, Luo Tian didn't dare to display 27 times the combat power, but only displayed [-] times the combat power, but with his current cultivation base, it is quite shocking to display [-] times the combat power.You must know that in the fairy world, there are very few immortals who can exert five times the combat power, among the mysterious immortals.And Jinxian is generally able to join the powerful sect family on at least the first-order planet. These existences have countless ancient secrets. It is not difficult to exert five times the fighting power, and even some geniuses can exert ten times the fighting strength Come.

"Fuck your parents, what the hell did I see? Did I get dazzled?!"

Chen Lin brandished the Hundred Beasts War Pattern Stick to attack the talisman puppet, while paying attention to Luo Tian's movement. When Luo Tian displayed five times the fighting power, Chen Lin's eyes almost popped out. Knowing that with his background, he has been taking countless natural materials and treasures since he was a child, and even the potions for soaking his body are special products in the Valley of the Medicine King, not to mention other resources that he can enjoy casually.Even so, Chen Lin can only display four times the fighting power, which is already an absolute leader among his peers, but compared to Luo Tian, ​​he feels that he is still not strong enough.

In fact, if Chen Lin knew that Luo Tian could display 27 times the combat power, he might really be scared to death.

The Fushen Puppet was quickly killed by Luo Tian and Chen Lin. There was no other way. The immortal treasures in the hands of the two of them could swallow the heaven and earth's energy and spiritual power. It happened to be their nemesis. It took a lot of trouble.

"Damn it, this talisman puppet has been possessed by Dou Ling!" Chen Lin gracefully withdrew the Beast War Stick in his hand, but shouted angrily.

"Dou Ling?"

"Dou Ling is those immortals whose cultivation base is higher than that of a holy immortal. They can use their great supernatural powers to directly extract the essential souls of immortal artifacts, thereby faintly forming their own consciousness. Of course, there are also some essential souls in immortal treasures that have experienced countless years. It has also formed its own consciousness, and the fairy treasure with spiritual consciousness, just thinking about it, knows how terrifying it is! It is said that at the beginning of this era, there was a Taoist fairy weapon that experienced the earth, water, fire and wind. Zi had realized the Dao of Mahayana, and even achieved the position of Immortal Sovereign. In the end, he was killed by dozens of Immortal Sovereigns from the human, demon and demon tribes."

Luo Tian stuck out his tongue in secret, what Chen Lin said, could it be the Monument of Sealing Immortals?


Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he slammed his hand into the void in front of him.

"Zhou Yi, let's see where you are going to escape this time!"

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