
Chapter 605 Half Demon Cave

Bang bang bang!Whoooo!

Next, I saw Chen Lin playing out the dazzling hand formula, and the countless sky-blue rays of light dispersed at once, fell rapidly in the void, and ruthlessly bombarded the thick gray ground, sending out bursts of light. There was a deafening sound, but the strange thing was that there was no smoke and dust flying up from the ground, but it was like a farce, and there was no response.

Luo Tian was still admiring Chen Lin's exquisite and mysterious moves just now, but now he couldn't help but frowned slightly. With this appearance, it seems that Sha Minglei naturally had a follow-up move that he didn't show that day.

As soon as Luo Tian thought of this, he found that all the places that had been blasted by the evil thunder just now, the ground surged like a stream of water, and then the ground seemed to collapse suddenly, dissipating one after another, and finally turned into smoke, slowly Slowly drifting away from the air.

"It's so powerful!"

Luo Tian couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice in surprise, seeing that the ground in front of the two of them had sunk at least hundreds of feet deep, it was so dark that the bottom could not be seen with the naked eye alone, it was really shocking.

"The quality of these celestial evil spirits can only be considered average. I knew they were so powerful, so I spent some effort to get some high-quality ones. Even if I ran into a few Xuanxians, I wouldn't be afraid. Throw the Heavenly Fiend and Minglei at the other party, and the world will be clean." Chen Lin chuckled, his face full of wretchedness.


Luo Tian said lightly, but did not speak. The ground where the two of them were standing just now did have some forbidden magic circles, but after Chen Lin Tiansha Minglei bombarded them like money, all of these forbidden magic circles were destroyed in an instant. go.

"Let's hurry up and collect the spirit veins!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian's figure moved, and he was in mid-air in an instant, his eyes flashed, and he waved his hands quickly, transforming into countless purple lotus flowers wrapped in flames, and then flew towards the sky. The spirit vein shrouded it.

"You make the first move again!"

With a strange cry, Chen Lin followed Luo Tian into the sky unwillingly, and began to collect the spirit veins flying in the air with his supernatural powers.

"Don't worry, the spirit veins here add up to five, you and I are half of each other, don't worry."

Luo Tian smiled lightly, his face froze suddenly, and immediately transformed into a big hand with a radius of tens of thousands of feet. When the empty cover fell, he instantly grabbed a second-order spiritual vein that seemed to have the most abundant spiritual energy. The aura in his body was so rich that it almost condensed into substance, like pieces of extremely bright and beautiful transparent emeralds, which made people feel at ease at a glance.

"Shameless! That's what I saw first!"

With a ghostly howl, Chen Lin rushed over directly, intending to compete with Luo Tian for the second-order spiritual vein with the most abundant spiritual energy.

"Obviously I shot first." Luo Tian sighed helplessly, and waved his hand, "Okay, I'll leave it to you, and the one next to it will belong to me after all."

After finishing speaking, Luo Tian moved his big hand and photographed it in the air. Next to it, a second-order spiritual vein that was one size smaller entered Luo Tian's inner world before Chen Lin could see it clearly.

"Hey, you are loyal enough." Chen Lin quickly accepted the second-order spiritual vein that seemed to have the most aura, and then started to attack the other second-order spiritual veins.

Luo Tian's complexion remained unchanged, but he secretly laughed in his heart. Chen Lin was indeed quite alert, but the second-order spirit vein he collected just now was no better than the one that seemed to have the most spiritual energy that Chen Lin had collected. Bad, even, more than that.

Of course, now Luo Tian naturally didn't have the time to observe this rather strange second-order spirit vein, so he had to follow Chen Lin to start collecting other spirit veins.

In just a short while, the spirit veins flying in the air were scoured by the two of them. The two of them each obtained sixteen second-level spirit veins and four third-level spirit veins, which can be regarded as a small gain.

"Go, continue!"

At the moment, the two of them didn't stay any longer, they directly returned to the hidden moving space transformed by Chen Lin, and continued to fly forward quickly.

"Xiao Yizi, I didn't expect you to be lucky." Chen Lin laughed teasingly, "Hey, what should we do next?"

"Let me see."

Afterwards, Luo Tian pretended to display the Mysterious Light Mirror Dao Technique, and began to move his fingers on it, sometimes frowning, and sometimes stretching out, Chen Lin was speechless from this expression.

"This way!"


"It's this way, it's the wrong way, go back, hurry up!"

"There is an unknown monster in front of this passage, turn around."

Next, it was Chen Lin's difficult days. Under Luo Tian's command, he took the wrong passage several times, and the doubts in his heart disappeared naturally, and he was never seen again.

Luo Tian didn't feel at ease with Chen Lin, so why did Chen Lin hand over his life to Luo Tian?

The way these two people acted like this was not because they were not sincere enough in making friends, but because they were used to being cautious, so it was reasonable to do so.In the vast stage of the Immortal World, few people are fools. Even if they are fools, they will become more cautious after staying in the Immortal World for a long time.Unless you really have a huge background.

"Here, it should be right!" Luo Tian suddenly pointed to a passage and said.

"Are you sure? You won't go wrong again this time, right?" Chen Lin yelled with a face full of confusion, "The ancient fierce beast that I met just now, thanks to my brother running fast, otherwise even if you and I can deal with it together, You have to pay some price!"

"There will be no mistakes this time." Luo Tian said indifferently, "I was wrong, please go to Hanyuexing to have fun, how do you think?"

"make a deal!"

Chen Lin's face was full of joy and excitement, and that look was simply wishing that Luo Tian had better be wrong, and that he could also go to Hanyuexing to have a good time.

"... "

Luo Tian looked at it and was quite speechless. Fortunately, he knew all the general routes of Xu Baoxing, otherwise he would probably lose a lot of money.

After a moment.

After the two of them passed through countless passages, the vision in front of them finally became wider, and the passages were at least hundreds of thousands of feet high.

"This time it is suitable for the monster clan to live in!" Chen Lin wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "It is said that the monster clan's body is extremely huge, and the previous passages are at most enough for the monster clan to pass through. Passing, it's a fool's dream!"


When Chen Lin said this, Luo Tian immediately had a flash of inspiration in his mind, as if he had faintly sensed something, but the flash of inspiration disappeared quickly, leaving him no time to think about it carefully.

"Look what that is!"

Soon, Chen Lin screamed.

Luo Tian recovered from his thoughts, looked up and saw an area with flowers and plants in front of them. This place seemed to be a cave of its own, which was amazing.

It's just that in this beautiful cave, there are more or less countless transparent crystals hanging from the flowers, plants and towering trees, and some strange-looking creatures are also sealed in the crystals.

"These are monster races, not like them, they are quite similar to human races." Chen Lin couldn't help looking at these crystals with some headaches.

"If my predictions are correct, the ones sealed in these crystals should be half-demons." Luo Tian said after watching for a moment.

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