
Chapter 601

At this time, Luo Tian was secretly thinking about ways to escape, while dealing with the complacent King Dou Ling.He knew clearly in his heart that if he made a mistake this time, he would probably be directly devoured by the unconquerable King Dou Ling in front of him. From then on, his body would be taken over by the King Dou Ling, and he would fall into hell forever, unable to turn over .

"Xu... the two elders of the Void God!"

Soon, Luo Tian looked behind King Dou Ling with a horrified expression, his eyes were extremely dull, and the color in his pupils quickly faded, as if his mind and wisdom had been wiped out in an instant.

"Isn't it?! Those two old guys have been dead for so long..."

Although King Dou Ling subconsciously didn't believe it, he was still frightened. If the two Void God elders were resurrected, there really would be no room for his arrogance here.

It's now!

Two groups of pitch-black vortexes burst out of Luo Tian's pupils in an instant, and they could not stop turning slowly. The Zhitian wings behind him spread out at once, and with just a slight flap, Luo Tian rushed forward.

Do not retreat but advance!

At this moment, Luo Tian had displayed 27 times the combat power, and began to continuously burn the second-order spiritual veins in the world in his body. In an instant, one spiritual vein was burned out, and the burning of the second second-order spiritual vein began.

In this area, it was not possible to use any immortal treasures, but Luo Tian forcibly used 27 times the combat power, and he was already able to barely use the supreme treasure, the wings of the sky. He originally wanted to use the Jinghong knife, because the Jinghong knife contains The spirit devouring supernatural power must have great restraint on Dou Lingwang, but his spiritual consciousness communicated with Jinghong Dao, and found that it was impossible to activate Jinghong Dao easily at this moment, as if Jinghong Dao had lost contact with his primordial spirit and consciousness Same.


At this time, Luo Tian didn't feel sorry for the few remaining second-order spiritual veins in his body, because everything in front of him was really insignificant compared to his life.

Whoosh whoosh!

Luo Tian used his wings to fly across the void, transforming into layers of misty phantoms, and the speed had already reached the limit.


Luo Tian cursed secretly in his heart, the void in this area is really too tough, in the outer space, with Luo Tian's current strength, he can easily tear apart the space without using 27 times the combat power, but in this area, even if he Even after displaying 27 times the combat power, he was still unable to tear the space, which made him furious, but there was nothing he could do.

"Want to run? Then let you run enough! Mind control, now!"

Standing in the golden light group, King Dou Ling is not tall, only about three feet, and his face is immature, looks like an innocent child, but the vicissitudes of life faintly flashed in his pupils, It's chilling.

The tiny palm in the depths of King Dou Ling slapped it far into the void, the force was so light that it was almost undetectable, but after that, his tiny palm was covered with dense golden threads, like golden threads in the void. Wandering around incessantly, finally broke through the space easily, submerged into it and disappeared.

At this moment, Luo Tian, ​​who had escaped tens of thousands of miles in just a short moment, suddenly changed his face, and then frowned tightly, with a look of pain appearing between his brows, and suddenly dozens of roots appeared on his body. The golden silk thread kept binding his primordial spirit, like invisible ropes that were about to bind Luo Tian's primordial spirit and consciousness.

"Wan Dao Yin!"

"Seal the Immortal Seal!"

Luo Tian let out a low growl, and the world in his body opened forcibly, and the Sky Swallowing Tower was directly suspended above his head, and began to suppress the surrounding space.

Luo Tian, ​​who had used the Wan Dao Seal and the Seal of Immortal Seal, couldn't help but feel the Law of Swallowing Heaven stirring on his body. The binding force of those golden silk threads finally weakened, and he was forcibly bounced away, but these weird golden threads did not It didn't dissipate, but it flew towards Luo Tian again with intensified power.

"Burning longevity..."

Luo Tian played all his cards, but he still couldn't entrust these golden threads, so he was about to burn Shouyuan and unleash the full power of the Sky Swallowing Tower to destroy these golden threads in front of him.


At the critical moment, a sigh came from Luo Tian's ear.

"Young people are just too impatient and don't have enough patience!"

"Strong..." Luo Tian quickly changed his words after shouting a word, "Senior, please help the kid!"

"What's the hurry?"

The one who sighed was naturally the robber fairy who lived in the Heilian space, and he said leisurely, "It's just a mind control technique, and you can break it with a raise of your hand. Now I have something to ask you!"

Luo Tian was so depressed that he almost cried, wondering what time it was, and asking questions, asking your sister!Save people first, okay?

"Senior, please speak!"

Luo Tian said with a bitter face while circulating all the celestial power in his body to resist those strange golden threads.

"How many times have I told you that it doesn't matter if you don't have the strength in the fairy world, but you must be careful!" The robber fairy said slowly, "Don't you understand why you are here today? Because of this mentality The control technique was planted in your body before you came in!"


Even if Luo Tian was killed, he would not believe that he was secretly planted seeds in his body by relying on the current law of swallowing the sky, but the facts in front of him told him that all of this is true, and it can't be true anymore. up.

"It seems that I am still too confident. The law of swallowing the sky is not omnipotent. After all, it is a new law born between heaven and earth!"

Luo Tian thought silently, and began to reflect unceasingly.

"Okay, since you have some insights, then this deity will reluctantly make an exception and shoot once." The Robber Xianjun said lightly, "But this time is not an example. If you encounter similar situations in the future, this deity will no longer care about your life and death!"

After finishing speaking, in the fourth heaven of the Black Lotus Space where the Robber Immortal is located, a big gray hand flew out directly, and shot out along the void.

The void in front of Luo Tian suddenly shattered, it was completely shattered, unlike Luo Tian tearing the void, it was just broken, at most it turned into countless space fragments, the palm of the bandit fairy directly smashed the space into pieces , Wherever the palm passes, all the laws are annihilated and disappeared, and they no longer exist. Even if the heaven and earth energy in the fairy world is restored, it is impossible.

"What kind of magic law is this!"

Luo Tian's eyes widened all of a sudden, his face full of shock.


From an unknown place in the distance, there was a sudden scream, which disappeared without a trace in just a moment.

"This little Dou Ling's strength is not bad."

The Robber Immortal sighed to himself, "It's just a pity for my poor apprentice, alas, it's better for a good man to do his best, so let's help this kid again."

After the bandit fairy finished speaking on his own, he directly conveyed a trace of spiritual consciousness and directly communicated with Luo Tian's primordial spirit.

"What are you doing?!"

How could Luo Tian bear the divine sense of the immortal monarch, even if it was a little bit, he couldn't bear it, so he screamed strangely and fell from the sky.

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