
Chapter 602 Achievement Xuanxian, too much like me!

I don't know how long it took, Luo Tian finally woke up slowly, everything returned to normal, and even the robber Xianjun had disappeared without a trace.

"This is really a gangster's style. Fortunately, it's not a woman, otherwise I don't know how many times I lost my virginity. Every time I do things secretly, it really makes people speechless and ashamed!"

Luo Tian muttered something, and immediately his expression changed.

Because Luo Tian discovered that there seemed to be something more in his primordial spirit, and these things were definitely not stored in the memory in his mind before he fell asleep.

"Damn it, could it be that the bandit Xianjun did it again!"

Luo Tian suddenly screamed, remembering all the previous situations, and all these things were pointed at one person—the Bandit Xianjun!

"Isn't this master planting some miscellaneous things in his body?"

Luo Tian suddenly came to his senses, hurriedly mobilized his primordial consciousness, and began to wrap up those things that suddenly appeared in his mind. The extra information was wrapped, and then cautiously poked into it to read it.

"It turned out to be a map!"

Luo Tian swept his consciousness, and was immediately shocked to find that this seemed to be a complete map of Xubaoxing, which also contained some detailed information written in Qingliwen. The secrets are all marked.

"Xianjun is a cow!"

Luo Tian couldn't help praising with elation, smiling all over his face.

"Don't scold me now?"

A burst of divine consciousness suddenly appeared in Luo Tian's mind from the Robber Xianjun, which completely shocked Luo Tian.

"Can you, old man, stop being so elusive?" Luo Tian was depressed.

After that, the Immortal Robber didn't make a sound anymore. Luo Tian tried to enter the fourth heaven of the Black Lotus Space, but was bounced back by an extremely overbearing force, so he had to give up the idea of ​​spying on the Immortal Robber.


After a while, Luo Tian soared into the sky and flew towards the front quickly. With the complete map of Xubaoxing, he now has a weird feeling that he is the master of Xubaoxing, and all the burdens on his body are all gone. Let it go and relax.

After about a cup of tea, after passing through countless floating palaces, Luo Tian finally landed in a very inconspicuous floating palace. Different from other palaces, this palace is surrounded by black mountains. It was built, and the main peak in the middle, when viewed from the sky, faintly reflects a layer of dazzling white flowers, which seems to be covered with old snow.

clap clap!

Luo Tian quickly stepped on the ground with both feet, and after a few dodges, he arrived in front of one of the very orthodox ancient palaces. Without any hesitation, he dodged into the palace.

The palace is still empty, only those who are careful can realize that the floating palaces that Luo Tian walked through before all had eight stone pillars supporting the roof of the palace, but this palace has nine stone pillars supporting the roof of the palace.

Judging from the information left by the Robber Xianjun to Luo Tian, ​​the entrance to the center of Xu Baoxing's heart veins is in these nine stone pillars.

Luo Tian didn't know exactly how to tell where the entrance was, so he had to use the most stupid method, testing the stone pillars one by one, and finally when he found the fifth stone pillar, Luo Tian finally burst into tears There was a burst of joy.

"It should be it!"

Luo Tian carefully drove countless flaming sword qi, and kept tempering the restraining circle on the fifth stone pillar. After only one meal, all the restraining circles on the stone pillar were broken.


Just as Luo Tian stretched happily, a thick water wave gushed out from the fifth stone pillar, directly engulfing Luo Tian in it.


Ah Choo!Ah Choo!

A young man in Tsing Yi who was sitting on the top of a certain mountain sneezed twice in succession, then shivered and yawned.

"Where did Xiao Yizi go? Why hasn't he been seen for so long? With his strength, he shouldn't be killed. Brother, I have been waiting for him for such a long time. Fortunately, the restraining magic circle here Strong enough, Shen Guoqiang's group of idiots and Yaozu's group of idiots have been attacking for six years, but they have just entered the final stage, brother can still afford to wait, but waiting is a bit boring."

The young man in Tsing Yi is naturally the idle and flustered Chen Lin. With his frightening expendable fairy treasures, he quietly killed several Xuanxians along the way, and then found that Ao Wuchang and Chen Lin were leading With a large number of people attacking the last forbidden circle outside the area here, he was bored, so he had no choice but to practice carelessly. After practicing like this, six years have passed.

For Luo Tian, ​​Chen Lin couldn't talk about how he felt, but he was close to him. Therefore, Chen Lin, who had always been indifferent to the world, would think of Luo Tian from time to time.

"The speed of this group of coolies is really too slow. But my brother will definitely not help."

Chen Lin calmly looked back at the army of monsters who were desperately attacking the last layer of the prohibition circle, and slowly looked away, ready to wander around to see if there was anyone he could rob.

After getting along with Luo Tian for a long time, Chen Lin also fell in love with the extremely profitable activity of robbery, and devouring refining also made his strength grow faster than practicing.


As soon as he turned around, Chen Lin stared blankly behind him, and immediately uttered a cry of joy, and rushed forward to punch and kick.

"Fucking Luo Tian, ​​where the hell did you go, you miss me, brother! I'm so stupid... When did you break through to the realm of Xuanxian?!"

"Let go, let go!"

Who is the ugly white-clothed young man in a state of embarrassment before him, if not Luo Tian?

In the end, Luo Tian managed to escape from Chen Lin's salty pig, and laughed and cursed: "Xiao Linzi, I'm not good at short sleeves!"

"Quickly tell me! How did you break through to the Xuanxian realm?" Chen Lin yelled angrily, "Brother, I almost failed when I broke through to the Xuanxian realm. It took untold hardships to succeed!"

"Because I'm so handsome! God takes special care of me!" Luo Tian straightened his chest and laughed.

Chen Lin made a gesture of wanting to vomit, then sighed bitterly and shook his head continuously.

"What's wrong?" Luo Tian asked suspiciously.

"In a word, it looks too much like me!" Chen Lin sighed with a full face.


Luo Tian kicked Chen Lin into the air.

"Yo, what are all these people doing?"

At this time, Luo Tian finally noticed the situation tens of miles ahead, and couldn't help asking in a bit of bewilderment.

"Let's make way for our brothers! What else can they do, hehehe." Chen Lin smiled wretchedly and raised his brows, "Looking at the situation, there is still one or two hours at most before they will break the last layer of restraint law It's time."

In the end, Chen Lin didn't stalk Luo Tian's promotion to Xuanxian, and soon turned to the real business.

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