
Chapter 598 Spike!

"Han Yi, I didn't expect you to enter here too! Damn it!"

The windy red sand in the void was directly peeled off by Luo Tian's vigorous grabbing, and then melted into nothingness by Luo Tian's fierce sky-swallowing law.The space that immediately became empty became faintly clear, and there was a slightly embarrassed figure moving rapidly in the void, constantly changing time and space.

In fact, it can be considered that this guy Zhou Yi is unlucky and unlucky. The red sand corridor that Luo Tian and Chen Lin chose was already extremely hidden, and a prohibition circle was set up at the entrance of the red sand corridor. If you want to enter, you will definitely feel the existence of the prohibition circle. In order to avoid more troubles, you will definitely choose other passages to enter.But this week Yi managed to recover from the injuries in his body. After secretly using the big puppet technique to turn a team of only three people into puppets, he became more courageous again and prepared to enter the Red Sand The corridor fishes in troubled waters.

Coincidentally, because Zhou Yi entered the Red Sand Corridor a little later than Luo Tian and Chen Lin, he carefully broke through the prohibition circle, and when he was feeling comfortable all the way, he suddenly found Luo in front of him. Day two.Seeing that it was Luo Tian, ​​Zhou Yi's scalp really went numb. This guy with only Feixian's cultivation level is really a pervert with great background. Killing Xuanxian with Feixian's cultivation level is as simple as eating and drinking water. Those who are truly powerful are hardly like individuals.So, Zhou Yi turned his eyes to make a plan, and followed Luo Tian and the two from afar.

When Zhou Yi saw the Fushen puppet, he almost shouted out excitedly. Others may not understand the Fushen puppet. Their Zhou family’s great puppet technique was inherited from their ancestors. One is extremely proficient, and naturally knows the power of the talisman puppet.He was going to make a surprise attack while Luo Tian and Chen Lin were fighting with the Fushen puppet. At worst, he could easily spare them and escape while they were distracted from fighting.

It's a pity, it's a pity that people are not as good as heaven, and he didn't expect that Luo Tian and Chen Lin were both perverts when he killed Zhou Yi, and they easily solved the puppet of the gods in almost a moment, and his Xingzang was also exposed .

"Harm me with conspiracy and tricks, and keep you!"

With a sneer on Luo Tian's face, he used the Void Assassination Technique, and instantly entered the void in front of him.

"Xiao Linzi, you continue to move forward, no matter what the price is this time, I will kill this person!"

After speaking, the space portal behind Luo Tian healed itself.

After Luo Tian's space portal healed, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a pair of purple wings flashed behind him, which were Zhitian wings.

"Zhou Yi, take your life!"


Possessing the supernatural powers of void beasts, and proficient in the art of void assassination, coupled with the cooperation of the sky's wings, Luo Tian moved in the void, which was several times faster than Zhou Yi, and he was about to catch Zhou Yi several times. It's a pity that Zhou Yi is really slippery. Whenever he is about to be caught up by Luo Tian, ​​he will change his direction in time and release his puppet to temporarily block Luo Tian's path and trajectory.

Because he was in the void turbulence, Luo Tian didn't dare to display 27 times the combat power. If the void turbulence was caused to collapse, he might be destroyed immediately and turned into ashes.Moreover, moving and walking in the turbulent void is also extremely dangerous. If one is not careful, even if Luo Tian takes a wrong step, he will miss Zhou Yi and be blocked by other time and space.

The distance between time and space can be large or small, and it would take Luo Tian two or three breaths of effort to cross it in a small space. If it is a big time and space, Luo Tian will probably chase Zhou Yi away and let him escape from his hands again.

The two chased and fled in the turbulent flow of the void like this. After an unknown amount of time, they both seemed a little tired.

"Xuanxian Puppet, block him!"

Zhou Yi's face turned cold, and he turned his head and waved his sleeves. The sleeves opened instantly, and three figures flew out from them, turning around in the void, and three mysterious immortals with the appearance of monster clan appeared.

"Block the fart!"

Luo Tian let out a low cry, and waved three punches towards the void, one by one, knocking out the three Yaozu Xuanxians. These three Yaozu Xuanxians had obviously become Zhou Yi's puppets, and they were no longer afraid of life and death. , was entangled soon after being knocked into the air by Luo Tian.

"Blood devouring!"

The next moment, Luo Tian unhesitatingly shot out the Jinghong Knife. The Jinghong Knife flew in the turbulence of the void without being affected at all. It just flew through the three demon clan Xuanxian with ease, and then Watching Luo Tian keep displaying his dexterous figure and extremely fast speed, when he arrived, the three Xuanxians of the monster race had obviously lost their original consciousness, and the host Zhou Yi was running away in a hurry, and the dodge was extremely slow , Luo Tian manipulated the Jinghongdao to easily swallow all the blood essence of the three puppets, which made the Jinghongdao immediately promoted to the middle-level middle-grade fairy weapon.

This time, Luo Tian had already planted the imprint of the way of swallowing the sky on Zhou Yi. Unless the distance between him and Luo Tian was too far, he would definitely not be able to escape Luo Tian's spiritual sense.Moreover, Luo Tian killed Li Kun, so he definitely wouldn't let the Zhou family go this time, otherwise it would attract revenge from the two big families of the Lingyun Starfield in the future, and that would be trouble in the real sense.

"Han Yi! You'd better be merciful, or I'll spread the news about you getting the Ancestral Dragon Fruit!" Zhou Yi had just escaped safely for a while, when he found Luo Tian chasing up from behind again, and couldn't help calling out sternly drank.

"Shout, it's useless to break your throat in this turbulent void!" Luo Tian was amused by this guy, and even made a joke with Zhou Yi.

"Damn, you forced me to do this!"

Zhou Yi gritted his teeth and said, then bit the tip of his tongue, opened his mouth and sprayed out a pool of blood, regardless of his own safety, he directly displayed his void teleportation supernatural power, directly broke the space barrier in front of him, and quickly disappeared.

You know, the space in the fairy world is extremely tough. If you want to tear the space and move the void, generally only Jinxian can do it calmly, and Zhou Yi can do this, which proves from the side that he is indeed a bit extraordinary .

Although, Zhou Yi's teleportation in the void has paid a certain price.

"Where to escape!"

Luo Tian's eyes widened angrily, he stretched out his hand and punched countless times, smashing the space in front of him abruptly, and then chased after Zhou Yi.

The two left the void, arrived in the real world, and started chasing and fleeing again.

Zhou Yi flew quickly ahead with a pale face, and finally, he saw the figure of the human race team in front of him.

"Brother Shen, save me! The guy behind me is carrying..."

Ka Ka Ka!

Soon, dozens of white lights and shadows around Zhou Yi could not stop flashing alternately, and instantly condensed into a series of domineering forces, blasting Zhou Yi abruptly, turning into a cloud of blood mist and disappearing.

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