
Chapter 600 Fighting Spirit King

A majestic aura rushes towards the face from the palace complex, like a gust of cold wind that is as cool as water, chilling people's hearts.

Luo Tian suddenly felt a little numb in his scalp, and the hairs on his body stood on end involuntarily, and finally turned into fear and remained deep in his heart.

"No! This is an illusion!"


Luo Tian suddenly let out a low cry, opened his hands together, and quickly grabbed the floating palace in front of him. Luo Tian had already used almost all his strength in this grab.


A sound like morning bells and evening drums floated majestically from the void, and countless terrifying sound waves multiplied in the void, spreading out in all directions. The source of the sound is almost impossible to deduce, it is Luo Tiandu I feel that the laws of heaven and earth in this space have been completely disrupted, and there is no possibility of reunion.

"how so?!"

The next moment, Luo Tian was stunned. The attack he just launched didn't show any effect at all.

Not illusion!

After a while, Luo Tian, ​​who flew closer in the air, finally realized that the floating palaces in front of him were not so-called illusions at all, but real ancient buildings. There are still some traces of text carvings in the floating palace group, which are obviously Qingliwen.

Qingliwen became popular only in ancient times. In ancient times, that is, at the beginning of this era, Qingliwen was just one of countless languages. At that time, even human beings had their own. Its own language is not like today's Immortal World. Qingliwen is used in most places, and Qingliwen has been popularized. Of course, it is easier to communicate in this way.It is also easier to derive conspiracy estimates.

Everything has two sides, it is undeniable.

clap clap!

Soon, Luo Tian, ​​who was protected by Baoguang all over his body, landed on the ground with both feet, and walked towards the depths of the palace.

Here, although there are many floating palaces, they are relatively single, and the structure of the palace is not complicated, which makes it look more comfortable.Along the way, Luo Tian kept observing the surroundings, but to his great disappointment, there seemed to be nothing but the floating palaces.

"It's like an empty shell!"

Luo Tian quickly passed through several floating palaces. Among these palaces, not to mention treasures, he didn't even see a single table or chair, they were completely empty.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the entrance of the central heart vein is ahead, I can already feel it!"

Luo Tian quickly made up his mind and rushed forward with all his heart. Even if there were no treasures, it didn't matter, he only needed to draw two points from Xu Baoxing's central pulse to leave this strange and daunting planet immediately.


Luo Tian was flying in the air, and below the floating palace was an abyss that could not be seen at a glance. Occasionally, inexplicable cries could be heard from the abyss.

"Huh? Can't fly anymore? Air ban?!"

After a stick of incense, Luo Tian fell from the mid-air in shock. It turned out that he had encountered a ban on the air. This kind of ban on the air is the most disgusting, because this kind of ban is usually communicated with the nearby heaven and earth. It is arranged, and if you want to destroy it, you must destroy all the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

How can a person compete with the power of heaven and earth in a region? The power of heaven and earth can complement each other, almost endlessly. So far, Luo Tian has never heard of anyone foolishly trying to break the air ban , this may only be possible for people who are full and have nothing to do.

So, with a bitter face, Luo Tian swung his legs and swept forward. With his current strength, even if he could only soar over land, there would be a distance of tens of thousands of feet in a flash. Step by step, Luo The sky almost turned into an illusory white light and shadow.

"Storm Eagle, change!"

Suddenly, Luo Tian slapped his forehead vigorously, how could he forget this, and immediately activated the Variety Immortal Dou to transform into an extremely fast Gale Eagle.

"something wrong!"


As soon as Luo Tian transformed into a Gale Eagle, he immediately sensed an inexplicable pressure all around him, and directly knocked him back into the form of a Gale Eagle, and directly returned to his human form.

"I don't know when the Zhitian Wings have been received into the body by themselves. Could it be related to this place?"

Luo Tian's complexion immediately became cloudy and uncertain. From this point of view, it seems that magic weapons cannot be used here.

If it weren't for the fact that he was about to reach the entrance of the central heart vein, Luo Tian would have thought of turning around and going back immediately. Everything here is so weird that people can't figure it out.

"It's a blessing, not a curse!"

Shaking his head, Luo Tian shook off the thoughts in his mind, and then started to walk forward again.

After a while.

"That's right, the entrance to the central heart vein is definitely here, why did it suddenly disappear?"

Luo Tian circled around the boulder square in front of him, full of doubts.

"Jie Jie, a human being is still a human being of good quality, finally it's here! Finally it's here!"

At this time, a gloomy laughter came out from the void, filled with boundless joy.

"Who? Stop playing tricks with me, get out!"

Luo Tian did not panic, but stood extremely calmly on the spot without moving, with his hands behind his back.

"Jie Jie, human beings, you are quite courageous!"

While speaking, a meteor-like golden light flew down from the sky, landed directly two feet in front of Luo Tian and stopped.

Luo Tiantuntian's spiritual eyes slowly turned, looking into the golden light, he was about to see the opponent clearly.

"Don't look at it, your cultivation base is too low, this time I can finally see the light of day! How many years have I been waiting for a day? I'm afraid it will be hundreds of millions of years!"

Luo Tian's complexion changed suddenly, and then he retreated violently, shouting in his mouth: "You are Dou Ling?!"

Dou Ling is the soul after the primordial spirit conceived in those fairy treasures has become refined. It has spiritual consciousness, except that it has no physical body, which is exactly the same as human beings.

"Wrong!" Jin Guang said without moving, "I'm not Dou Ling, I'm the King of Dou Ling on this virtual treasure star, I'm the unique King of Dou Ling, human, your physical body is quite good, I'm drooling, How? Are you coming by yourself or me?"

"Why come by yourself or you?"

Luo Tian was secretly on guard for a long time, so he had to deal with the Dou Ling King in front of him, feeling the aura emanating from the other party, which was definitely not something he could compete with, so he had to escape from this restricted area as soon as possible, and then escape here.

"Jie Jie, what I mean is, do you automatically peel off your soul and consciousness and give me your body, or should I do it myself." King Dou Ling gave a weird laugh, "But the bad words are up front, if I do it myself, You will inevitably suffer a lot!"

Luo Tian secretly sighed in his heart, it was all caused by greed, if he hadn't coveted the central heart of Xu Baoxing, he would not have fallen into such a miserable situation now.

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