
Chapter 599 Suspended underground palaces!

At this moment, an inexplicable fear emerged in the hearts of everyone present. The person who shot secretly just now shot quickly and accurately. Even if Shen Guoqiang didn't react, he killed Zhou Yi instantly.

The person who killed Zhou Yi was naturally Luo Tian. How could he make Zhou Yi blurt out that he had obtained the Ancestral Dragon Fruit? If so, he might immediately become the target of public criticism here.What's more, where does he still have the Ancestral Dragon Fruit now, he has long been neutralized with the yin and yang of the Seven Treasure Purple Gold Lotus in the inner world, and is being refined by the Heaven Swallowing Pagoda.

Therefore, Luo Tian did not hesitate to expose his strength and directly killed Zhou Yi in an instant!

"I don't know which fellow daoist is here?"

Zhou Yi was instantly killed, and Shen Guoqiang's complexion was not very good-looking, but he recovered quickly. After all, he is also a person with a head and a face.


What Shen Guoqiang answered was boundless silence, the surroundings were empty, and no one was there.

"Don't eat and drink a toast!"

After all, Shen Guoqiang couldn't lose face, let out a low drink, stretched his sleeves, and a water cloud-like flower directly appeared in his hand, with a slight twist, that strange flower radiated gorgeous colors.

His fingers were like plucking the strings of a piano, Shen Guoqiang stretched out his palm, and with just one stroking, countless bright petals fell from that strange flower, scattered in the void, and danced slowly.

"go with!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Shen Guoqiang's mouth, he squeezed his palm and opened it fiercely, flicking his five fingers, those petals turned into countless light spots, and poured into the void in an instant.

"Haha, Big Brother Shen actually displayed the Water Moon Wonderful Flower, that fellow must have nowhere to hide!"

"That's natural! Shuiyue Qihua is known as the Golden Immortal, and there is no way to go to heaven or go to earth!"

"Brother Shen is really amazing!"


At the moment, many immortals around Shen Guoqiang began to flatter one after another. You must know that even though Shen Guoqiang is domineering and has a bad temper, he is very annoying on weekdays, but there is no way, he has a good brother, and his brother is still Ling Yunzong It is not an exaggeration to say that the key training objects are the core disciples of Lingyunzong, and their status is almost the same as that of Lingyunzong's saint sons and saintesses.This also indirectly formed Shen Guoqiang's domineering character of bullying men and women in his daily life. This guy only listens to good things, and hardly hears a word of bad things. Time to tell the truth.



Luo Tian, ​​who fled away with a single blow, has passed through countless worlds of time and space at this moment. Walking in the void is really a waste of immortal energy. He only has a few second-level spiritual veins on him now, so he dare not use them all. , if at the critical moment, there is no supply for 27 times the combat power, then you will cry to death.

But then Luo Tian began to worry.

In this boundless turbulence of the void, he didn't know which direction to go at all. He just flew towards the front of the real space where Shen Guoqiang and others existed based on his previous memory, like a headless fly bumping around.

"Just here."

After wandering in the turbulent void for a long time, Luo Tian finally became impatient. Not to mention the danger in the void, the most important thing is that the celestial energy in his body is consumed too quickly. If this continues, he may not be able to last much longer. All the spiritual veins in Tian's body will be exhausted, and he will become a complete pauper.


At this time, Luo Tian's complexion changed slightly, and he swung his backhand towards the void behind him, and the celestial energy in his body surged violently, and came out directly through his body.

A huge hand with a radius of several thousand feet took shape immediately, and it slapped down directly into the void, making dull sounds.

"Calculate the way of heaven to follow my breath?"

Luo Tian snorted coldly, and pressed hard with his big hand, and several water-cloud-like brilliance appeared in the void, and these brilliance were restrained by Luo Tian's illusioned big hand in the void, struggling unceasingly, but In the end, it was forcibly broken by Luo Tian, ​​and then devoured and refined without any waste.


Luo Tian shrugged, feeling the strength of the water source brilliance in the world inside his body, he couldn't help sighing softly.

"How dare you destroy the water moon and strange flower of this seat, and save your life!"


Suddenly there was a loud shout in the void, and then countless silk-like water cloud brilliance extended from the void again, like a huge flower that suddenly bloomed, and it was about to envelop Luo Tian.

"Stupid pig, who will accompany you to play this child's house game."

Luo Tian resolutely tore through the void, and then directly appeared in the real space.


As soon as Luo Tian came out of the void, he unfurled his wings to the sky, shook them lightly, and instantly disappeared from the spot.

"Bastard! I've got your breath locked by Shuiyue Qihua, unless you get out of Xu Baoxing immediately, you won't be able to escape from my palm!"

Shouts like thunder resounded in mid-air, like thunder and strong winds on the ground, shaking countless mountains, and the trees were uprooted and rolled up into the sky one after another.


Luo Tian immediately activated the primordial spirit consciousness, and soon discovered a strange trace of consciousness attached to the body, and immediately operated the Swallowing Law to erase it, but then Luo Tian was a little shocked to find that the strange consciousness It can't be erased for the time being, the law of swallowing the sky swallows ten thousand dao, and it can't be defeated in a short time, it can only be tempered slowly.

At the same time, Luo Tian's spiritual consciousness quickly penetrated into the ground, and he began to search for the location of Xubaoxing's central heart vein. It's easy.It is not so easy to obtain the secret treasures left by half-step immortals. Luo Tian already planned in his heart not to wade into this muddy water, so as not to cause more disputes.

"it's here!"

Soon, Luo Tian's eyes flashed, and several astonishing sword auras wrapped in flames popped out from his fingers. These sword auras turned into purple lotus flowers wrapped in flames in mid-air, faintly shining, and instantly penetrated into the void within.

"Cut off contact!"

clap clap clap!

Only soft cracking sounds could be heard from the depths of the void, but Luo Tian took this opportunity to follow the clues, figured out the trajectory of the strange consciousness, and temporarily severed the connection between the strange consciousness and the source.

Of course, cutting off the connection between the two is only temporary, and Luo Tian is not sure that he will kill it all at once.The power of this strange treasure is really extraordinary.

However, this short period of time was enough for Luo Tian to find the central pulse.


Luo Tian's pupils shrank, his ugly appearance changed instantly, and his whole body fell towards the ground quickly like a meteorite. When he was about to fall to the ground, Luo Tian cast the Variety Immortal Pocket and transformed himself into a demon dragon, instantly Break through the ground.

The earth dragon is among the monsters, but he is proficient in earth magic, and he is like a fish in water in the mud.

Soon, Luo Tian dived to the ground for more than a million miles. In the middle, Luo Tian still changed into his original form, and once again forcibly cut off the tracking power of the strange spiritual consciousness on the water moon flower.

"This is!"

Moments later, Luo Tian looked at the scene in front of him a little at a loss. The scene in front of him suddenly changed, and suspended palaces appeared one after another, floating in the air in the center of the earth, emitting a dark light.

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